...Financial Analysis of Coca Cola versus PepsiCo, Inc. Axia College of University of Phoenix Financial Analysis of Coca Cola versus PepsiCo, Inc. There are two major competing companies that manufacture beverages. They compete for the number one manufacturer and distributor spot for beverages worldwide. Both companies are immediately identifiable almost anywhere. They are PepsiCo and Coca-Cola. They have so thoroughly saturated the markets around the world that they enjoy universal recognition for their company and for their products. Historically, these are the major competitors in the “Cola wars”. They both produce flavored water, regular water, and soft soda drinks. Coca-Cola (Coke) and PepsiCo, Inc. (Pepsi) target all income brackets across the globe due to their ability to produce products which they have convinced millions of people are attractive and reasonably priced. This makes people buy them regardless of their income level. We will review these companies’ income statements and balance sheets to reveal the financial condition of the companies in relation to one another. After an introductory discussion of the companies, we will perform vertical and horizontal analyses from their annual report financial data and then will provide recommendations on each company. There are a wide variety of distributors in these markets, but Coke and Pepsi have stayed number one and two for decades. They have reached far beyond their...
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...On day one, I was assigned to the Republican party and my constituents were rural and blue collared workers. Right after I was assigned, I became the speaker of the House. I had the job to assign everyone in the Republican party to a committee. I listened to what other congress members felt about which committee they feel comfortable with and then assigned them to that committee. The three committees that we had were the Ways and Means committee, the Appropriations Committee, and the Armed Services committee. I put myself in the Ways and Means committee. After everyone got in their committees, each committee got proposed two bills. My committee got proposed a tax bill and a healthcare bill. As I perused through the bills, I was thinking about how this would benefit my constituents; would they be happy if I voted for this bill? That is what I asked myself. The tax bill was a bill created to benefit the upper class and the healthcare bill was to allow everyone if the United States to have Medicare. In the committee, we debated about the two bills. There were 6 Republicans and three Democrats. I listened to the Democrats about what they felt about these bills. They were against the tax bill but for the healthcare bill. After debating the tax bill, we ended up with no amendments. We passed the bill through the committee. Then we talked about the healthcare bill. Both parties agreed that we needed universal healthcare, but I saw parts of the bill that I did not like and did...
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...IT 280 COMPLETE CLASS To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/it-280-complete-class/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM IT 280 COMPLETE CLASS IT 280 Week 1 CheckPoint Computer Hardware Simulator and Computer Research IT 280 Week 2 CheckPoint Comparing Computers IT 280 Week 2 Assignment Motherboard Components Identification Paper IT 280 Week 3 CheckPoint Power Supply and Power Supply Installation IT 280 Week 4 CheckPoint CPU and Memory IT 280 Week 4 Assignment CPU and Memory Installation Paper IT 280 Week 5 CheckPoint Hard Drive and Hard Drive Installation IT 280 Week 6 CheckPoint I/O Devices IT 280 Week 6 Assignment Windows 7®Upgrade Technical Information Paper IT 280 Week 7 CheckPoint I/O and Multimedia Devices and Video Card Installation IT 280 Week 8 CheckPoint Mass Storage Devices IT 280 Week 8 Assignment External Mass Storage Letter IT 280 Week 1 DQ 1 IT 280 Week 1 DQ 2 IT 280 Week 3 DQ 1 IT 280 Week 3 DQ 2 IT 280 Week 5 DQ 1 IT 280 Week 5 DQ 2 IT 280 Week 7 DQ 1 IT 280 Week 7 DQ 2 IT 280 Week 9 Capstone IT 280 Week 9 Final Project Computer Maintenance and Training Manual Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of IT 280 COMPLETE CLASS in order to ace their studies. IT 280 COMPLETE CLASS To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/it-280-complete-class/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM IT 280 COMPLETE CLASS IT 280 Week 1 CheckPoint...
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...Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ACC 560,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, ACC 561,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ACC 561,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, ACC 565,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ACC 565,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, ACCT 346,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ACCT 346,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, ACCT 434,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ACCT 434,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, ACCT 567,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ACCT 567,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, PHI 200,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, PHI 200,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, Res 301,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, Res 301,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford BA 215,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week...
