...Steven M. Pierce Strayer University 12/09/2012 Criminal Justice Assignment 6 Johnathan James, 16, is the first juvenile to be sent to prison for computer hacking. The kind of hacking Johnathan committed is also known as “crackers” or “black hats” who work to exploit major computer systems. Johnathan professes in an anonymous interview with PBS that he was just looking around or playing around He states “what was fun for me was a challenge to see what I could pull off”. His major intrusions were high profile organizations. He installed what’s called a back door into a Defense Threat Reduction Agency server. The DTRA is an agency of the Department of Defense charged with reducing the threats to the United States. These threats include, nuclear, biological, chemical, conventional and weapons. I believe Johnathan was the underlying motive. He knew exactly what he was doing. He contented, “The code itself was crappy...certainly not worth $1.7 million like they claimed”. From reviewing the six categories in the textbook I’m torn between scamps and explorers. I would chose scamps because it did seem like Johnathan had a sense of fun in what he was doing. Then again I believe he would be categorized as an explorer because of the delight in his discoveries. The more secure it became the more excitement he had. With the extent of his crime Johnathan was very fortunate he was not an adult, he would have faced 10 years in prison. Instead he was banned from recreational computer...
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...COM 110: Elements of Interpersonal Communication Bring-it-to-Life Presentation Assignment Description You will select a chapter from the course (Chapters 2 – 11), and bring a specific concept from that chapter to LIFE for your audience. You are not expected to cover the entire chapter. Instead, cover a particular concept from the chapter that you find the most fun, interesting, and / or relevant to your audience (e.g., relational dialectics from chapter eight; challenges of listening from chapter seven; naming and identity as impacts of language from chapter five). Once you read and understand the chapter, it will be much more clear which component of your selected chapter will be most suitable for your presentation. Advice: Pick a component from a chapter that you like and one that you find most INTERESTING! To bring the concept to “LIFE”, you may show a film clip(s), distribute a news article, engage in a role play, or another artifact/activity that is “Okayed” by me (the instructor) that enhances our understanding of a concept and allows us to see it IN ACTION. The idea here is that you will present something to us and create a link between your artifact (e.g., film clip, news article, role play presentation, etc.) and the course concept. Additionally, you should address how the link between your artifact/presentation and theory is relevant to your audience. Finally, you must reserve time for a brief class discussion in the form of a question/answer session. It is...
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...OTHELLO: SHORT PLOT SUMMARY The story of William Shakespeare's Othello is set in 16th-century Venice and Cyprus. Othello the Moor, a noble black warrior in the Venetian army, has secretly married a beautiful white woman called Desdemona, the daughter of a prominent senator, Brabantio. When he finds out, he is outraged, and promptly disowns her. Othello’s ensign, Iago, harbours a secret jealousy and resentment towards the Moor, partly because another soldier, lieutenant Cassio, has been promoted ahead of him, and also because he suspects that Othello has had an affair with his wife. Intent on revenge, Iago hatches a devious plan to plant suspicions in Othello’s mind that Desdemona has been unfaithful to him with Cassio. He orchestrates a street fight, for which Cassio is wrongly blamed, and is then dismissed from his post by Othello. Desdemona takes up Cassio’s case with her husband, which only further inflames his suspicions that the pair are lovers. In the meantime, Iago manages to procure a treasured handkerchief from Desdemona that was given to her by Othello. He plants it on Cassio so that Othello sees it, then concludes that it is proof of their affair. Maddened by jealousy, he orders Iago to murder Cassio, and then he strangles Desdemona. Immediately afterwards her innocence is revealed, and Iago’s treachery exposed. In a fit of grief and remorse Othello kills himself. Iago is taken into custody by the Venetian authorities. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND TO THE STORY Written...
