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School Open Ended Questions

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Open ended questions, generally speaking, are great. They allow you to explore every area of thought, without the fear of rejection or giving an incorrect answer. Or at least that is what should happen. Often times in the education process, teachers will ask a question and say there is no right answer to it, but when a student responds in a way that is contrary to what they think, they quickly move on to give their more correct idea. Only the teacher’s opinion is made to really matter, because ultimately, their words become the correct answer to a test question, or the key to understanding a concept later on. I learned that lesson first hand from my fifth grade teacher. My experience was that of an oppressive, banking concept style teacher, …show more content…
This is, of course, a very in depth psychological question. It has so many possible answers that it is really up to personal interpretation how it should be answered. As a group of fifth graders, no one could immediately come up with a response they saw fit to share with the class. Eventually, a brave soul spoke up, suggesting maybe the groups could be men and women, neglecting to take into account the third group. To this the teacher chuckled to himself and said “Oh yeah? What would that make the third group? Homosexuals?” This, of course, embarrassed the student who spoke up and discouraged everyone else from sharing their ideas, forcing the teacher to give everyone a suitable response: his own. “All people can be categorized into the three groups of long hair, short hair, or no hair. Three other groups could be dark skin, light skin, or neutral colored skin.” On and on the teacher continued, supplying multiple correct responses to his rhetorical question while not giving any thought to students’ responses. I believe this is a perfect model of Freire’s concept of the “banking concept” of …show more content…
Anything would’ve been better than how the teacher actually responded. He ridiculed the student’s idea and didn’t allow any time to explore the possibility that maybe the student was on to something. He did not allow the student to grow or develop his own thoughts. The teacher took away the student´s ability to learn, and instead, taught them how to memorize and be oppressed.
In Freire’s text, he says that knowledge can only come by inquiry and the process of discovery that is different for every person (217). If someone is not allowed to develop their own ideas, they cannot actually say they have learned anything. They have instead become a receptacle for their oppressor to dump in (216). A teacher’s responsibility, especially when they have charge over students at such an impressionable age, should be to allow them to discover new channels of thinking, not force their own ideas down the children's’

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