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...PM592 On-line – Study Guide for Final Examination The final is an open book/open notes examination. The final includes nine questions, and is worth a total of 300 points. The sample problems here represent the types of problems that may appear on the final. There are solutions to the problems at the end. There will also be discussion problems. I have provided a list of the topics from which the discussion questions will be taken. On problems, please show all calculations when you complete the final. Problems: (TCO B) Three-point estimate: Problem (TCO B) Contingency Pricing: Problem (TCO G) Crashing: Problem (TCO C) WBS: Problem (TCO E) Resource Allocation/Leveling: Problem (TCO F, G) Earned Value/PMIS: Problem (TCO C) General Budget development, sensitivity: Problem Discussion topics: (TCO D) Accounting, PMIS, and Project Control (TCO A) Budgeting processes and techniques (TCO E) Resource Allocation Matrix (TCO F) Project Control Process (TCO F, G) EVM and EAC: Discussion: Terminal Course Objectives A Given the WBS and work packages develop an understanding of budgeting processes using top-down and bottom-up techniques. B Given the WBS and work packages, analyze the various cost estimating processes and investigate approaches used to justify and allocate contingency funds. C Given the project plan, develop budget estimates in appropriate categories including but not limited to labor, non-labor, overhead...
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...PM-592 Week 2 Assignment Problem 2-1 Basic Estimating Problem Equipment $15,000 $35,000 $10,000 $1200 $9,990 = $71,190 Installation/Labor 8hrs * $35/hr = $280/per day per worker 2 Maintenance specialists * $280 per day = $560 $560 * 2 Days = $1120 $1120 + Contract Labor $7,500 = $8620 Overhead $71,190 * 15% = $10,678.50 $8,620 * 3% = $258.60 $71,190 * 5% = 3,559.50 +8.620 * 5% = 3,990.50 Total Overhead = 14,927.60 2-2 (a) Expected price .24 + 4(.30) + .62 /6 = 0.34 (b) Expected Usage 37 + 4(40) + 49/6 = 41 tons (c) Expected total cost (simple method) = 41 tons @ .34 per pound and 1 ton is equal to 2000 lbs 41 tons * 2000 = 82,000 82,000 * .34 = $27,880 (d) Expected cost: $0.34/lb * 82,000 lbs = $27,880 Most optimistic cost: $0.24/lb * 74,000 lbs = $17,760 Most pessimistic cost: $0.62/lb * 98,000 lbs = $60,760 The final estimated cost for the material is: (($17,760 + (4 * $27,880) + $60,760))/6 = $31,673.33 2-3 (a) 1.50 ($80 + $3 + $6) + 1.20($7 + $5.5 + $6.5)+ 1.05($15 + $12 +$3.70+$1.50+$18) =$209.01 209 / 1000 = $0.21 (b) $0.21 @ 150% markup (2.5 * $0.21) = $0.525 (2 * $0.525) = $1.05 (c. ) I feel to believe that the project can be approved if an attempt to minimize risk was applied to the situation. (d) My recommendation to reduce or eliminate any contingency from a budget would start with identifying the risk. Then formulate a plan that tackles the risk. Insure all terms as it relates...
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...BUS 499 – Business Administration Capstone (Prerequisite: To be taken as last or next to last course) COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is the capstone course for the Bachelor of Business Administration program. It examines the processes by which organizations formulate strategy, implement policy, and evaluate outcomes in the highly competitive and dynamic global environment. The ethical implications of strategic choices are a central concern of this course. Analytic, integrative, and decision-making skills will be exercised through the use of case analysis and decision making. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Required Resources Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2011). Strategic management: Competitiveness and globalization, concepts and cases: 2011 custom edition (9th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Supplemental Resources Angwin, D., Paroutis, S., & Mitson, S. (2009). Connecting up strategy: Are senior strategy directors a missing link? California Management Review, 51(3), 74-94. Derfus, P. J., Maggitti, P. G., Grimm, C. M., & Smith, K. G. (2008). The red queen effect: Competitive actions and firm performance. Academy of Management Journal, 51(1), 61-80. Franken, A., Ewards, C., & Lambert, R. (2009). Executing strategic change: Understanding the critical management elements that lead to success. California Management Review, 51(3), 49-73. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Identify the vision, mission, and stakeholders...
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...RESEARCH PROJECT BRYAN O’HERLIHY SPRING 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS (ix) Table of Contents (x) Executive Summary I. Project Integration………………………………………………………………… 6 II. Project Scope…………………………………………………………………….. 14 III. Project Time Management……………………………………………………….. 21 IV. Project Cost Management………………………………………………………... 24 V. Project Quality Management…………………………………………………….. 29 VI. Project Human Resource Management…………………………………………...34 VII. Project Communications Management…………………………………………...39 VIII. Project Risk Management………………………………………………………...45 IX. Project Procurement Management………………………………………………..50 References & Bibliography…………………………………………….................55 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Green Computing Research Project is an initiative commissioned by We Are Big, Inc., to research green technologies, with a long-term objective of helping to improve the environment through technology, while increasing revenues and decreasing costs. A main purpose of the project is to research possible applications of green computing including: ● Data center and overall efficiency; ● Disposal of electronic waste and recycling; ● Telecommuting; ● Virtualization of server resources; ● Thin client solutions; ● Use of open source software; ● Development of new software to address green computing for internal use and potential sale to other organizations The overall allocated budget for the Green Computing Research Project is $700...
