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Is Technology Distraction For Teens

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Is Technology a Distraction for Teens? Many days when I come home, I grab something to eat, have a quick chat about my day with my mother, and then head upstairs. I slump down at my desk and turn on my PC. Before I know it, it’s 7:00 and I have barely even touched my homework! I cannot tell you how many times this has happened to me (it’s a lot, by the way), and I have stayed up rather late on several occasions because of this. Technology is becoming an extreme distraction for teens, especially with time-wasting websites like Facebook and YouTube. This problem will only increase. You see technology everywhere: at restaurants, amusement parks, and in schools among other places. Even some airports are providing the people waiting at gates with …show more content…
This is one thing, however, that countless people, including myself, have a difficult time with. At school, it’s nearly impossible to go somewhere without seeing someone on their cell phone. It’s the same during SNAP, passing time, or even just before class. Using our phones frequently is really just the norm. If the usage of these devices were mainly classified into two groups: educational and recreational, I would be willing to bet that the majority of the time spent on personal devices is purely recreational. And it’s not difficult to see why. Our generation has grown extremely attached to social media sites like Snapchat, Twitter, and Facebook. Numerous teachers have completely banned cell phone usage during class, but it is not uncommon to see students attempting to text each other or play games under their desks, or while the teacher is not looking. Project Phoenix, which was introduced into the school last year, is a good start on correcting this. It is helping teens to use their personal devices for educational purposes, and not just for games and social

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