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Mercury Exposure Case Study Essay

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1) What questions do you ask of Dr. Levin and of the local Arkansas health department?
Human exposure to mercury even in small quantity is never a thing medically which may cause some serious health problems, and could be a threat to the lives of these young adults. Metallic mercury exposure is toxic to the central and peripheral nervous systems. The inhalation of mercury vapor, as the case of one of the teens who smoked mercury laced cigarette can produce harmful effects on the nervous, digestive and immune systems, lungs and kidneys, and may be fatal if not properly treated. Mercury on its own is corrosive to the skin, eyes and even gastrointestinal tract, which could induce kidney toxicity if taken orally. For these reasons therefore, I …show more content…
To conduct an appropriate biomonitoring for mercury exposure I would suggest the following:
1) Study group: What population is the target of the study? How many study subjects can be included in the study? How should we identify the study subjects (individuals) to be included in the study?
2) I would suggest actions and protocols needed to ensure that the study is done in an ethical manner and would map out procedures to be used to ensure the security and privacy of their information?
3) Health assessment: I would also suggest the study include a medical exam for everyone.
4) Tissue measurements: Suggesting what body tissues should be sampled, how would the collected samples be preserved, what analytical methods to be used are integral part of biomonitoring.
8) How frequently would you recommend specimen collection and analysis? When would you halt biomonitoring?
I would recommend urine samples to be collected over a 24-hour period preferably in the morning and blood test to measure high level mercury. Secondly, I would halt biomonitoring when provision of samples for biomonitoring may be a burden in occupational setting (such as blood

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