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Jesus Should Not Be Crucified Research Paper

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I’m Standing in the crowd waiting for Pontius Pilate's verdict, everyone around me is shouting and jeering for him to be killed while I am standing silently because i do not believe that this is the right thing, Jesus should not be crucified just because he proclaims himself to be the son of God. We all know that it’s true he has performed many miracles and helped many people so there is no reason that someone like him should be so brutally crucified.
The crowd goes silent as Pontius Pilate comes marching out and tells everyone that Jesus will be crucified in a few hours. Most people are cheering and happy that he is going to die today, but there is a few others that see it my way and think that it's not good at all that he is getting crucified . …show more content…
We all sit there looking at him blankly wondering what does this mean? obviously we trusted him like we always have. We all ate the bread and drank the wine as he told us to, and thats when he told us the frightening news.
“One of you 12 will betray me”. We all sat there thinking, who would do this why would someone do it? All these questions running through my mind. Maybe for money, maybe because they were jealous. We all thought about it for the rest of the night.
One of our reporters has gotten in touch with Judas and has asked him some questions.
“What made you betray Jesus like

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