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Bike Thief Research Paper

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in this essay i will be talking about the different ways people act upon certain situations based on specific details about the situation. For example say there was a blind guy that couldn't find a store or walk across the street. Im gonna tell you why people will make their decisions based upon race, culture, objects, Etc.

so first off people have much different opinions. Everyones different. Wether you were raised on a thought or belief or just came up with a thought on your own, for example people can be born into christianity, catholicism, or in some instances people can be born with beliefs that one race may be better than another. So if a man was laying on the street and he was black and you were white, your first instinct would usually be to see if the man needs help, but say you were maybe racist or sexist then your opinion on what you would do might be much different and the outcome of the situation might change drastically and a tragedy could happen. …show more content…
In the bike thief video they had a teenage boy and a teenage girl. When it was the boys turn to steal the bike many people were against what he was doing, many people called the police and many just walked by. Then when it was the girls turn to steal the bike people actually came up to her and helped. Most of the people who had helped her were men and i think this happened because maybe the guys had some king of physical attraction to the girl or were just trying to be "civil" and they were trying to be nice to her so then since the guys are being nice then the outcomes change. They didn't call the cops, they didn't yell at her so therefore the outcome is different because the girl may now think that its okay to be doing what she is doing and she might try to do it again. this means that mankind could be more open to a situation based on gender or race. so don't prohibit something because of physical appearance, do whats

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abdicate (v.) to give up a position, usually one of leadership (When he realized that the revolutionaries would surely win, the king abdicated his throne.) abduct (v.) to kidnap, take by force (The evildoers abducted the fairy princess from her happy home.) aberration (n.) something that differs from the norm (In 1918, the Boston Red Sox won the World Series, but the success turned out to be an aberration, and the Red Sox have not won a World Series since.) abet (v.) to aid, help, encourage (The spy succeeded only because he had a friend on the inside to abet him.) SAT Vocabulary SAT Vocabulary A abhor (v.) to hate, detest (Because he always wound up kicking himself in the head when he tried to play soccer, Oswald began to abhor the sport.) abide 1. (v.) to put up with (Though he did not agree with the decision, Chuck decided to abide by it.) 2. (v.) to remain (Despite the beating they’ve taken from the weather throughout the millennia, the mountains abide.) abject (adj.) wretched, pitiful (After losing all her money, falling into a puddle, and breaking her ankle, Eloise was abject.) abjure (v.) to reject, renounce (To prove his honesty, the President abjured the evil policies of his wicked predecessor.) abnegation (n.)...

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