...or business related topic; (b) samples letters from a reference source; or (c) correspondence you have sent or received within your organization or with an outside organization/ person on a business topic. Please submit paper to Assignments folder with a copy of a plagiarism report and your Certificate of Originality. Compose a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that includes response, and rationale. The count does not include the messages inserted in the Appendix. Use headings and subheadings to organize paper Analyze these messages using the communication process ( UOP Material: Appendix A). The analysis should include the following: Descriptions of the purpose, sender, receiver, message, environment, technology, noise, and feedback Explanations of whether the message and technology were appropriate given the environment and purpose Respond to one of these messages and insert it as Appendix D in the Appendix Section. Use direct, effective writing techniques. Explain how the content, media, and technology of the feedback are appropriate for the purpose and audience of all the messages. Insert each of these messages as separate appendices (A, B, C and D) in an Appendix Section following the Reference section. See Pages 4 and 12-16 of the Sample APA Student Paper for Style and Mechanics for examples of how to format an appendix reference in the text and in the end Appendix Section . Organize the paper to reflect an introduction, body/discussion and conclusion...
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...There is also a course project: Your company is currently planning to automate many different system administration tasks. Your manager has asked you to research a system administration task and implement it using VBScript. In addition, your manager would like to see both a proposal that describes the system administration task and a complete VBScript solution with sample output runs. During the first 6 weeks of this course, you will be introduced to a variety of topics in VBScript. These topics include the following. VBScript Introduction: Variables, Constants, and Data Types VBScript Output Methods, VBScript Input Methods VBScript Decision-Making Statements VBScript Loop Structures and Arrays VBScript Procedures and Functions VBScript File Input/Output Methods The Course Project is worth 170 points and is comprised of the following deliverables. Week 3: Outline (30 points) Week 6: Complete proposal (140 points) The following is a list of guidelines for your Course Project, due in Week 6. The complete proposal should include the following. Introduction Description of program (script) Source Code with detailed comments Source Code should contain a minimum 5 out of 6 topics learned during this session. Explain the output along with screenshots of the...
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...other students. Therefore, your teacher may use this to test you on a lot of things. The assignment will also have different aims. With the aim of the paper in mind, your teacher will use this to determine if the research topic ought to be given to you or you have to select the topic on your own. If the teacher wants to have something particular from the students, for example, their level of understanding of interpretation of question, the topic will be provided to the students.If the idea of your topic has been settled, you will have to compose your assignment paper taking into consideration the basic principles of a good research paper. Your assignment paper will start with an introduction, a body, followed by a conclusion. You should not just jump into the introduction. You can only begin the introduction subsequent to conducting some preliminary research on the research paper topic. Preliminary research is what will give an arrangement and a purpose to your paper. This is because you have to know where to start your paper and what direction your paper should take. If you are already...
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...title page, prepared in the same format as the Sample Internship title is given at the end. Page submitted with the original signatures of Program coordinator. The date on the title page will depend on the semester you will receive your degree. 2. Acknowledgements If you wish, you may include a page with a brief note of dedication or acknowledgment of help received from particular persons. 3. Table of Contents The contents page should clearly and accurately index the page numbers of the various sections of the dissertation. Spelling of headings should be accurate (an aspect often missed by students). 4. A Brief Executive Summary of the Internship Executive summary must be included in your internship report. It contains (a) state the problem or problems that you worked on or page summary of the company/institution; (b) brief description your activities; (c) summarize the findings. Limit it to 350 words in length. It should be 1.5 spaced, using only one side of the paper, and should be within the internship report margin requirements and Its pages should be assigned a place in the small Roman number sequence for the preliminary pages, but the numbers should not be displayed on the executive summary pages themselves. 5. Main body of report The first page of either an introduction or a first chapter should be numbered “1” in Arabic numerals. Main body of report should be divided into two parts. 1. Part-I: Introduction, overview of organization and organization structure...
