...John Tyler Community College PSY 225 - N01B - Theories of Personality Summer of 2013 10 Week Session May 20 - July 30 Instructor: Dr. Marcus Forbes E-Mail: mforbes@jtcc.edu[->0] OR mforbes@bop.gov[->1] Virtual Office Hours: Since I am an adjunct instructor, I have no permanent office. As such, I am always just a phone call or e-mail away. I will have a virtual office hour from 4:00 - 5:00 pm on Tuesdays. Phone: 804-504-7200 x-1143 Course Text (Required): Friedman, H.S., & Schustack, M.W. (2012). Personality (5th ed.). New York: Pearson. Course Description PSY 225, Personality studies the major personality theories and their applications. It includes the study of psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive and humanistic perspectives. Prerequisite Psy 200, 201, or 202. Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Describe the theoretical bases and research methods used to study personality. 2. Describe the psychoanalytic and neoanalytic perspectives on personality and discuss the strength and limitations of these theories. 3. Explain the biological approach to understanding personality and provide examples of research studies that illustrate this approach. 4. Discuss how behavioral principles can be applied to personality. 5. Describe the cognitive and social-cognitive perspectives on personality as well as the empirical foundations of these theories. 6. Explain...
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...Influential People in Nursing Project 7: Research Paper Jimmy Nguyen CSU, Long Beach N309: Dimensions of Professional Nursing Thursday, April 29, 2015 During the early 1900’s, the profession of nursing was in the process of changing into a something bigger than it was in the past. Of course, this would not have been possible without the accomplishment of some very important people that made an impact in the nursing profession. Between the 1900’s and the 1920’s, The American Nurses Association was founded, school nurses were utilized for the first time, African American nurses were recognized, a person became the world’s first nursing professor, and the nursing profession received their first donation. Without these people,...
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...learner can expect to add approximately eighteen hours a week of educational related activities onto their plate (Dyer, 2014). A report, issued by the National Clearinghouse Research Center in October of 2014, indicates that only one-in-three adults, returning to school, end up graduating (New, 2014). With the odds so heavily stacked against them, how can the adult learner balance work, home and school to fit in the time necessary to get a college degree? For an adult, with adult responsibilities, to be a successful student requires: undaunted commitment, discipline in focus, sacrificing of the extraneous, and the ability to effectively manage time. Much research and countless studies have been done attempting to determine the key contributing factors for success of adult learners (Tyler-Smith, 2006). The results of the studies are not only significant for the adult student, but also for the universities they are attending. The information obtained is used by Universities to modify their learning environments in an effort to promote an increase in student success rates. Statistically high adult attrition rates have a negative impact on a university’s educational planning, reputation, and investment value by learners, corporations, institutions and government agencies that sponsor adult higher education (Tyler-Smith, 2006). For the adult learner such results would be a model for developing and implementing a successfully proven learning strategy. The problem is that the results...
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...This article was downloaded by: [The University Of Melbourne Libraries] On: 02 September 2015, At: 02:39 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: 5 Howick Place, London, SW1P 1WG Accounting and Business Research Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rabr20 Fairness in performance evaluation and its behavioural consequences a Mahfud Sholihin & Richard Pike a b Universitas Gadjah Mada , Indonesia b School of Management , Bradford University , Emm Lane, Bradford, BD9 4JL Phone: +44 (0)1274 234393 Fax: +44 (0)1274 234393 E-mail: Published online: 04 Jan 2011. To cite this article: Mahfud Sholihin & Richard Pike (2009) Fairness in performance evaluation and its behavioural consequences, Accounting and Business Research, 39:4, 397-413, DOI: 10.1080/00014788.2009.9663374 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00014788.2009.9663374 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors...
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...futures and tend to not struggle with finances near as much if any struggles at all. New and stronger polices are needed to keep children in school. Attending school should be required. Many students do not realize that even middle school as well as high school are what determine how bright a child’s future is. Many children use excuses like, horrible cafeteria food, too much homework, or not having enough free time, but these are all invalid excuses (Tyler and Lofstrom 77+). A child’s grades in middle school as well as high school are determining their future (Tyler and Lofstrom 77+). As an adult, a high school diploma shows the person will not give up easily and are able to finish a task (Masse, Naiman, and Naylor 71+). That simple information determines a lot to a person looking for the right guy or girl to high for their business (Masse, Naiman, and Naylor 71+). After-School activities are very important in a child’s life. Tyler and Lofstrom look at problems that appear when children do not finish high school (Tyler and Lofstrom 77+). Most children in today’s world grow up with equal opportunities regardless of race or how much the child’s parents make (Bulanda 95+). Dan Bloom has studied the world trying to come up with some kind of workshop or after school help to improve children’s scores and help the children that are behind (Bloom 89+). After many...