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...Project Management Concepts and Applications Paper Business Management Research Associates (BMRA) teaches Defense Acquisition University (DAU) and Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI) certified courses and elective courses to various agencies worldwide. While BMRA is quite a small company, there is always a need for project management. I have not always been able to lead the projects; I have been a part of the project team to get the work completed, more like an assistant to the project manager. A project that falls under this scope is the one involving the DAU/FAI certification of course materials. The DAU/FAI certified courses offered by BMRA are set to expire this year on September 30, 2015. From October 1, 2015 forward, the expired courses are not valid for credit for students. DAU replaced the expired courses with new ones. The project’s primary goal is completing the certification process for all the required courses before the September 30, 2015 deadline both within time and budget for the company. The DAU/FAI certified courses are BMRA’s primary source of revenue, therefore making this project of the utmost importance. The courses affecting BMRA are listed in the chart below. Previous Course (Expired) Replacement Course (New) CON 215: Intermediate Contracting for Mission Support CON 280: Source Selection and Administration of Contracts CON 217: Cost Analysis and Negotiation Techniques CON 270: Intermediation Cost and Price Analysis CON 218: Advanced Contracting...
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...Contents Vision Statement 1 Project requirements 1 Project management tools and techniques. 1 Project management Plan 2 A. Project Overview 2 i. Purpose, Scope and Objectives 2 ii. Assumptions, Constraints and Risks 2 iii. Project Deliverables 3 iv. Schedule and Budget Summary 3 v. Evolution of the Plan 4 vi. Definitions and Acronyms 4 B. Project Organisation 4 i. External interfaces 4 ii. Internal structure 4 iii. Role and responsibilities 5 C. Project Management Process Plans 6 i. Project Initiation 6 ii. Project Planning 7 iii. Project Execution 8 iv. Project Monitoring & Control 11 V. Project Closure 16 D. Project-Specific Process Plans 17 i. Project Specific Processes 17 ii. Method, Tools and Techniques 17 iii. Infrastructure 17 iv. Project and Work Product Acceptance against quality control metrics 17 E. Project-Supporting Process Plans 17 i. Configuration Management 17 ii. Verification and Validation 17 iii. Documentation 17 iv. Work Product Quality Assurance 17 v. Project Reviews and Audits 17 vi. Problem Resolution 17 vii. Subcontractor Management 17 F. Additional Plans 17 i. Conflict Resolution 17 g. Project Plan Sign Off 18 Project budget layout on a spreadsheet 19 Support and Maintenance Plan 19 Lessons learned Report 20 Reference 20 Vision Statement • Continually strive to strengthen and improve the positive impact of students and community: transforming their lives, as well as our own, through our work • Become known nationally as an institution...
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...ores For hard stones and ores crushing Applied to road building and construction debris recycling. Single Cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher For hard stones and ores crushing Ball Mill For ores, glass and ceramics grinding Product Display Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher For sand making and output shaping Vibrating Screen Feeder Belt Conveyor For size separating of stones and ores To feed material to crusher Conveying work for mining, metallurgy and coal Movable Crushing Station Fast installation and high adaptability Corporate Honor ISO Quality system certificate CE certificate GMC certificate Examples of Shaorui Site Projects (overseas) Examples of Shaorui Site Projects (domestic) Typical Project • Project Site:Vietnam • 2000t/d iron ore crushing and grinding plant • We provided: – Design for the whole processing line – Jaw crusher – Cone crusher –...