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...Nesbitt-Johnston Writing Center Hamilton College Clinton, NY 13323 INTRODUCTIONS AND THESIS STATEMENTS Introductions The introduction is a key paragraph for both readers and writers. First impressions matter. The reader will be more inclined to read a paper and consider a position if the initial paragraph is clear, organized, and engaging. For the writer, a carefully crafted first paragraph acts as a springboard, establishing the order and direction for the entire paper. The form and content of an introduction depend upon many factors, including the specifics of the assignment, the intended audience, the style of the discipline, and the expectations of your professor. In general, your introduction should • capture the reader’s attention • reflect the question raised by the assignment • provide essential context for your topic • define key terms Most importantly, your introduction should • convey the pattern of organization you will follow in the paper • build to the thesis sentence: a clear, concise statement of the specific position you will explore in your paper Outline first Outline your argument as fully as possible before starting the first draft. Outlining first helps you to see the shape of your argument, making writing the draft much easier. Start focused Avoid broad openers; start your argument right away. Do not open with empty filler such as “Since the beginning of time” or “For thousands of years, men, both good and evil.” Open with a sentence...
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...Structure and Pattern of Introduction of Business Related Discipline Research Articles Qing Tian I. Introduction Business and economics papers have made a significant contribution to the development of the corporations and economics growth. However, it may be difficult for the readers to fully understand the materials if the structure of the papers is very complicated. In recent decades, there is an increasing trend in the complicacy of business and economics papers (Ellison, 2000). This phenomenon will induce more complexity in comprehending profound research papers. Regarding it, some basic models have been invented to give a general guideline of the building blocks of the research papers. For example, for writing an introduction of an article, Swales (1990) introduced a rhetorical pattern called create-a-research-space (CARS) which segments the introduction into three major parts, namely move 1, 2 and 3. The move 1 aims to give a background information of the topic of the research paper, depicting a general picture of which area the paper will fall into. The next move known as niche basically serves to connect move 1 and 3, illustrating the motive and inspiration of the paper (Swales & Feak, 2012). Followed by niche is the main purpose of the article. By presenting in either a purposive or descriptive way, the author can show a ultimate goal of the article. However, although some kinds of standardizations have been made to formalize the research papers, the construction...
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...ADVOCACY ESSAY: PEER REVIEW MEMO When you are ready to review a peer’s essay, open this document in one window and the essay in another window (you’ll be cutting and pasting information from the essay into this memo. Place your cursor in the gray field to record your answer. Refer to specific parts of paper by paragraph number. Reviewer’s Name: Karen Adame Title of Essay Reviewed: Intervention Programs for Youth to Reduce Deliquency Author’s Name: Jessica Leal-Rosas Date: 6/4/13 GENERAL COMMENTS Begin by reading your peer’s essay all the way through. Mark areas that are difficult to read, or don’t make sense, or that you think have some grammatical/usage problems. When you have read through the entire essay, come back and choose up to five sentences/areas that you marked for readability. Copy the text and insert it here, along with the paragraph number. You do not have to identify the error or fix it… just locate problems. No more than five sentences: For the past decades, researchers such as Peter Greenwood have focused their attention… Indeed, any program that is introduced to help reduce… After having read the whole paper through the first time, write out a few “big picture” comments. What one element of the paper do you think needs the most work before your peer turns it in as a final draft? There are several grammar errors and to explain what are concepts such as zero tolerance and get tough on crime. If you had to grade it right now based...
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...How to Write a Critique The critique is a rigorous critical reading of a passage. As such, it picks up where the objective summary leaves off. In fact, a critique often includes a brief summary so that its readers will be able to quickly grasp the main ideas and proofs of the passage under examination. Critiques come in all shapes and sizes, but a good way to get used to writing critically is to plan your earliest critiques along the following lines. First, read the passage thoroughly. Make plenty of notes, ask lots of questions, and highlight or underline anything you may wish to quote in your paper. Spend some time on this step. It is impossibly to adequately critique something if you don't fully understand it. Next, write a summary. Identify the author's main point (thesis) and list the types of proofs he or she employs to persuade the reader to believe or accept the thesis. For example, does the author use historical anecdotes, quote noted authorities, provide statistical evidence, or appeal to a reader's sense of patriotism or generosity? These are all common types of proofs used in persuasive writing. You should also try to figure out why the author is writing, and to whom. Remember that the purpose of a paper and its intended audience can affect the way the paper is written. Now, set your own agreement or disagreement with the author aside for a moment and investigate the validity of his or her argument. Does the author provide complete and accurate information...