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...independent woman living with 3 unfamiliar men who isn’t thought less of for being a female, is a big step for American culture, considering back in our past, she would not have even been able to get an education to pursue her teaching career. Through 3 ongoing seasons, her best friend CeCe and her roomies, Nick, Schmidt and Winston, struggle to help her overcome it and teach her some things about life and along the way builds a family with them. Each episode Jess is experiencing her new single life with some tough reality tossed her way and pulls through with the help of her new companions. Nick, being the grumpier, emotional roommate, is a “cooler” for Jessica, as she is to him. He is a law school dropout that’s now a local bartender. Nick and Jess have an obvious connection that will evidently lead them together. Winston is a former (but still overly competitive) basketball player who doesn’t know what he should do with his life, but whatever it is he’s confidant to be the best. The last but maybe the best of Jess’ roommates, Schmidt, is egotistical, well groomed and well dressed, a high standard perfectionist, and germaphobe. Back in his college days he was fat, until he bought a juicer and started focusing on his health more. The slimmer Schmidt shed weight and his hefty ex girlfriend in the process. He was attractive for the first time in his life and enjoying it, but when his new female roomie brings around her best friend, he can’t help but fall for her. CeCe wasn’t...
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...Rachel Ruggeri ENG 474 Dr. Ernest Smith 9/7/14 The Zero “It’s a satirical novel whose rules are its own.” (HarperCollins(2007, July 17).Q&A With THE ZERO’s Jess Walter, https://www.booktheives.blogspot.com) As a satire based on the tragic events of September 11, 2001, The Zero “broke” many literary rules, but Jess Walter decided he would present that time in our history as he saw fit. I gained quite a bit of insight into Jess Walter’s inspiration for The Zero through the interviews. The unusual protagonist we see as our “hero” in the book is based largely on Walter’s viewpoints to the way we, as a culture, reacted to the attacks. Using a key theme in postmodern works, fragmentation. Walter states that “Transitions suck. Transitions are almost always forced or if they’re not, then they take you-they transition-to a place you don’t want to go.” “Fragmentation kept it so fresh for me, because I was never sure how much I was going to reveal (Ehrnwald,Ligan,Lynaugh,Vesta(2010, February 20 & March 16). A Conversation with Jess Walter, https://willowsprings.ewu.edu/interviews/walter.pdf) Walter creates time gaps in Remy’s memory. Remy, alongside the reader, is bounced from situation to situation, never quite sure of what he had done to lead him there. All of his negative memories have seemed to vanish, including the majority of that tragic day. In the HarperCollins article (https://www.booktheives.blogspot.com), Walter discusses how these gaps in memory relate to the...
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...On November 7, a schizophrenic subway rider shoved a 49-year-old woman into the tracks of an oncoming train; sending her to her death. In what is the first lethal push in a subway since 2014, the victim and another woman were seen arguing on the platform seconds before the bizarre incident. The other woman had once claimed to have pushed a 27-year-old woman to her death almost a month earlier. Police took the woman responsible for the second-degree murder into custody. A schizophrenic subway rider, who previously claimed to have pushed someone in the way of a train, pushed a woman onto the tracks of an oncoming train. Nevertheless, Police are still trying to determine whether Melanie Liverpool-Turner had anything to do with the death of a...
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...Jess Westerly Case Study Based upon your reading and analysis of the Jess Westerly case, what change strategy would you have used if you were Jess Westerly? For Example, would you have used a top-down rapid strategy, a high-involvement-staged strategy? Why? What would be your implementation plan? For example, what would you do first? How would you time phase it? What are the critical (pivotal) actions that must succeed? Based upon my reading and analysis of the Jess Westerly case study, I would have implemented a high-involvement, phased change strategy. Changing the software-as-a-service (SaaS) sales approach from targeting of small and medium business to large organizations is a strategic change for Kauflauf. In order for changes to be made, it is necessary to implement through phases. Key elements are leadership engagement and compensation design. In order to inform my approach with industry best practices, I interviewed a Saas sales leader. To illustrate and frame my approach, I will use Kurt Lewin’s three-phase model for change. In Phase one, we must unfreeze the system. During the first three months, the CEO of Kauflauf must champion the change to pursue SaaS contracts with large organizations (Sales Class 1-3 firms, $500,000+ annual revenue). Using Jess Westerly’s data affirming the opportunity for 30% growth, the CEO must communicate the organization’s change in client targeting; he must also indicate the implied crisis: only those SaaS firms...
