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Invasive Species: Red Fire Ants

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Words 559
Pages 3
Alyssa Perinoni
Period 5
Invasive Species

Native plants and grasses are plants/grasses that are originated from an area naturally, so they are native to a particular area. Invasive plants and grasses that are in a certain location where they are not native to that area. They have the ability to spread aggressively outside of its natural originated location. To be invasive you have to be non native. Plants/grasses are not the only species that can be native, this goes for animals and bugs. One of these species would be the red fire ant.

The red fire ant is an example of an invasive species. The red fire ant is also called the red imported fire ant; it is a smaller red ant which can appear to be more brown, and is from South America, specifically from Brazil. Now you can also find them in infested areas of the U.S. such as lawns/gardens, school grounds, parks, roadsides, etc. Red fire ants like to nest in large open areas and irrigated soil. There is six species of the fire ant, and three can be found in Arizona. They live in colonies, several of which are winged males, and reproductive/worker ants too. Worker females range to be about 3 - 6 mm long. You can find these ants mainly in the U.S. and Southern America in sandy earthen mounds. …show more content…
The red imported fire ant does have some benefits. These ants consume unwanted species such as ticks, fleas, termites, and more. When colonies evacuate they leave tilled aerated soil. Studies have also shown that they exterminate other agricultural pests, and benefit crops such as sugar cane, cotton and

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