...Joshua – Courageous Faith DB1 Upon reading our assigned text I was encouraged at the descriptions of the lives of these Old Testament Heroes. While evaluating their lives I found that I can relate to Joshua's life the closest. Like Joshua I have seen too many people begin to serve God and only come back with a negative report in life of what He can do. I have watched families that once believed God turn from the way and live a life of defeat. I have also seen how God can be for us, and if we'll just take Him at His word then the victory can be ours. As I studied out the life of Joshua I was so moved by the fact that it was not only his faith, but his willingness to not turn back. His heart was settled, and he even challenged those around him to be held accountable. So I also ask myself many times, what other options do we have in life as a believer, to turn back to the life we had before we were born again only to go on living in bondage, a slave to the world, unhappy in all circumstances? No, I like Joshua have seen the greatness of God in action, to tear down the biggest obstacles of life and take care of the battle. The hardest thing for me was not necessarily the step of faith; it was the putting of God first for many years. My Ai's have turned to Jericho's all because of our wonderful God who said "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous." Joshua 1:9. After I had learned to allow God to have first priority in life no matter the circumstance, or how foolish...
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...Who was the man who, wounded during the Civil War still unimaginably but miraculously survived it? The man, leading the famous charge against the terrible foes at the Battle Gettysburg, and drove them back? This Man was Lawrence Joshua Chamberlain born on September 8th 1828, in a beautiful and quaint town Called Brewer in Maine. He was the oldest. Raised on good family values Lawrence and his four siblings were taught morality, cheerfulness, and education. Cleverly his father “Joshua” and his mother “Sarah” named him after the great Commodore James Lawrence who had the famous saying “Don’t give up the ship.” As a boy Lawrence loved playing outside, he loved traveling out into the backwoods of Maine and loved galloping across open fields on his horse. During his early life we will see what great deeds he did before the war, and then at Gettysburg you will see what courageous acts he did for the Union army. Finally his later life, when the War Between the States ends and what happened after the war and what he accomplished. Joshua’s mother and father had very different views on what their son should do with his life, which to most parents was normal; however, on one side his father wanted him to honor and serve to what he had done with his life, meaning going into the military. His mother, however, wanted her son to go to a Christian College. He agreed with his mother. When he was thoughtfully and wisely thinking about where he was going, he finally decided on Bowdoin...
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...Integration of Faith and Learning 2 Natalie Collins Liberty University Abstract The book of Joshua details when God commanded Joshua to lead the Israelites into Jericho, and other cities. The position Joshua had to take can be compared to those that take place in marketing management. Marketing management takes place when an individual takes the necessary steps to achieve desired responses from others in business. Marketing is not only about selling but more importantly it is about knowing your customers so the service you are offering them sells itself. This paper will analyze the scripture Joshua 1:9, as well as the book in comparison to marketing management. We can compare the story when Joshua led the Israelites to the Promised Land to the concept of marketing management. In Joshua 1:9 God says, “"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Within the context of marketing management this scripture tells us God wanted Joshua to be strong, and have courage in all that he did and wherever he went. In order to be a good leader in business, or in this case war, a person should hold these characteristics. Joshua had to be strong not just physically but also mentally so he would be able to tackle any challenge that he was faced with the help of God. To have courage requires mental and moral strength to help you make the right decisions. Challenging yourself and...
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...The genre of Joshua is narrative. The two major themes in Joshua are the possession of the land and the covenant. Key Events: The major events of the book of Joshua are essentially separated into three different parts, including: the conquest of the land, the division of the land, and the farewells. During the “conquest of the land,” God orders Joshua to take possession of the land and warns him to keep faith with the Covenant. After crossing the Jordan by God’s divine intervention, the Israelites begin conquering the land by first taking Jericho, and then Ai. After some mishap with the Gibeonites in the south, the Israelites overtake Hazor in the north with “Yahweh’s” help. The second division of the book of Joshua was “the division of the land.” The division of the land essentially put people in literal possession of the land. The land divisions consisted of land east and west of the Jordan River, and also cities of refuge and the cities of the Levites. Lastly, in Joshua’s “farewells,” Joshua tells the Israelite leaders that they need to remain faithful to the covenant and to Yahweh. He also tells reminds the whole land of Israel of God’s great works. Joshua then performs the last covenant ceremony and sends the people to their land. The book of Joshua emphasized how important it is to be faithful to the covenant. Key characters: God, Joshua, Rahab, Achan, Eleazar, Phinehas, and Caleb. Leviticus The genre of Leviticus is law. The major theme...
