...Predicate Logic Example: All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. ··· Socrates is mortal. Note: We need logic laws that work for statements involving quantities like “some” and “all”. In English, the predicate is the part of the sentence that tells you something about the subject. 1 More on predicates Example: Nate is a student at UT. What is the subject? What is the predicate? Example: We can form two different predicates. Let P(x) be “x is a student at UT”. Let Q(x, y) be “x is a student at y”. Definition: A predicate is a property that a variable or a finite collection of variables can have. A predicate becomes a proposition when specific values are assigned to the variables. P(x1, x2, ..., xn) is called a predicate of n variables or n arguments. Example: She lives in the city. P(x,y): x lives in y. P(Mary, Austin) is a proposition: Mary lives in Austin. Example: Predicates are often used in if statements and loop conditions. if(x > 100) then y:= x ∗ x predicate T(x): x > 100 2 Domains and Truth Sets Definition: The domain or universe or universe of discourse for a predicate variable is the set of values that may be assigned to the variable. Definition: If P(x) is a predicate and x has domain U, the truth set of P(x) is the set of all elements t of U such that P(t) is true, ie {t ∈ U |P (t) is true} Example: U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} P(x): “x is even”. The truth set is: {2, 4, 6, 8, 10} 3 The Universal Quantifier: ∀ Turn predicates into propositions by assigning...
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...|[pic] |Course Syllabus | | |Information Systems & Technology | | |PRG/211 Version 4 | | |Algorithms and Logic for Computer Programming | Copyright © 2012, 2011, 2010 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course provides students with a basic understanding of programming development practices. Concepts covered include the application of algorithms and logic to the design and development of procedural and object oriented computer programs to address the problem solving requirements associated with business information systems. This course will cover procedural programming concepts including data types, controls structures, functional decomposition, arrays, and files, classes and objects. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document...
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...Phase One Individual Project: BeT Proposal Natalie Braggs IT106-1401A-03: Introduction to Programming Logic Colorado Technical University 01/12/2014 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Problem Solving Techniques (Week 1) 4 Data Dictionary 5 Equations 6 Expressions 7 8 Sequential Logic Structures (Week 2) 9 PAC (Problem Analysis Chart)-Transfers 10 IPO (Input, Processing, Output)-Viewing Balances 11 Structure Chart (Hierarchical Chart)-Remote Deposit 12 12 Problem Solving with Decisions (Week 3) 14 Problem Solving with Loops (Week 4) 15 Case Logic Structure (Week 5) 16 Introduction This Design Proposal (BET-Banking e-Teller) is going to show a banking application that allows customers to perform many of the needed transactions from the mobile phones. The Banking e-Teller will allow customers to check balances, make remote capture deposits, and perform transfers to their checking and/or savings accounts. Problem Solving Techniques (Week 1) Data Dictionary ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Techniques A data dictionary allows you see what data (items) you are going to use in your program, and lets you see what type of data type you will be using. Providing these important details allows the programmers to collectively get together and brainstorm on what is needed and not needed. Data Item | Data Item Name | Data Type | First name of account owner | firstName | String | Last name of account owner...
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...Pure Logic vs. Scientific Logic “Reasoning is an art, and reasoning about the natural world is the art that lies at the base of science” (Castel and Sismondo 55). Pure logic is “a form of reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity” (Oxford Dictionaries). In contrast, scientific logic is a form of reasoning in which a logical thought process is used to conduct experiments and research in order to reach a valid conclusion. Altogether, pure and scientific logic are different forms of reasoning used to solve everyday problems in life; yet, it is ‘scientific logic’ that is more prevalent in solving everyday problems, including critical interpretations of major problems on earth. Scientific logic is the best choice to cope with life problems in the midst of global issues; it helps facilitate our logical expertise in daily matters; it is both predictable and reliable; and on a greater scale, scientific logic helps us deal with the widespread problems on earth. With the growth of science and new emerging technologies, life is becoming more complicated, therefore relying purely on logic is insufficient. “Most of the time very little follows logically from what we know, and when we think that it does we learn that most of our knowledge consists of generalizations that don’t hold 100 percent of the time” (Castel and Sismondo 71). People live in a world of probability and because “scientific reasoning develops over time,” (Castel and Sismondo 74) they...
