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Dry Ice Research Paper

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Words 521
Pages 3
Taylor Iverson

Mr. Fazzini

Science Chapter 2 Paper

Oct 21, 2015

Dry Ice is frozen carbon dioxide, a normal part of our earth's atmosphere. It is the gas that we exhale during breathing and the gas that plants use in photosynthesis. It is also the same gas commonly added to water to make soda water. This gas is often captured during industrial processes and recycled to make Dry Ice. Dry Ice can be used for many different things. "Dry Ice Information - All about Dry Ice." Dry Ice Information - All about Dry Ice. Web. 23 Oct. 2015.
Dry Ice is colder than ice, it can sometimes be pretty dangerous to the skin and can cause burns in some cases. Although dry ice may look “cool” it can still harm you. Before you learn the uses of dry ice you must learn the harm it can cause and also how to prevent harming yourself. One way that dry ice can harm you is by swallowing it, if swallowed it may burn your esophagus and cause stomach damage. One way to prevent that is by simply not getting the dry ice anywhere near your mouth. "Dry Ice Information - All about Dry Ice." Dry Ice Information - All about Dry Ice. Web. 23 Oct. 2015. …show more content…
Some of the most famous ways that dry ice is used is, Camping, and Bed Bug Removal. Some ice cream parlors even make their ice cream using dry ice. The ice cream is often made directly in front of you. So that you can witness the best and most creative way to make ice cream. "Dry Ice Uses." Iceman Toronto. Web. 23 Oct. 2015.

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