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...Fields of Glory Joshua was a young boy born into a Christian family. He grew up in the state of Pennsylvania and would proceed to fight in the Civil War for his home state. His mother's name was Elizabeth, and he also had a father named Robert. Joshua grew up in a home much against slavery which was very important at this time period. Proceeding forward, Joshua enlisted into the Civil War for the Union Army being raised with the idea that all men were born equal. The Union has been in the middle of a great war against the Southern states of America. Joshua and the other noble men of the Union army are currently marching into the battle of Gettysburg. Joshua has other boys in his regiment that he grew up with, all of them were too young to...
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...the killer drove off with the body. Later on during the day they get a tip saying that they found a abandoned car in flames but nothing was to be found just a identification by the name of Joseph Greene. Detectives search into their data base and find his address and send a warrant to go and arrest him . When questioning him , they find that Joseph Greene also has a twin by the name of Joshua Greene . making this two suspects toward the crime scene . Joseph has not had any sort of communication with Joshua since a week when they got in a argument about Joshuas’ sexual oriention since they have always had dated woman their whole life. Police went out to search for Joshua at his residence where he was not found but what they discover is something gruesome, they found a trail of blood leading from the back yard all the way to his room . Therefore, he had around 5 decapitated heads all victims which were females in a table that had a stand to them but all had no hair just wigs. He had decapitated their heads with a chain saw which was also found in the crime scene. Body parts where found in Joshuas’ fridge were he saved them as “trophies”. He was never to be heard of but people never thought of Mr. Greene as having a “double life” turning into a...
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...Panel 1: Joshua Louis, 7/9/15, Ms. Parker, Freedom Pamphlet! Panel 2: The Declaration of Independence will always be recognized as the most important document in pursuit of freedom. This document stands as the reminder of a people’s struggle to Claim and win their independence against tyranny and unlawful acts. Historical experts continue to study the wording, structure and history of this document even today. While every American should be familiar with this most important document, many are not. Those people probably thought their ancestors one day woke up with the same rights they have, but that's not the case. They must acknowledge the hardships and sacrifices their ancestors went through to give them freedom. Panel 3: The first principle of popular sovereignty underlies the entire Declaration of Independence. It begins with the huge "We the People". Unlike most of world history and governments of the time, the Americans proclaimed that the people were sovereign, not King or Parliament. Popular sovereignty comes from natural rights, granted by "the Creator". As a consequence, no legitimate government may exist without the "consent of the governed Panel 4: Based on the Declaration of Independence, It begins with a statement that all men are created equal, that this is 'self evident', that everyone is entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (John Locke originated this phrase as 'life liberty and estate', estate being more than just property), and when...