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...Planning a Presentation © 2013 Learning Development Basic structure (e.g. 20 min presentation) 2 • Introduction (1-2 mins) • Body or discussion: – 3-5 sections (3-5 mins each) • Conclusion (1-2 mins) March 6, 2013 LD Planning a Presentation | www.newcastle.edu.au The Introduction • Greet the audience • Gain their attention – how? • Tell them what to expect – topic, purpose, outline • ‘Housekeeping’ – documents, questions March 6, 2013 3 LD Planning a Presentation | www.newcastle.edu.au The Introduction: tell them what to expect • Topic: – We are discussing the marketing plan of Company X… 4 • Purpose: – We’ll be analysing the current marketing strategy in order to make recommendations for future action • Outline: – We’ll do this through a situational analysis and a SWOT analysis. We will then outline objectives, alternative strategies, and, finally, present an action plan March 6, 2013 LD Planning a Presentation | www.newcastle.edu.au Body of the Presentation • 3-5 Sections – Select key themes/points – Include details to illustrate these – Decide what can be omitted – Don’t have too many visuals • Signpost: introduce & conclude each section 5 March 6, 2013 LD Planning a Presentation | www.newcastle.edu.au The Body (cont’d): ‘signposting’ • Introduce: – Firstly, I’d like to analyse the internal factors for company X… • Conclude: – It is apparent, therefore, that while the company’s capabilities vary, the company’s...
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...Initial impressions of Gatsby - Chapters 1-4 We see and hear relatively little of Gatsby in the opening chapter of the novel; he is presented as an almost ephemeral, ghost like figure. However we are drawn to his character by the way he is described: ‘There was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life’. Consequently, Every time he is mentioned there is always something to interrupt which adds to the mysteriousness of his character. At the end of chapter 1 we catch a glimpse of him where he is bonded with strong romantic imagery, he comes out to see ‘the silver pepper of the stars’ and is spotted when ‘the silhouette of a moving cat wavered across the moonlight’. Fitzgerald combines the purity and romance of Gatsby’s dream with these symbols. On the contrary when he gives a ‘sudden imitation that he was content to be alone’ by stretching out his arms towards the ‘dark water in a curious way’ the purity of his character seems to disappear as the ‘single green light, minute and far away’ suggests the ill omen of his character. In Chapter 3 Fitzgerald uses the part scene to introduce Gatsby to the reader, here Gatsby emerges as a mysterious character who is the subject of gossip, He is well known but ironically nobody seems to have any verifiable information about him. Nick then describes him and says ‘he had one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it’ the way Gatsby us portrayed is one of extreme modesty, he appears...
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...What are the values, needs, and beliefs of the audience? What are the motivations of the audience? What are the demographics of the audience? Analyze the following: • • • • • • Age Gender Education Group Affiliations Socio-economic Status Ethnicity 7. What is your context? • • • • • • • • • • Large or small audience? What are the expectations? Do current events affect your speech? Outdoors or indoors? Noise? Are appropriate teaching tools available? What is the size of the room? Is the audience seated or standing? Is the room hot or cold? Are there chairs or tables? INTRODUCTIONS AND CONCLUSIONS Purposes of the Introduction: To obtain the listener’s attention. To create a favorable first impression; if you lose them here, you may lose them for good. To arouse interest in your subject. To orient the audience to the different parts of your speech. 1. 2. 3. 4. Four Parts to an Introduction: 1. Attention-getting Phase—capture the interest of audience. 2. Orientation Phase—articulate the purpose and identify with audience (why should they listen?). 3. Credibility Phase—what type of expertise do you have? 4. Preview of Main Points—delineate main topics. First: ATTENTION-GETTING PHASE Ask Audience to Physically Move. Create Curiosity. Refer to the Setting or the Occasion. Compliment Your Audience. Use a Startling Statement or Statistic. Use a Quotation. Use Humor. Use a Short Story. Pose a Question. Second: ORIENTATION PHASE Introduce...
