... Regan was asked by the Kennedy family to make a speech on behalf of the Kennedy Fundraising event for the presidential library. The Museum, founded in 1979, was dedicated to President Kennedy's achievements. In Reagan's tribute speech to Kennedy, he uses metaphor, repetition, and anecdote to persuade close family, friends, and supporters of JFK to donate to the library, to preserve his legacy. Kennedy was known to be a very patriotic individual, who impacted our country tremendously while representing our country, as president. Kennedy was often portrayed in a positive light by the people, always kind and brave. However, they needed more funding to run the Museum to honor his leadership and Reagan's goal overall was to get this support from...
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...Assassination of JFK Imagine the huge impact the world would have if one important person, that affected society, was killed. Well, in history the 35th U.S president was assassinated November 22, 1963 and the world was tumbling down as everyone was in shock/great grief. This man’s name was John F. Kennedy. He was assassinated in Dallas, Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald. JFK was considered a great leader because he had strong goals: He wanted to change America. Yes, it’s true all presidents want to change the world, but Kennedy was different because he thought very differently and had unique goals that seemed almost impossible. His two main goals that he tried to achieve, that made this assassination unjust was: He supported the Civil Rights Movement and wanted equal rights for everyone, he also wished that there would be peace everywhere and wanted America to spread peace. But, he did receive hate from others because of some of the bad decisions he made. John F. Kennedy had a vivid image for America being equal. “JFK represented a symbol of hope for the underserved and grossly overlooked citizens.” (Gomez 1). When he became the president,...
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...The President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, in his speech, “Decision to go to the Moon”, addresses advances in technology due to man. Kennedy’s purpose is to convince Americans of the necessity of going to the moon. He adopts a knowledgeable tone in order to explain to people how this action is possible and the good that can come from it. The first paragraphs of the speech explain the growth that man has made in the last few years. Logical appeals are used in this section, because Kennedy is giving the speech at a college. Other appeals, such as emotional and ethical, would not capture the whole picture of the progress humans have made. One example of a logical appeal is when Kennedy said “this Nation’s own scientific manpower is doubling every 12 years in a rate of growth more than three times that of our population”. JFK uses statistics like this one to show that going to the moon is possible due to the expansion of science. Another way Kennedy shows we were capable of going to the moon is: “...
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...part focus on the part of the speech about American is seeking peace with each country and that we are not looking for a fight but will up hold our own and won’t allow any harm to come to our citizens. JFK's debut masterpiece. (2012, January 20). The Toronto Star, p. A4. This article is talking about how much of an impact JFKs 1961 inaugural address had on American still today 50 years latters. It talks about how America is not afraid we will stay in power and rule our country. It also focuses on these two quotes and so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country.” And “My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. These words make you focus on the nation and not you as an individual. McIntire, S. (2009). Speeches in World History (pp. 448-450). New York: Facts on File Library of World History. This is a book that has famous speeches in it that has impacted America in some way shape or form. It does have the 1961 inaugural address in it as well. Just besides giving us the address it gives us a brief history to JFK. Some key facts like he was the youngest president ever elected into office. It tells whose s family is and where they come from. It also serves as a time line for major accomplishments that JFK made in his career. Like all...
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...John F. Kennedy’s inspiring speech, “We Choose to Go to The Moon,” was delivered in Houston, Texas on September 12, 1962, to persuade Americans this journey is a giant leap for mankind and reassure the U.S. will not lose the race to space. Although many are skeptical this mission is impossible and are aware of its danger, Kennedy utilizes references, syntactic features and rhetorical appeal to persuade the audience that as a nation anything is possible together. Kennedy references to two well known historical figures to compare the impact their achievements had on history and the achievement the audience can be part of. He first references to William Bradford, founder of Plymouth Bay Colony who said, “all great and honorable actions are accompanied...