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...Manufacturing Analysis Paper Peter Stifner ACC 561 February 1, 2016 Some Doofus Professor Manufacturing Analysis Paper A regulatory analysis for the Ideal Manufacturing Company revealed several issues with the company. While the Research and Development portion of the company has been successful, the prestige is bought with significant costs which the company hopes to offset with outside business. The issue at hand is to decide if Ideal should proceed with outside Research and Development for other enterprises to help offset the cost or find other avenues to pursue. Activity-Based Overhead Costs and Drivers Ideal Manufacturing activity-based uses in each activity cost item some amount of overhead. The four activity items exist which are revealed by the company. Prototype testing, product design, product development and market analysis are each of the activities which the company engaged. The annual cost of each are; $1,400,000 used in prototype testing, product design is $2,350,000, $3,600,000 used in product development, and market analysis is $1,050,000. (Kimmel, 2011) Each activity also has drivers which are prototype testing estimated 500 tests, product design estimated 2,500 designs, product development estimated 90 products, and market analysis estimated 15,000 hours. To determine an activity-based overhead rate for each activity a calculation such as the following in which the products configure activity cost estimated overhead divided by the cost drivers which...
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...Final Project, Healthy Eating, Nutrition, and Exercise Plan SCI/241 Version 6 Carlos E. Matta University of Phoenix Final Project, Healthy Eating, Nutrition, and Exercise Plan In my first report I indicated my age 42 years old, my weight was 165 pounds and height 5’6”. My daily exercise was riding bike between 6 to 8 miles a day for 3 days during the week for a total of 350 minutes of Physical Activity. Week one 3 day analysis for breakfast I had a cup of coffee with flavored cream with sandwich or cereals, for lunch I had sandwich or reheated food from previous day, snack I had wheat cake, fruits or chips and for dinner; Latin food, hamburger or pasta, don’t drink soft drinks, but drink Lipton Iced Tea and water. (Matta) (2012). Based on the first report I was over in grains on vegetables, fruits, dairy, protein foods, oils I was under; empty calories I was under with 280 calories, total calories average was 1785 status and sodium was high on all 3 days. (SuperTracker) (n.d.). After the first report I tried to modified some eating habits measuring the amount of food; cereal, pasta, rice and beans in cups, steaks and fish cut in 4 ounces, drink more water and less alcoholic drinks and increase my daily exercise adding two days of walking 3 miles per day increasing my weekly Physical Activity to 630 minutes. (Matta) (2013). The latest report from January 2nd through January 4th, all the food groups where under my empty calories was lower then the first one at 208...
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...State University of New York BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY School of Management Fall 2011 Class: Mgmt 501 Accounting for Managers Mondays: 4:25 – 5:50 pm LN 2403 Wednesdays: 4:25- 5:50 pm SL206 Instructor: Anna M. Addonisio, CPA, MBA Email: aaddonis@binghamton.edu Phone: 777-4941 Office: Library North Room 2430 Office Hours: by appointment Text: Financial and Managerial Accounting, by Needles, Powers, & Crosson, 9e edition, Houghton Mifflin Co. (required) Cases: Harvard Business School Cases (required) Wall Street Journal (recommended) Financial Calculator: Texas Instruments BAII Plus is required Course Objective: This course integrates financial accounting and managerial accounting. The objective is to provide students with an understanding of accounting information from the managers’ perspective and develop students’ ability and analytical skills necessary to use accounting information to make decisions in the business world. The first part of this course introduces financial accounting with the emphasis on financial statement preparation by accountants, selection of reporting strategies by managers, and interpretations by users of corporate financial reports. The second part of this course introduces managerial accounting, which is primarily concerned with data gathering and presentation for purpose of internal management evaluation and decision-making. The objective is to understand the determination of cost structure and develop techniques for...
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...Good Student Dr. Grogan Literary Methodology 17 February 2012 Mistaking Awkwardness for Arrogance: A Reexamination of Gabriel in James Joyce’s “The Dead” A figure as complex and multifaceted as the rich narrative from which he is taken, Gabriel Conroy has long interested readers seeking meaning in James Joyce’s “The Dead.” Initially regarded as “a painfully ordinary man” by Melissa Free, subsequent critics have more harshly accused Gabriel of arrogance and classism, based on his “Three Encounters” with the characters Lily, Molly Ivors, and Gretta (280, 283). However, though many sound arguments can be made in support of Gabriel’s arrogance, one might see this position as a failure to recognize two important factors: First, the nervous insecurity with which he often conducts himself, and second, the disparity between his inner thoughts and outer actions. Indeed, an ethical examination of the story’s “Three Encounters” reveals a highly self-conscious, socially clumsy Gabriel, whose sometimes-condescending thoughts rarely manifest in intentionally hostile behavior. One can first see this display of self-consciousness when examining Gabriel’s discourse with the character Lily, the first in the series of encounters by which he is often judged. For those critics who interpret Gabriel negatively, this might seem a reasonable place to start, for his amusement with the girl’s low accent – “[smiling] at the three syllables she had given his surname,” – is a clear indication that Gabriel...
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