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...Disorders Writing Assignment The purpose of this project is to give you experience in making clinical diagnoses and to attempt to make sense of the many psychological disorders that are out there. You have been assigned to watch a popular movie. I decided to give this to you before Christmas Break because you will have at least 2 weeks to think of the movies form the list and watch one or two or whatever number you want. Pretend that you are a clinical psychologist, and the character in the movie has come in to your office. There is one central character in the movie that has symptoms of a psychological disorder (sometimes there may be more than one character; I have given you the character with the most obvious symptoms). In your paper, you should give a brief description of the character. Then, you should answer the following: o Identify the diagnosis that you would make of the character. • You should back up your diagnosis with the relevant symptoms displayed by the character (in other words, explain why did you make the diagnosis that you did). Refer to the movie to illustrate the symptoms that the character demonstrates. • Discuss all the possible symptoms of the disorder; does the client show all the possible symptoms, or only some of the possible symptoms of the disorder? • In some cases, the character may be lying, and does not really have a disorder. For example, the person may be faking the disorder to avoid prosecution for a...
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...types of justice, interpersonal and informational justice explain the most unique variance in counterproductive work behavior (CWB) directed toward one’s supervisor, and procedural justice explains the most unique variance in CWB directed toward one’s organization. I also tested whether individuals’ desires for revenge against one’s supervisor and one’s organization mediate certain justice–CWB relationships. Results (N ¼ 424) provided considerable support for the study hypotheses, showing that employees tend to direct their CWB toward the source of perceived mistreatment, and that desires for revenge explain part, but not all, of the relationships between some types of injustice and CWB. Implications for theory, research, and practice are discussed. Copyright # 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Introduction It has been estimated that up to 75 per cent of employees engage in behaviors such as theft, sabotage, unexcused absenteeism, and vandalism (Harper, 1990; McGurn, 1988), and such behavior is costly. Employee theft, for example, costs the US retail industry $15 billion annually (Hollinger & Davis, 2001). Other more subtle kinds of ‘‘misbehavior’’ are also likely to have economic and psychological costs to both organizations and their members. For instance, job performance and cooperation among coworkers likely suffer when employees purposely waste time...
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...Summer 2004 GREAT Boards Published by Bader & Associates Governance Consultants, Potomac, MD BOARDROOM BRIEFING CEO selection: getting it right By Sharon O’Malley By the time board Chairman Freddie Burton convened a 12-member search committee to recruit a new chief executive officer for St. John Hospital and Medical Center two years ago, the facility had been through six CEOs in as many years. This time, he vowed, the Detroit hospital’s trustees would take their time deciding on a new CEO and would make that decision using a process agreed to up front by the facility’s 24-member board of trustees, its medical staff and its parent system, St. John Health. • Developing a profile of the ideal CEO, based on a position description, a plan for the hospital’s near-term future and the priorities for the CEO’s first 12 to 18 months. • Identifying and evaluating candidates. “We seized the opportunity to learn from our mistakes.” Freddie Burton • Making the selection. • Negotiating compensation and other terms. • Supporting the transition. “We seized the opportunity to learn from our St. John Hospital & Medical Center Some boards endeavor to manage the search mistakes,” says Burton, a Wayne County, Mich., process themselves, but more often, they select probate judge, who watched a prior search committee of five an outside search firm to facilitate the process, identify trustees and one doctor select a CEO whom the full board did candidates who fit the ideal...
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...Prominent Language: Sumerian Cuneiform In many instances, Sumerian text has been influential to the ways of writing we have today. Sumerians were the first ancient civilization to start archiving the rules of writing that we use in present day. The lexicon of Sumerian language has yet to be fully deciphered; this is due to a lack of information. We have been studying Sumerian language since before the outbreak of WWI. Input from many different cultures in the attempt to decide if this language is truly the oldest recorded language in history, has led to our current level of knowledge on Sumerian language. Germany started full-scale investigations, while the French were the first to discover actual writing from this ancient culture. This paper is meant to elaborate upon the knowledge of Sumeria and its peoples writing styles. Ancient Sumerian language is thought to be the oldest written language in history. This may or may not be the case (Huffington Post, 2009). Findings in the area of determining the age of some written languages are uncertain. But for the most part, Sumerian is a definite running mate for the title of oldest written language. Sumerian was first started to be put into writing around 3200 BCE (Academia.edu, 2007). The main reason for the start of this was for agricultural purposes. Clay counters were used to keep track of how many plants were sealed into a container. Those counters were hard to keep track of, therefore, Sumerians came up with cuneiform. Cuneiform...
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...Gun Control: The Battle Rages On Tyler D. Scott Ozarks Technical Community College Abstract This paper discusses and is centered around the on-going debate over gun control, I directly address how each major political party views this subject and what I believe the United States Government should do to be able to best combat this tremendous issue. I use research from multiple sources that contrast each side of the argument and give an overall insight into the world of modernized gun control. Gun Control: The Battle Rages On With the Second Amendment giving American citizens the rights to bear arms, and approximately fifty percent of Americans owning some form of a firearm, issues involving the ownership and possession of guns have led to heated debates in American society. Most notably is the issue of gun control. Many feel that the some form of gun regulation is necessary in order to lower the level of gun related violence in the country. On the other hand, the opponents of gun control feel that it would be an infringement on their second amendment rights. The outcome and extent of gun control has strong political implications because it basically determines the present day meaning of the Second Amendment. While each side has strong points to their arguments, one quote by writer Michael Warfel basically sums up the need for gun control. He writes, “An individual’s right to own and bear arms must be balanced by the greater social needs of a society” (Warfel, 2000, p...