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...assassination of the American President. The grief, sorrow, and disbelief felt in Korea must have been felt all over the world and it must have been much worse in America. President Kennedy was popular, highly respected, and liked all over the world. To be assassinated in public view in front of the world changed the USA in many ways and still impacts the USA today. President Kennedy’s assassination is considered by many to be the start of the loss of America’s innocence. It represented the end of an innocent time and the coming of turbulent times. The race relations, the Vietnam War, the threat of Communism, and the distrust of government all combined together to make it a time of anxiety. President Kennedy represented hope and the prospects of a "new generation" and it was devastating to be assassinated in such manner. It was like this big symbol of hope had been struck down and I don't think we ever recovered from that. “President Kennedy was the first president born in the 20th century, and he had inspired young people across the country to enter public service.” (ETX professor shares history). President Kennedy’s famous speech...
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...In order for a speech to be effective, the speaker must use rhetorical devices that can grab an audience’s attention and help them remember the speech forever. Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy, and Abraham Lincoln have made the most memorable speeches of all time because of the rhetorical devices they used. Reagan (“The Challenger”) used pathos, allusion, and parallelism. Kennedy (“Inaugural Address”) applied antithesis, parallelism, and anaphora. And Lincoln utilized allusion, anaphora, and epistrophe into his speech. Each of these speeches lasted anywhere from a minute to two hours. But in the end, length did not matter; the only thing that mattered is the rhetorical devices these president's used in order to get the nation to listen to them and therefore do what they are told. In Ronald Reagan’s “The Challenger” speech, he uses the rhetorical device pathos, or the appeal to emotion, in order to connect the pain that his family, the entire nation, and the families of those affected by the disaster were feeling. As WordPress.com said, “Reagan uses his delivery, use of dictation, and appeals to pathos to help attempt a...
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...“I have some very sad news for all of you, and, I think, sad news for all of our fellow citizens, and people who love peace all over the world; and that is that Martin Luther King was shot and was killed tonight in Memphis, Tennessee.” Robert F. Kennedy delivered this news in his speech “Remarks on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.” to a predominately black crowd in Indianapolis on April 4th, 1968, only one day after King delivered his final speech in which he gave hope to his supporters of a promise land where injustice and inequality did not exist, in a time when there was more divisiveness in America than in almost any point in history (Spong, 809). Despite riots ensuing in major cities all over the country and a Negro gang in Indianapolis, known as the “Ten Percenters,” scouring the neighborhood gathering militant support...
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...Perspectives of JFK John F. Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States of America, who was shortly assassinated before he completed his third year in presidency. Kennedy’s presidency mainly consisted on managing relations with the Soviet Union, serving speeches for fellow citizens, and having an impact on the Civil Rights Bill. John F. Kennedy’s presidential actions led to the people having two perspectives of him. John F. Kennedy had quite a positive and negative effect on the citizens of America. People consider their views of John F. Kennedy to be either a pro-Kennedy liberal, or an anti-Kennedy revisionist. It is interesting how Kennedy seems to have an equal proportion to both pro-Kennedy liberal, and anti-Kennedy revisionist...
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...Kennedy had been planning on running for a second term as a president, but he wanted to get the state of Texas to vote for him because texas was known for being the center of people who disliked him. The morning of his assassination, President JFK had stayed at Fort Worth where he gave a speech. Many people attended it even though it was drizzling, he talked about America and he said they had to lead the world in defenses and in space. Also that morning president John F. Kennedy meet with a group of people and talked about military preparedness. After his morning at Fort Worth he took a last minute plane to Dallas, Texas. The president was headed to a trade mark in downtown dallas when he was shoot. He had decided to take a ten mile route through the city to get there. Streets were lined with people to see the president sitting in his open motorcade with his wife and governor...
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...way of thinking as the population has moved away from the conservative type of reasoning. As Goodwin and Bradley (2011) point out, the population of the United States was about 178 million, while 3.8 million people were unemployed. The national debt was $286.3, while the average salary was $4,743. A teacher's salary back in those days was near $5,200 while the minimum wage per hour was $1. The life expectancy for males was 67 years, while for females was 73 years. These are statistical facts from that period of time. As previously mentioned, the time capsule discovered by the archeologists in 2325 was dated back to the 1960s decade. There were five items inside this time capsule. These items are: a video copy of Martin Luther King Jr. speech which is know as...