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...正如你所看见的,转基因食品正在大批量出现在我们的生活中。关于转基因食品是否安全的争论从来没有停过。似乎这中间从来没有余地.作为平民,我们该有什么态度?转基因食物在主要大国又是什么情形呢?作者作为一个有责任心的学生,在不牵扯任何利益团体的情况下,提交这篇报告。我不敢也没能力给出结论,只希望给读者展示一些事实与数据。我处在美国东北的伊利诺伊州(本州大豆产量在各州之内列第一位。据统计,本州农产总值仅次于加州,列第二位。),转基因大面积种植。我采访了许多农民,希望给你真实的第一手资料 转基因生物,或“转基因生物”,是通过生物技术的基因拼接技术(也称为遗传工程或GE)创建的植物或动物。这个实验技术融合的DNA来自不同物种,创造植物,动物,细菌和病毒的基因不能在自然界中或在传统的杂交育种不稳定的组合 作为支持者说“没有科学证据能证明转基因食品对人类健康有害的。”世界卫生组织医疗保健机构,大部分研究机构和科学团体的大多数国家也支持这一观点。 有时正如克里斯贝尔(马顿·克里斯贝尔(Maarten J. Chrispeels)是美国科学院院士、国际知名生物学家 )所说,偶尔会有科学家发表论文声称转基因食品会危害人类健康,这类文章一经发表,就会有部分媒体、博客和反转基因组织抓住机会大肆宣传。“可遗憾的是,当这些科技期刊发表的论文被撤稿或勘误时,上述机构却缄默不语了。” 2012年,法国分子生物学家Seralini等人在《食品和化学毒理学》上发表了一篇成果,称除草剂草甘膦和抗草甘膦玉米都会在小鼠身上诱发癌症,旋即被电视明星、新闻记者和反转基因组织作为转基因食品有毒的证据广泛宣传。 然而,许多学者在读过此文后感到震惊,期刊编辑部也收到了大量列举该文章问题的信件。4个月后,期刊发布了撤稿声明,同时发布了领域内多位卓越科学家撰写的“读者来信”,详细指出了该文存在的缺陷。 而来自反对者的声音主要质疑转基因作物的安全性是否能够得到保障:转基因食品才10多年历史,10年无害能否说明让人吃50年、100年也无害? 对此,中国的“杂交水稻之父”、中国工程院院士袁隆平也承认,对于转基因作物之所以存在安全性顾虑,主要是有些转基因作物特别是抗虫的转基因品种,含有一种物质叫做BT毒蛋白。由于虫子吃了BT毒蛋白可以被毒死,因此长期摄入该物质对人是否有害很难说。 较中立的观点是,转基因食品具有的非期望效应。由于基因的插入是随机的,无法精确控制,因此可能会产生预料外的效果,例如引起某种有用基因沉默,从而导致某种营养成分的减少,或者激发某种抗营养因子水平的增加。 由于转基因技术打破了物种间的界限,确实有可能将新的有毒物质或者过敏原引入传统食物链中。因此,在进行转基因产品的研发以及政府审批过程中,都要对新引入的基因及表达产物、获得的新品种进行严格的食用安全性评价,最大限度地减少危害发生,保护人类健康和生态安全。 转基因的支持者主要有两个原因。一是,为了应对全球人口增长带来的粮食紧张,提高粮食产量。解决发展中国家的粮食缺乏、饥饿和营养不良问题。 二是,转基因技术使农作物具有抗旱、抗霜、抗酷热、抗病虫害、耐除草剂,可以减少化学农药的使用。 ISAAA在年度报告中分析了转基因作物对环境的影响。报告指出,2011年全球转基因作物的种植节约了相当于47300公斤的杀虫剂,高产的转基因作物节省了相当于1.09亿公顷的耕地,同时其效果相当于减少了约230亿公斤的温室气体排放量。通常,种植转基因作物不需要大面积野外田...
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...Team #: 2 Members: Bornacelli, Larry Jesior, Agnes Park, Jin* Vythoulkas, George Formal Problem Statement Problem: Increase in workload during the last two weeks of the month. Objective: Allocate Distribute workload equally through out the month. Problem: When a customer’s falls in payment is more than a month behind, he/s/he will show up in separate monthly files. Objective: Delinquent customer accounts should be should shownonly show up in one monthly file. Problem: Duplicate late notices. Objective: Dispatch only one delinquent letter, including the total late fees, to each delinquent member until dues are payed. Problem: Complaint letters are being sent in error. Objective: Complaint letters should not be sent when a case has been satisfactorily resolved. Problem: Additionally iIncrease in workload and errors because of the possible company’s expansion in the future. Objective: Develop system requirements in order that to meet future business requirements. Formal Problem Definition The majority of the problems, as they are described in the formal problem statements, have mainly to do with clerical and recording errors. There is an increase in workload the last half of each month. This problem occurs because the fees of seven of the associations, (which represent approximately 1800 customers, ) fees are due on the first of the month. This situation causes problems to the other office procedures (such as, the tracking...
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...------------------------------------------------- Unit 36: Starting a Small Business ------------------------------------------------- Business Plan Workbook ------------------------------------------------- Prepared by: ------------------------------------------------- Date: April 2013 ------------------------------------------------- Student name: _____________ Contents The business proposal - a brief summary (P1) 4 My business idea (Minimum 100 words) 4 The location & reason: Add Map! 4 Aims and Objectives (P1) 5 Action Plan (P1) 6 Swot analysis (P1) 7 Business threats 7 Legal Considerations (P1) 8 Proprietor’s background (P3.1) 11 Personal Development Plan (P3.2) 13 Market research Plan (P2.1) 14 The target market (P2.2) 15 The customers (P2.3) 16 The competition (P2.4) 17 The competition (P2.5) 18 Test marketing/ prospective clients (P2.6) 20 Advertising plan (P2.7) 21 Promotion (P2.8) 22 Sales plan (P2.9) 22 Production plan (P4.1) 23 Insurance (P4.2) 23 Legislation (P4.3) 23 Suppliers (P4.4) 24 Business premises (P4.5) 24 Business equipment (P4.6) 24 Terms of trade (P4.7) 25 Labour costs related to hours available (P4.8) 26 Financial Plan (P4. 9) 27 Personal survival budget 27 Sources of finance (P4.10) 29 Total finance available £ 29 Estimated pre-start costs (P4.11) 29 Estimated working capital (P4.12) 30 Sales Analysis (P4.13) 31 Cash flow forecast (P4.14): 32 Break-even analysis...
