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Juvenile Delinquency Among African Americans

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There are a number of factors that may account for the disproportionately high rate of violence in some African American communities. One potential factor for the high rates of violence in African American communities may relate to problems with acculturation. For instance, the research suggests that acculturative stress is a relatively strong predictor of domestic violence (Hall, 2010). However, a study Fite, Wynn, and Pardini (2009), which evaluated the discrepancies in the number of arrests rates between African American and European American male juveniles, found that arrests relating to violent crimes were related to the over-exposure to early childhood risk factors for crime and recidivism, such as poor academic performance in school, …show more content…
African Americans that come from low-income families, for instance, report having a higher incidence of hopelessness, substance use, and outbursts of violent or aggressive behavior (Hall, 2010). The results of the study by Fite et al. (2009) also suggest that African American adolescents have greater exposure to the two main factors for violence – juvenile delinquency among peers and poor parent-child communication – which account for approximately 26 percent of the racial discrepancy in juvenile arrests between African American males, particularly with respect to arrests relating to violent crimes. However, an additional 20 percent of the racial discrepancy seen in this population was also found to be directly related to the early exposure of violent or criminal behavior within the neighborhoods in which these adolescents were raised (Fite et al., 2009). Nevertheless, there are some key differences in how socioeconomic status might influence the type of discrimination that diverse African American communities may experience, which could also impact the prevalence of violence within each of these communities as well. In African American communities of a higher socioeconomic status, for example, residents are more likely to experience more subtle forms of racism. Comparatively, African Americans living in communities of a lower …show more content…
For example, African American males are more likely to be arrested than any other racial or social group, although it is unclear if this is the result institutional and societal racism or direct profiling from members of the justice system (Fite et al., 2009). In general, racial discrimination can significantly impact the mental health status of African American individuals. This includes instigating psychological symptoms relating to anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive behaviors or cognitions, somatization, and feelings of helplessness or hopelessness, which only further increases one’s sensitivity to discrimination. The emotional response to perceived discrimination can also be exhibited in the form of anger, frustration, resentment, interpersonal hypersensitivity, fear, or paranoia as well (Hall, 2010). Unfortunately, each one of these behaviors can easily turn into acts of violence and aggressive behavior as a form of expression. Still, there are some potential protective factors that may limit the damage caused by any of the above three factors that place African Americans communities at a higher risk for violence. For example, the development of a strong African American self-identity may serve as a protective factor against both psychopathology and violence, and communal values (e.g., cooperation, empathy, family focus)

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