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... Nitesh Chaudhary (Asst.Proffessor) (POLITICAL SCIENCE) INTRODUCTION We look at Nationalism, as an...
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...Total Credits (6 Theory + 1 Lab.) 22 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY (REAL TIME SYSTEMS) I SEMESTER ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE UNIT I Concept of instruction format and instruction set of a computer, types of operands and operations; addressing modes; processor organization, register organization and stack organization; instruction cycle; basic details of Pentium processor and power PC processor, RISC and CISC instruction set. UNIT II Memory devices; Semiconductor and ferrite core memory, main memory, cache memory, associative memory organization; concept of virtual memory; memory organization and mapping; partitioning, demand paging, segmentation; magnetic disk organization, introduction to magnetic tape and CDROM. UNIT III IO Devices, Programmed IO, interrupt driver IO, DMA IO modules, IO addressing; IO channel, IO Processor, DOT matrix printer, ink jet printer, laser printer. Advanced concepts; Horizontal and vertical instruction format, microprogramming, microinstruction sequencing and control; instruction pipeline; parallel processing; problems in parallel processing; data hazard, control hazard. UNIT IV ILP software approach-complier techniques-static branch protection-VLIW approach-H.W...
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...Introduction At first thought, logic seemed nothing more than common sense. An initial assumption of logic was that it is something used by everyone, to validate the truth of something. After learning more about logic, there is a more in-depth understanding. Originally, logic was thought to be common sense; a practical judgment and understanding of the matter at hand. The sky is blue. That seems logical because we see the sky is blue. That is a logically true statement that can be validated with the truth. The statement “ the sky is blue “ is common sense, and no-one would debate the color of the sky. So, to me, a comparison between logic and common sense went hand in hand. Logic...
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...FULLCHIPDESIGN Digital-logic Design... Dream for many students… start learning front-end… Chip Designing for ASIC/ FPGA Design engineers and Students Legal Disclaimer @TYH :- 4G LTE Long Term Evolution Tutorial, CloudComputing Send 124 people recommend this. Recommend Computer Organization. Memory Organization. Cache Organization. Interrupt controller. Search Binary subtraction Discussion proof of binary subt Search Binary numbers addition is straight forward process while binary subtractions involve three fundamentals. VHDL Test Benches Generate VHDL models from timing diagrams or logic analyzer data. www.syncad.com Binary Numbers 1s_complement 2s_complement Binary Subtraction Binary Sub. Ex's Sign_magnitude SignM EX Gray Coding BCD coding Digital gates NAND NOR & XNOR Theorems Boolean Functions BFunc Examples Minterm Maxterm Sum of Minterms Prdt of Maxterms 2 var K-map 3 var K-map 4 var K-map 5 var K-map Prime Implicant PI example K-map Ex's KMap minimization Binary Subtraction: Suppose, M is Minuend and N is subtrahend Then, M – N can be done based on following three steps: Step 1: Take 2’s complement of N and add it to M. M – N = M + (2^n – N) Step 2: If M is greater than or equal to N then end carry is discarded from the result M –N = M + (2^n – N) – 2^n Step 3: If M is less than N then take 2’s complement of the result and append negative ‘-‘ sign in front M-N = (-) [2^n – (M + (2^n -1))] Example 1 : Perform binary subtraction of two...
Words: 667 - Pages: 3
...Categorical Syllogism I. Definition II. Three categorical propositions III. General Rules 1) Number of terms in the syllogism. 2) How to determine the three terms in the syllogism. 3) Distribution of the major and minor terms in the syllogism. 4) Distribution of the major and minor terms in the syllogism. 5) The quality of the premises. 6) The quality of the premises. 7) The quality of the premises. 8) The quantity of the premises. 9) The quantity of the premises. IV. Figure 1) SUB-PRE (Subject-predicate) 2) PRE-PRE (Predicate-predicate) 3) SUB-SUB (Subject-subject) 4) PRE-SUB (Predicate-subject) V. Moods 1) SUB-PRE (AA, AI, EA, EI) (AAA) 2) PRE-PRE (AE, AO,EA, EI) (AEE) 3) SUB-SUB (AA, AI, EA, EI, IA, OA) (AAI) 4) PRE-SUB (AA, AE, EA, EI, IA) (EAO) Categorical Syllogism I. Definition Syllogism is a mediate inference because the agreement or disagreement between two ideas or propositions is known through the mediation of a third idea or proposition. It is a process of reasoning or inference where one can determine the agreement or disagreement between two ideas with the third idea and from which deductively/inductively form a conclusion. II. Three categorical propositions 1) Major Premise- is the predicate of the conclusion and is also found in the major premise.. 2) Minor Premise- is the subject of the conclusion and appear in...
