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Jfk Civil Rights Movement Analysis

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The most important social protest movement of the twentieth century was the civil rights movement, which provided countless numbers of people the opportunity to become involved in the struggle for racial equality. It was President John F. Kennedy who introduced the bill in Congress in June 1963. In March 1960, Kennedy, who was running for president, gave a strong civil rights speech supporting voting rights and school integration. In June he said that if he were elected president he would consider using an executive order for civil rights. Despite his pro-civil rights pronouncements as a presidential candidate, once he became president, Kennedy took almost no action on civil rights. From what I saw in the documentary, Kennedy …show more content…
Civil rights leaders urged Kennedy to come up with stronger legislation to assure voting rights, end employment discrimination, and assure equality in places of public accommodation. He was mindful of the injustices of segregation but was more interested in making sure he secured white voters across the South. After securing his presidency, Kennedy became reluctant to get involved in the very controversial issue of civil rights. The issue certainly divided the nation in two rather parts which were rather equal in size. If Kennedy didn’t carefully and strategically handle the situation, it could have easily lead to uproar. JFKs brother Robert Kennedy called in federal marshals to address angry whites attacking Freedom Riders in Montgomery Alabama, it was only because the situation had gotten so out of hand that it needed to be addressed. It wasn’t until 1963 when JFK finally realized that enough was enough, and that it was time for a new civil rights bill. Many people said that it would be a huge political mistake but Robert urged him to go forward with this …show more content…
“I hope that every American, regardless of where he lives, will stop and examine his conscience about this and other related incidents. This nation was founded by men of many nations and backgrounds. It was founded on the principle that all men are created equal, and that the rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened. This speech would stand out as Kennedy’s finest moment as president. Calling the issue of civil rights “a moral issue” that required strong political leadership and public policy including a strong civil rights bill, Kennedy gave the boldest speech on race relations ever given by a president up until that time. For some people, Kennedy’s speech was a long awaited show of support. For others however, the result of his speech led to an outbreak in violence and protests. Following this, Kennedy brought the newly civil rights legislation to

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