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...[pic] “Did the development of a middle-class ‘public sphere’ significantly alter artistic practice during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?” In The Structural transformation of the Public Sphere[1], Jürgen Habermas describes how this area in social life, both separated from the “private sphere” and the “sphere of public authority”, where people can get together and freely discuss and identify societal problems and trough that even influence political action, has not always existed. Its creation was part of a long process that had its peak at the turn of the eighteenth century. He also explains how, although this phenomenon concerns the whole of the European society, the British case stands out. The genesis of the public sphere is first of all associated to an economical factor. As a result from the modernization of the economy, based upon a systematic use of public credit and the free circulation of goods and capital, it is especially the city of London that expanded at a remarkable speed with the sudden and fast development of merchant banking and insurance, as well as warehousing and trading. This new horizon of possibilities on terms of wealth and independence unfolds simultaneously to important shifts in the political arena. After years of blood spill trough civil war, which ended with the execution of King Charles I, a constitutional monarchy was finally established. The idea of a freer, more horizontal conception of social relations started...
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...Joshua Files - Ice Shock 5/9/08 12:20 Page i Joshua Files - Ice Shock 5/9/08 12:20 Page ii Also by M.G. Harris The Joshua Files: Invisible City Joshua Files - Ice Shock 5/9/08 12:20 Page iii Ice Shock (((a/w lettering))) M. G. H A R R I S Joshua Files - Ice Shock 5/9/08 12:20 Page iv First published in the UK in 2009 by Scholastic Children’s Books An imprint of Scholastic Ltd Euston House, 24 Eversholt Street London, NW1 1DB, UK Registered office: Westfield Road, Southam, Warwickshire, CV47 0RA SCHOLASTIC and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Scholastic Inc. Text copyright © M.G. Harris, 2009 The right of M.G. Harris to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her. ISBN 978 1407 10403 4 A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. All rights reserved. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, hired out or otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of Scholastic Limited. Printed in the UK by CPI Bookmarque, Croydon, Surrey Papers used by Scholastic Children’s Books are made from wood grown in sustainable forests...
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...Auto biography Jessie Joy Durrant P-3 Do you know me do you really know me? Well if not Hello I’m Jessie Joy Durrant. Yeah real interesting name huh? Most kids are like hate my name I hate well, I’m not one of those children I absloutly 100% love my name, see my parents didn’t exactly agree on my name at first. My mother wanted Elizabeth joy and my dad said no, because Elizabeth is such a proper name, and he knew I was not going to be proper given the fact that I am thee only girl on my dad’s side, so in turn he named me after a song called “Jessie” by Joshua Kadison. I was born on August 4th, 1997 at exactly 1:30ish, it was your regular old C section; I was kind of a stubborn baby on the fact that my head wasn’t in thee exact position. I have lived my entire live in Utah, Plain City to exact, don’t wrong it’s not a terrible I just feel my family exactly your typical Utahan. Let’s see where have I traveled to hmm, well my family and I travel to Yellowstone National Park every year since I was born so that’s always fun and it’s not just my immediately family it’s pretty much my whole family. I have also traveled to Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Missouri, Nebraska hmm that’s actually all I can remember right now. Family is a big part of my life no matter what my family is always there for me and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Hobbies of mine soccer, hanging with friends, let me just say friends are a HUGE part of my life I am always there for my friends and...
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...Joshua Oldham 14 April 2015 GEN 200 Final Essay As I went through this class this semester we discussed things from Time Management Skills, to Plagiarism, from identifying Personal Learning styles to using sources in a paper. I was reminded that even academically I need to set achievable goals to achieve bigger goals. Doing this will lead to much better success, and will help in my success in my career as I carry on the same routine there. So as I took this class I came up with a few educational goals, two of those goals were to graduate with a total Grade Point Average of 3.5, and to do my best to graduate a semester early. I also came up with a couple career goals, one is that wherever I go teach that I have an average of 3.0 grade from my classes and full comprehension of what I teach. I also want to become a head coach of a High School football team within five years of my graduation date. I also was reminded, not just by the lesson, but with misuse of time, that Time Management Skills are not just important in my career and life, but also extremely important in my academic success. The writing process can help you advance in your education and your career by giving you the confidence to present yourself in writing. The writing process is quite useful in a career aspect. Knowing how to use the writing process can give you tools to advance in your career. For example, a well written resume can mean the difference between getting an interview and not. Also...
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...Summary: Joshua Foer, a science journalist, started his talk by instructing the audience to close their eyes, and visualize the very strange story he was telling. This story acts as an introduction into telling us about his journey into the bizarre world of competitive memorizing. The event, Foer says, includes a “bunch of guys and a few girls of widely varying ages and hygienic upkeep memorizing hundreds of random numbers by looking at them just once” (TED talk). Foer investigated a competitive memorizing competition that is held every spring in New York City called the United States Memory Championship. He explained that the competitors were memorizing hundreds of random numbers by just looking at them once, and remembering the countless...
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