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...well-developed market economies, I find that what people want to buy is not fixed or biologically constructed. When the cost of supplying products goes down, people tend to use culture to differentiate themselves from other people, to pursue niche interests, to pursue hobbies. It’s the poorer or more primitive societies in which people specialize in one type of consumption. If you go to pygmy society in the Congo, for Critics of globalization contend that, even if increased trade promotes material prosperity, it comes with a high spiritual and cultural cost, running roughshod over the world’s distinctive cultures and threatening to turn the globe into one big, tawdry strip mall. George Mason University economist and Cato adjunct scholar Tyler Cowen has for years been one of the most insightful and incisive debunkers of that view. At a recent Cato Book Forum, Cowen discussed his newest book, Creative Destruction: How Globalization Is Changing the World’s Cultures. Cowen squared off against political theorist Benjamin Barber of the University of Maryland, one of the most prominent...
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...well-developed market economies, I find that what people want to buy is not fixed or biologically constructed. When the cost of supplying products goes down, people tend to use culture to differentiate themselves from other people, to pursue niche interests, to pursue hobbies. It’s the poorer or more primitive societies in which people specialize in one type of consumption. If you go to pygmy society in the Congo, for Critics of globalization contend that, even if increased trade promotes material prosperity, it comes with a high spiritual and cultural cost, running roughshod over the world’s distinctive cultures and threatening to turn the globe into one big, tawdry strip mall. George Mason University economist and Cato adjunct scholar Tyler Cowen has for years been one of the most insightful and incisive debunkers of that view. At a recent Cato Book Forum, Cowen discussed his newest book, Creative Destruction: How Globalization Is Changing the World’s Cultures. Cowen squared off against political theorist Benjamin Barber of the University of Maryland, one of the most prominent...
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...discover if this actually naturally occurs in the discourse of the top management teams. In order to understand how managers perceive, process and interpret network capability, the management teams of six industrial subcontractors were guided through a five-step process of introducing, identifying, critical screening, challenging and verifying the capabilities of the firm. The paper introduces strategic capability architecture and investigates how network capability emerges within the configuration of other capabilities in these firms. We found that in customer oriented capability sets, network capabilities are central to the formation this kind of capabilities. In other types of capability sets, networking capabilities play an important role as assets in the formation of the capability sets. Furthermore, we identified that the networking capabilities act in unison with other capabilities through three different logics, termed partnering, value streaming and horizontal allying. Keywords: network capability, relational capabilities, cooperative competencies, competence and capability configurations Competitive paper 1 NETWORK CAPABILITY – EMERGING AS PART OF AN INDUSTRIAL FIRMS COMPETENCE CONFIGURATION INTRODUCTION The challenges of developing an...
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...Dunkin Donuts Strategy Recommendation Monique Harris Capella University Abstract In starting to plan for my paper the number one question in my head was what is Starbucks doing that Dunkin Donuts is not doing. In my home town there is only one Dunkin Donuts store in town. But, no matter what part of town you are on you can find a Starbucks even on the university campus which has a Starbucks right across the street. In my research I found that Starbucks crushes it on social media. Although they don’t post on each and every social network often, but when they do it is very clever and eye-catching. In this day in age people are starting to use the Starbucks app which allows them to do just about the same thing as if they were in the store. Them two reason alone is what has them on top of Dunkin Donuts. Dunkin Donuts Strategy Recommendation Introduction Dunkin Donuts was founded in 1950 by Bill Rosenberg, who opened the first restaurant in Quincy, Massachusetts. With the goal to “make and serve the freshest most delicious coffee and donuts quickly and courteously in modern well merchandised stores” (Travis, N. 2013). The company has over 11,000 restaurants in 33 countries worldwide. The first restaurant was franchises in 1955. Starbucks Social Media Now to take a look into the social media of the competitor Starbucks. In my research I found that their social media management team doesn’t post updates on Facebook often but when they do, however, they’re usually eye-catching...
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...New Ulm High School OLIVER FISHER WINCHESTER by Logan David Jewison Research & Writing, Period 2 Mr. Van Leeuwe March 15, 2024 Outline. Thesis: This paper is about Oliver Fisher Winchester and is broken into three categories: Life, Legacy, and Death. Oliver Winchester was a man from the 1800s. He was born in Boston and built his business from the ground up with no formal education. Outline: I. Life A. 1. Parents - 1. Mom 2. Dad B. Family 1. Wife 2. Kids a. William b. Hannah c. Ann C. Ideas 1. Original design number 2. Original patents II. Legacy A. Accomplishments 1. Patents. Newer Clothing patents b. Modernized Firearm patents 2. Wealth B. 1. Business - 1. Clothing a. Benefactors b. Co-owners 2. Guns...
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