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...Constitution. In my opinion the African American people should not had to of fought so hard to become equal if they were born as American, even slaves that were set free. The African American people should have had the same equal rights. African American men and women were beaten and forced to be less of the American because of the color of their skin. It was not always the fight for African Americans to have power but to equal as Americans. These movements that the United States have witnessed only made a way for the African American people to consider themselves as equals and proud Americans. African American should have the right to be equal and have the same opportunity to be equally respected. The rights of African American had such a great impact on our lives today. Fight for your Right! Many events happen over the decades for African American. So many important event and factors such as The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is an African-American civil rights organization in the United States, formed in 1909. The...
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...one year to the Camp David sight and spent a day with the President. Chapter 3: “Staring Contest Showdown” In May of 1962, Nakita Khrushchev met with Fidel Castro and came to an agreement to place nuclear missiles in Cuba. This was said to have been done to prevent any sort of future invasion attempt on the country. The US got wind of this via a U-2 aircraft and sent navy ships to “blockade” the Russians from delivering any more weapons to the Cubans. After a tense stand off in the waters of Cuba, the two countries came to an agreement. Russia agreed to dismantle all nuclear devices in Cuba as long as America vowed never to invade Cuba. Chapter 4: “Give Me Freedom or Give me Press” One of the big impacts that Khrushchev had on Russia was his belief in freedom of speech. He felt that artist and writers should have the freedom to express their thoughts and opinions. Chapter 5: “While The Cat’s Away, The Mice Will Play” While Khrushchev was on vacation; higher Soviet officials voted him out and forced him into early retirement. A “trusted” supporter of his by the name of Leonid Brezhner , is to blame for engineering his downfall and ultimately taking his position. Music Videos: I personally thought the music videos were pretty interesting. I actually didn’t understand why...
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...1960’s Significant Events That Shaped an Era DJC958 Kaplan University – SS310 – 01 October 22, 2013 1960’s Significant Events That Shaped an Era Good day! I’m very excited you have opened this time capsule. Inside you will find a treasure of items that shaped the era of the 1960’s. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Debbie Crabtree and the current year is 2013. The 1960’s was an era of awakening and change but it was also an era of reckoning. Many events happened in the 1960’s that stimulated personal awareness and growth as well as growth as a nation from the music to art to politics to civil rights. I could go on and on but I am including in this time capsule the major events that I feel best portray the era of the 1960’s. The first event is the lunch counter sit-in at Woolworth's in Greensboro, North Carolina. I have included an original newspaper from the Greensboro Record. This event happened early in the decade, February 1, 1960. On this day four young African American men, freshman at the Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina, entered the Greensboro Woolworth’s. Woolworth’s sold items to both African American and white customers but they also had a segregated lunch counter for whites only. Each of the four men purchased a few small items, kept their receipts and proceeded to sit down at the lunch counter designated for whites only. They requested service and were denied. The men pulled out their receipts and asked why their...
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...framed by the CIA but the CIAand the Dallas Commissioner still claim that Oswald killed the President of the U.S. alone. The evidence says otherwise, it had to be a conspiracy. The events that led up to assassination was JFK stressed the importance of winning Florida and Texas and talked about his plans to visit both states in the next two weeks. Mrs. Kennedy would accompany him on the swing through Texas, which would be her first extended public appearance since the loss of their baby, Patrick, in August. On November 21, the president and first lady departed on Air Force One for the two-day, five-city tour of Texas. President Kennedy was aware that a feud among party leaders in Texas could jeopardize his chances of carrying the state in 1964, and one of his aims for the trip was to bring Democrats together. He also knew that a relatively small but vocal group of extremists was contributing to the political tensions in Texas and would likely make its presence felt—particularly in Dallas, where US Ambassador to the United Nations Adlai Stevenson had been physically attacked a month earlier after making a speech there. Nonetheless, JFK seemed to relish the prospect of leaving Washington, getting out among the people and into the political fray. The lasting impacts of the event was known as “The Death of the Century”. On Monday, November 25, 1963 President Kennedy was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery. The funeral was attended by heads of state and representatives from more...
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