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Juvenile Sex Offenders Research Paper

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Alternative Solutions to Juvenile Sex Offender Registration and Incarceration
Whenever sex offenders are referenced in the news, they are portrayed as horrible monsters. People who hurt others despite knowing better. There is, however, another face to the perpetrators of sexual offenses. This face belongs to the juveniles who make up roughly one-third of the reported sexual offenses against minors (“VII. Sex Offender Laws,” n.d.). These offenders are usually between the ages of eighteen and twelve. Twenty-three percent of the offending juveniles were under the age of the eighteen and roughly 3.7 percent of the juveniles were under the age of twelve. The age at which these crimes seem to peak is fourteen (“VII. Sex Offender Laws,” n.d.). Many of these children don’t know any better. The juvenile sex offenders are often victims themselves. Many were victims of maltreatment, or exposed to pornography, drug addiction, alcoholism, or poor role models. A sad fact is that almost 80 percent of these offenders have, themselves, been sexually abused and they don’t know any better than to do unto others what was done to them. Throughout this paper, the different degrees of sexual assault and sexual offenses will be covered along with the different punishments that accompany them. I …show more content…
Like the instance of a seventeen-year-old Dan M. having consensual sex with a fifteen-year-old. Due to being a registered sex offender, he cannot go places freely. He must register with every place he goes in accordance to the location’s laws. He is unable to do many things because he is on the list. The label prevents him from getting a job if it is discovered that he is a sex offender. He was adjudicated for the crime, but he was still registered (“VII. Sex Offender Laws,”

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