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Is Feminism Still Relevant In The 21st Century Analysis

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Define Feminism. Is feminism still relevant in the 21st century? Why?
According to Jessica Valenti’s Full Frontal Feminism, feminism is “the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes” and the movement is centered around the practice of this belief. Feminism is still very much relevant in the 21st century because, on a national and global scale, there is no social, political, and economic equality. Most countries and societies are still very much socially, politically, and economically male dominated. An example of social inequality among the sexes is evident in “That time of the month” by Dinsa Sachan. Sachan discusses how little girls in India are raised to believe that their menstruation cycle something to be ashamed of because they are considered to be impure (Dinsa Sachan, 2015). As a result, girls and women in India stay away from religious icons and rarely leave their home during their menstrual cycle. Dinsa Sachan then goes on to discussing how a young couple, Gupta and Paul, use comedic comics to educate little girls on what the menstrual cycle is and how they can take care of themselves during that cycle. The idea of the menstrual cycle being an “impure” is not just found in India -- many other countries and individuals across the globe use this belief to put women at a social disadvantage.
An example of political inequality and economic equality is evident in Terry O’Neill’s “Layers of Injustice”. O’Neill discusses how women are politically misrepresented because of the many laws and bills that are passed across the U.S that seek to further restrict health care for women. According to O’Neill because women are not represented in politics this also puts them at an economic disadvantage (O’Neill, 2015). O’Neill states that the sixty percent of …show more content…
Citing specific examples from the reading, What readings on those 2 issues did you find the most interesting or insightful, and

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