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...requires courage, desire, and faith. In the poem “I, Too,” Langston Hughes portrays a black man bound into slavery who knows deep down in his heart that he “too” is part of America and is entitled to all the rights and freedoms that America itself stands for and represents. While held captive as a servant, the black man displays courage through his refusal to be recognized as an inferior human being. As Hughes notes, “I am the darker brother. They send me to eat in the kitchen When company comes, But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong” (Hughes 2-7). The black man will not allow ignorance and neglect to destroy his pride. The black man’s mindset and spirit exemplify great courage to rise above unjust circumstances. In comparison, Jess Mowry’s short fiction, “Crusader Rabbit,” talks about Raglan and Jeremy surviving as homeless people sifting through dumpsters to gather aluminum cans in exchange for money. Courage is shown in their father-and-son like relationship when Raglan rescues a lifeless Jeremy from behind a dumpster and takes it upon...
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...Jess Garner is one of the hottest newcomers to grace the fashion world, and his sustainable plant-dyed red-carpet gowns has crowned Garner as a must-watch pioneer in eco-fashion... This thirty-six year old designer has become a fashion legend in a short period of time. After a brief, but successful stint as creative director for the production company, Stiletto Entertainment, Garner returned to his hometown to kick-start his designing career with Driven Clothing. Although the medium provided an all-encompassing landscape for Garner to explore his creative roots, the producer cum designer wanted to create a label that reflected his beliefs and upbringing. Raised on a horse farm in Franklin, Tennessee, the naturalist looked for a way to merge...
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...Brak Bank Limited ------------------------------------------------- MGT-210 BRAC BANK Developed For: Ms. Nasira Siddika (NSd) Sec: 10 Date of Submission: 06/08/2010 NORTH SOUTH UNIVERSITY Developed By: Group Members To complete our project, first of all our team is very grateful to Almighty Allah for the hard work, dedication, team effort and patience we put to finish our project work on time. The team would like to thank the official website of ‘BRAC Bank’ from where we took the information, some of our relatives, friends and the respected officials of the bank who had helped us a lot by providing necessary information to complete the project successfully. Information on their site helped and supported us a lot and without it we could not complete the project properly. We also like to thank our team members as all of them devoted their full support and cooperation and gave valuable time to the project work. Finally we are very grateful to our course instructor “Ms. Nasira Siddika” who inspired and suggested us to do the project, and helped us in every possible way. The team is very thankful to her and honors to have “Ms. Nasira Siddika” as an instructor. August 06, 2010 Ms. Nasira Siddika (NSd) Faculty Member, School of Business North South University Sub: Letter of Transmittal Respected Mam, It is indeed a great pleasure to have the opportunity to submit the project paper. We have prepared...
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...WHY MEN NEED VISIONS AND DREAMS 1) God’s foundational key to Gods strategy for ruling earth from heaven is the male man. 2) God’s original purpose is to extend his Heavenly kingdom to Earth. He wanted to colonize earth with heaven; he wanted to extend his invisible kingdom to this visible earth. 3) God’s goal was to fill the earth with the culture of heaven. When a kingdom colonizes a territory, it fills the territory with its culture. 4) One of the great mistakes of the church is it has reversed God’s program. It preoccupies people to leave earth, when in fact the instruction was to occupy till He comes. 5) Man was never created to dominate other men, but to dominate earth. You and I were created to dominate the resources of earth in the area of gifting. God gave all of us dominion, not over people, not even over your wife. 6) Discovery of your purpose is the source of your personal leadership. Leadership has to do with self discovery than it has to do with leading people. True leaders never seek followers, followers are attracted to the gift of the leader. 7) Vision is a preview of your purpose. 8) Man is spirit and spirits have no gender. You’ll never find in the Bible a reference to a male/female spirit. God took the first man, and put him in a body, and the first body God made was a male. Man comes in two models: male and female. 9) God only made only 1-human from the soil and he never went back. Not even women came from the soil. Out of the male...