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...Service-dominant logic: continuing the evolution Stephen L. Vargo & Robert F. Lusch Received: 3 July 2007 / Accepted: 6 July 2007 / Published online: 1 August 2007 # Academy of Marketing Science 2007 Abstract Since the introductory article for what has become known as the “service-dominant (S-D) logic of marketing,” “Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Marketing,” was published in the Journal of Marketing (Vargo, S. L., & Lusch, R. F. (2004a)), there has been considerable discussion and elaboration of its specifics. This article highlights and clarifies the salient issues associated with S-D logic and updates the original foundational premises (FPs) and adds an FP. Directions for future work are also discussed. Keywords Service-dominant logic . New-dominant logic . Service Introduction In the few years since we published the first article on what has become known as “service-dominant (S-D) logic,” “Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Marketing” (Vargo and Lusch 2004a), there has been substantial concurrence, debate, dialog, and inquiry. These varied responses began with the seven commentaries invited by Ruth Bolton (2004), the Journal of Marketing editor who published the article. Additionally, in the publication of The Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing: Dialog, Debate and Directions (Lusch and Vargo 2006b), 50 well-recognized scholars reacted and responded to and elaborated S-D logic. The reactions and elaborations continued in the Otago Forum...
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...Critical Thinking Journal Brien Derrick PHI 103: Informal Logic Prof. Michael Rings December 22, 2014 Initially after reviewing the week 1 requirements and the introduction to the “Critical Thinking Quiz” I was confident of my knowledge, that confidence was quickly removed after taking the quiz and missing 8 of the 25. I was a little down on myself and will admit that the quiz was much tougher than I initially thought. After taking the quiz and watching the videos several times I believe that this course is trying to teach students different ways to comprehend not just this course but others as well. If successful those students can carry that knowledge forward with them in their personal and professional lives, hopefully making a difference along the way. Philosophy was and still is used as a way to understand the human nature and the reality of the way we live (Mosser, 2011). There is no reason why we as humans could apply some of the tools provided in this course to better our lives and the people we encounter daily. One of my goals for changing critical thinking and reasoning skills would be to improve my knowledge, I believe that to a certain extent philosophy could help me to become a better father, teacher, and student. Another area that would be beneficial is Logic and Reasoning. My current place of employment is very entertaining one reason is because the people that I work with are for the most part very enjoyable and the other is because no one takes...
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...CPU’s and ALU’s Table of content Page 1 Introduction Page 2 CPU Page 3 CPU Pictures Page 4 ALU Page 5 ALU Picture Page 6 Introduction CPU Many people consider the CPU (Central Processing Unit) to be the brains of the computer. This is not true because, for the most part, the CPU cannot keep data stored inside it like a human brain. It is used to process much of the information needed by the computer, just like our brain thinks and processes information and gives orders to our other body parts. ALU Stands for (Arithmetic Logic Unit). An ALU is an integrated circuit within a CPU that performs arithmetic and logic operations. Arithmetic instructions include addition, subtraction, and shifting operations, while logic instructions include AND, OR, XOR, and NOT operations. CPU (Central Processing Unit) CPU (Central Processing Unit) - otherwise known as a processor - is an electronic circuit that can execute computer programs. Both the miniaturization and standardization of CPUs have increased their presence far beyond the limited application of dedicated computing machines. Modern microprocessors appear in everything from automobiles to mobile phones. The clock rate is one of the main characteristics of the CPU when performance is concerned. Clock rate is the fundamental rate in cycles per second (measured in hertz, kilohertz, megahertz or gigahertz) for the frequency of the clock in any synchronous circuit...