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...During the in class exercises I truly learned a lot about myself. I was completely amazed at how I never knew the things about myself. I remember on the first day of class we had this ice breaker/Activity we had done that really made me get in the spotlight. We had to introduce ourselves. As I walked in front of the class I realized that I was truly nervous. The closer and closer I got to the front of the class the more nervous I became. When I finally had reached the front I had turned to my peers and realized that all eyes were all on me. Being overwhelmed, I continued you on to the introduction of myself by saying “Hi, my name is Roman Guillory…” and the rest of my introduction. As I closed my remarks and had a seat I just set back and watched my peers as they tackled the same situation. Watching them speak made me feel better because I realized that they were feeling the same way that I had felt when I was up there. Another activity that I remember doing is the group activity. We all had to cut things out the magazine representing what looked ugly to us and what looked good. This activity really engaged us to communicate with each other effectively and ultimately decide which things we should do as a team. Even though we all had different personalities and viewed different things as looking bad or good, we all came to a considerable decision on what will be glued to the poster and what wasn’t. All in all, I truly liked most of the activities that we did in class and some them...
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... | | |Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature | | | | Introduction to Rev of Literature | | | | Foreign and Local Literature | | | | Foreign and Local Studies | | | | Synthesis | | |Chapter 3 Results and Discussions | | | |Narrative description of the result obtained from the survey questionnaire | | | |Chapter 4 | | | |Conclusions and recommendations | | |References | | |Appendices | | | Survey questionnaire (accomplished) | | |Financial Statement of your surveyed company | Sustainable Business Operation Survey Questionnaire The introduction of cleaner production/operation or sustainable business operation...
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...Case Study 2 -Internal Control Due by Sunday of week 5, 11:59PM, Mountain Time LJB Company, a local distributor, has asked your accounting firm to evaluate their system of internal controls because they are planning to go public in the future. The President wants to be aware of any new regulations required of his company if they go public so he met with a colleague of yours at a local restaurant. The President of the company explained the current system of internal controls to your colleague. Your colleague has since been promoted to a tax position so she has passed on the information below so you can generate recommendations for the partner at your accounting firm to share with the President of LJB Company. Since LJB Company is a relatively lean organization, they have a lot of faith in their long-term employees. They have one accountant who serves as Treasurer and Controller which streamlines many of their processes. In this dual role, he purchases all of the supplies and pays for these purchases. He also receives the checks and completes the monthly bank reconciliation. The accountant is so busy that the company handles petty cash a bit differently. All employees have access to the petty cash in a desk drawer and are asked to only place a note if they use any of the cash. The accountant has recently started using pre-numbered invoices and wants to buy an indelible ink machine to print their checks. The President is waiting to hear from you if this is a necessary purchase...
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...swinbourne university | Assesment 2A | Group 4 | | Amy TERZI | | | Assessment 2 Themes Table (Details will be provided in week 5) International Cuisines | | Italian (Marcus) | Greek | Vietnamese (Karen) | Australian (Candice) | French (Libby) | Traditional | - Antipasto-Primo | moussakka | banh mi | Meat Pie | Boef Bourgingion | Food and celebrations | - Tortellini (Christmas day)-colomba (easter) | easter avgolemono | banh chung | BBQ | | Delicacies - NA | - Saltimbocca-Lampredotto | NA | NA | N/A | NA | Famine food | - Wild ferns/ Weeds-Pitsockery | silignites | pho | Damper | Croque Monsieur | Space to discuss week 5’s activity and assignment 2A in your team. Further details will be provided in week 5. Note: This Wiki will be used to assess how well each of you has collaborated so it is important to make an active contribution here throughout the project. Is everyone okay with the graph??? - Marcus Name | Date | Idea | Marcus | 13/8/2014 | Hey guys, i see there is no communication just yet but lets start working together on this one :) i hope everyone is eager to getting it all going well.From the cliche this is what i have gathered from it:1- A light at the end of the tunnel - fairly sure that one is standard2 - A rolling stone gathers no moss is an old proverb, credited to Publilius Syrus, who in his Sententiae states, People who are always moving, with no roots in one place, avoid...
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