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...------------------------------------------------- Comparing two articles about the same incident Both texts are about a woman named Laura Jane Lamont, who was driving too fast because she had a sick father at home, waiting. The police waved to her, but she had impaled up to 70 mph. The police caught her first when she got home. Laura was fined £ 20 and had taken his license for, a year. Text A is very simple text because there are not many details about her, and the history is very direct. There are used longer sentences and the way it is written is frozen and there is not so many emotions in the text. There is much focus on the situation itself and the subsequent judgment. Such kind of text can be found in, the newspaper "The Gardian”. In text B focuses more on the Jane Lomant 's history and situation. Text B is very detailed, caring, and understanding in relation to the text A. This kind of text can for example be found in the newspaper, "The Daily Mirror". A prime example is started with "A hat designer, Laura Jane Lamont " in the text A, which only told about what she is, while the text B is started , more affectionately , "Lovely fashion -girl Laura Lamont " . Here you can also see the difference in terms of the three different texts. In the two texts, there is another difference that is eye-catching. It is the facts they give in the texts, they both have a hand facts, but in text A, there is more focus on the time when it happened i.e. date and her age. And in text...
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...Jack Nelson Case 1. The problem is that there is not proper recruiting program in the bank. The supervisor is hiring the employees without the proper interviews and the proper background check. When there is no proper training the turnovers increase and the company cannot be productive. Also, there has been a large growth in the company and not the proper requirements. The employees do not feel valued in a work area that they do not understand, and that people don’t have the time to make them feel secure it’s a problem also because employees are expected to take charge of their careers and if they don’t know what to do they will not work their best. 2. Setting up a HR unit would definitely help the bank. In order for the company to be productive and efficient a company must follow ethnical guidelines also the manager should not be the one hiring and interviewing the future workers. If a HR unit is placed in the home office the employees would know what their work is and what is expected from them. The HR unit would help train the workers and make them feel valued. Also it would help the bank in all its branches. 3. Some of the functions that a HR unit should carry out are: job analyses, daily work needs, interviewing, hiring, advising and providing help to problems that workers may have. Also a HR unit should train and give orientation to new employees, also verifying all salaries are paid and the contracts are signed. Line managers are there to work every...
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...Man3025 Individual Case Study 2 Pamela Jones, Former Banker. * Pamela Jones enjoyed banking; she was very eager and dedicated. Her early experience in banking were almost always challenging and rewarding. She was enrolled in the bank’s management and development program because of her education, her previous job experience, and her obvious intelligence and drive. Pamela was motivated by her passion for banking. She always did her best to exceed everyone’s expectations and she was satisfied with all of her experiences. She was always encouraged to go to the training programs that the organization offered. * Based on the comments that Jones received during her first year training from her manager and training officer would have probably make her believed that she was going to get a good position or maybe decide to work in any position she would like, due to her above average performance and motivation. Instead, Jones was transferred to a new branch with a lot of new obligations. She was made assistant accountant and her duties included the supervision of the seven tellers, some customer service and a lot of paperwork. Her manager told Jones that as an officer of the bank she was expected to stay until the work of her subordinates, and her own work were satisfactory completed. Situations like staying late to finish her own work, revising the teller’s errors in order to save on overtime and getting overworked where definitely not motivating for Jones. *...
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...Kirk Sta. Ana Humanities 2 Art requires hard work. Hard work, when used in a positive manner, produces something that is more than just a pretty piece, something that is worthy of being called a “work of art”. Ms. Liza’s “Mag-ina sa araw, tanghali, at gabi” is the set of works that really stood and caught my attention. According to her, the subject was a bul-ol she saw at an antique gallery. At first glance, it was just a common carving. But as you start staring at it, you’ll notice some really special features. The bul-ol is a woman. Bul-ols are usually created as male, having a godly representation. Having it represented unusually or breaking the stereotype could really catch the viewer’s attention and would get him interested into that piece. Femininity isn’t the only thing special about that wooden sculpture. It also includes a child being carried at the back by her mother, the woman bul-ol. When observed from the front, you wouldn’t immediately notice that thing clinging at her back, but instead, would think only of the rarity of having a woman bul-ol. As you gradually view it from a different angle, you would notice the child, giving you a sense of shock and some longing, wanting for some more surprises. Ms. Liza made three different views based from that woman bul-ol. The first is the “Mag-ina sa araw” where the woman is facing towards the viewer, not revealing the child. Some details supporting the idea of it happening in the morning were added at the top part where...
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