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...CRITICAL THINKING (HCT 1012) Question I : Geek Logics and Metaphysics in Critical Thinking Question II : Modern Western Philosophy in Critical Thinking Name : Muhammad Abid bin Ariffin Matric No : BS-04/12-00052 I/C No : 940621-10-5287 Session : 2013/2014 (03) Name of Lecturer : Mr. N.Krishnan Table of Content No. | Particular | Page | 1 | Acknowledgements | | 2 | Introduction | | 3 | Question I : Geek Logics and Metaphysics in Critical Thinking | | 4 | i.Background | | 5 | ii.Contribution | | 6 | Question II : Modern Western Philosophy in Critical Thinking | | 7 | i.Background | | 8 | ii.Contribution | | 9 | Conclusion | | 10 | Refference | | Acknowledgements I would like tyo thank Mr. N.Krishnan for assistance in conducting Critical Thiunking’s class and the following reviewers for their helpful cemment and suggestions on an earlier draft of this paper. Thanks to the legenda’s wifi for the internet access to accesss all the information. Thanks to god give me evergy to do this task. Thanks to my parents for give me support. Introduction Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. Someone with critical thinking skills is able to do the following : * understand the logical connections between ideas * identify, construct and evaluate arguments * detect inconsistencies and common mistakes in reasoning * solve...
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...the ability of the student in understanding the concepts related to this area of engineering. The objective is to train the students on the various tools used to solve problems related to the design of digital systems. These include: i) binary number system; ii) conversion between number systems; iii) Boolean algebra; iv) logic gates; v) Karnaugh maps; vi) combinational and sequential logic; vii) SSI and MSI design; viii) flip-flops; ix) counters; x) registers; xi) memories; and, xii) state machines. The problem solving and experimental skills of the student in the above areas are enhanced by a co-requisite Laboratory Course held on a weekly basis. COURSE PREREQUISITES CSI 201: Introduction to Computing PREREQUISITES BY TOPICS The student should have the general background in computers and algebra. COURSE CREDITS 3 Credit Hours INSTRUCTION TECHNIQUE Lectures will be used predominantly. These will be supported by problem sets and design projects, which include virtual instrumentation projects using LabVIEWTM. REQUIRED TEXT Marcovitz A.B. Introduction to Logic Design, Third Edition. McGraw Hill, 2010. REFERENCES Marcovitz A. B. Introduction to Logic Design, 2/E. McGraw-Hill, 2005. Morris Mano. Digital Design, 3/E. Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA: Prentice Hall. Floyd. Digital Fundamentals, 7/E. Upper Saddle...
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...Scheme and Syllabus of B.E. (Computer Science and Engineering) 3rd TO 8th Semester 2013-2014 University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Panjab University, Chandigarh Scheme of Examination of B.E. in Computer Science & Engineering Second Year - Third Semester Subject Title Scheme of Teaching Univesity Sr.No Paper Code External L T P Hour Credits Marks s 1. CSE311 Data Structures 3 1 0 4 4 50 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Total Second Year -Fourth Semester Sr.No Paper Code 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CSE411 CSE461 CSE412 CSE462 CSE414 CSE464 Subject Title Scheme of Teaching L 3 0 3 0 3 0 T 1 0 1 0 1 0 P 0 3 0 3 0 3 Hours 4 3 4 3 4 3 Credit 4 2 4 2 4 2 University External Marks 50 50 50 CSE361 CSE313 CSE363 AS301 EC316 EC366 EC317 EC367 Data Structures (Practical) Peripheral Devices & Interfaces Hardware Lab (Practical) Engineering Mathematics – III Digital Electronics Digital Electronics (Practical) Microprocessors Microprocessors (Practical) 0 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 15 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 5 3 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 09 3 4 2 4 4 2 4 2 29 2 4 1 4 4 1 4 1 25 50 50 50 50 250 Internal Total Sessional Marks 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 450 100 50 100 50 100 100 50 100 50 700 7. 8. Total ASC405 CSE 415 Analysis & Design of Algorithms Analysis & Design of Algorithms (Practical) Database Management System Database Management System (Practical) Object Oriented Programming Object Oriented Programming (Practical) Cyber Law & IPR Computer Architecture & Organization Internal Total Sessional Marks 50...
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