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Kingdom of God

Dr. Pat Francis

Dustin William Hall
September 8th 2011

In a kingdom there are kings and queens, princes and princess's and all kinds of other royalty figures. To the common person access to the royal people and the royal property is not allowed. To capture and take hold that we we're born with royalty in our spiritual bloodline and that the God that sent HIS only begotten son not only wanted us to receive the free gift of salvation but wanted us in his royal family is astonishing. God not only wants us to be blessed but he wants us to accept the benefits of being in the royal family.

Kingdom of God
I have the ability to be so attractive. The kingdom of God is something that when placed inside of our hearts makes us attractive to those around us. We posses the solutions to the modern day questions. We walk with something that all mankind will react too because God created all in HIS image and are allow subject to HIS creativity entity.

With the kingdom of God reigning in our hearts we allow the invisible kingdom to take reign and allow an everlasting kingdom to begin to open up opportunities for us. Opportunities like establishing that which was rightfully the LORDS back to HIM. The world has established it's kingdom and is in pursuit of capturing the sons and daughters of light. When we realize that we have the kingdom of God within us, we can begin to take authority over the kingdoms that threaten God's.

The phrase "Uphold the Kingdom" is something that God placed in my heart since the beginning of this class. Uphold by definition means to "maintain", we are called to not only uphold the kingdom principles that have been established by God but we are called to maintain them.

If we we're to attend a baseball game and arrive early we would see many different people doing various different jobs all to "maintain" the field. From the lawn mower to the dirt rake there are many different people doing many different things to make sure the field looks the best it can. It not only looks good for all those attending the game but also provides order and cleanliness for all the players. I believe the reason God spoke those words to me was for me to take ownership of HIS kingdom here on earth but to also maintain HIS kingdom here so it looks attractive for those in darkness and those seeking truth.

I think that fact that we are attractive on the inside is a testimony that God has found a home in our hearts. With a picture in the old testament of a God that many would visit to atone for sins now has stepped out of the temple and found rest inside of us. The picture of the cross is often seen as a picture of grace, but i believe it was more then an atonement for our sins. I believe God was trying to establish a relationship with us in an intimate way.

In Genesis we see a God that fellowshiped with HIS creation on a daily basis. We see that God wanted intimacy with Adam and Eve and the picture of heaven on earth was all over the garden of Eden. Sadly with the fall of man and the kingdom of the world beginning to take reign, God could no longer dwell in a place that was not holy. He would now have to schedule visits with HIS creation.

The cross was not only set up as an atonement for sin but it was God declaring HE no longer wanted to visit with us in the temple but HE wanted to dwell within us. He was no longer satisfied with the occasional visit by the ones HE created and loved. He wanted to once again establish what once was in the garden of Eden, Intimate Fellowship.

The kind of intimate fellowship that no man could created. A love that is undefiled and pure in nature and is all consuming by design. It's the kind of fellowship where no validation is required from anyone or anything but all things are made complete in this intimacy.

Kingdom of Earth
If the earth was one big mirror we would be a lot better off. The Lord's prayer is a cry for earth to look like heaven. In heaven there is no pain, sickness, or hurt there is nothing but joy, health and freedom. When we pray the Lord's prayer we take on the responsibility to bring heaven to our earthly situations. We take it with us to our homes and our jobs and the people around us. It's that asks us to look past was is physical and rely on what is spiritual.

When the devil was hurled down to the world he was given dominion over the things that are contrary to God's kingdom. As Generals in God's kingdom, we have the responsibility to take down that which is contrary to God's kingdom. As ambassadors we have a mandate from heaven to make the place we live look like the place where we are going.

We have been given the power from God to line up heavens attributes with the earth. Dr. Pat Francis said "God is bound to HIS kingdom principles" meaning when we are told there is no sickness in heaven, we are giving the opportunity to manifest it on earth. Any bondage we come across is a sign we must to loosen it because it does not reflect heaven. "on earth as it is in heaven" isn't a question but it's a mandate for those who dwell on the earth.

With the mandate to bring heaven on earth, we have often related that with becoming part of our local church or attaching ourselves to some sort of religion. God didn't want to establish a religion but the kingdom of God on earth. When we get wrapped up in the works of religion we lose sight of God simply wanting to impact peoples lives. Religion is often times performance based and restricts the often times able believer from bringing heaven on earth. Religion is often a diversion that the enemy will use to filter out people with true power to reign over darkness.

What would the earth look like if heaven had an open stream to operate? With the demonstration of power on display on earth we could begin to see the hearts of mankind accept the invisible kingdom. With so many rejecting the words that we say, what would their response be to a demonstration of God. When we accept that God's will is to make all things possible on earth and that God desires to make the earth an extension of heaven then we will begin to see those lost and hurting return to a savior.

The King Has Come If we come under the understanding that God wants heaven on earth then the KING of the kingdom has come as well. The Kingdom of God is within us so God is in our midst. The barriers of what is possible are removed because we take ourselves out of the physical realm and we transplant our perception to the spiritual realm. God within us and wherever we go allows us to break barriers and territory's set by the enemy. We become limitless when we have the KING with us.

Adam and Eve understood this well. In the garden there was all but one limit. They had dominion at their disposal and they we're naked in the garden without care because there was no shame. The KING was present with them and there was nothing they needed. They is the purist sense were given the perfect life.

Under the covering of the KING we have whatever we ask but as soon as we step away from the covering and seek power on our own we lose sight of our birthright. The enemy tempted Eve with nothing more then curiosity. It was Eves curiosity that lead to the fall of man. She wasn't displeased with what God gave her and Adam, but she was curious about what else was out there. Curiosity resulted in death and separation between man and God.

With the Kingdom of God within us we must realize that the enemy will attack us with curiosity. "Did that person really get healed?" "I wonder if one drink would really hurt me?" "Is God real?" Most of the time it's not a dramatic presentation when the enemy attacks, its with small subtle hints that we are lead astray. The trademark of the devil is curiosity. Before the fall of Satan he was an angel in the courts of the KING, yet through curiosity he was lead astray. Satan through curiosity thought he could be like God and could do what God did. Satan's reason for banishment is his reason for temptation.

Adam and Eve never sought for forgiveness or to take responsibility for there actions, they hid and hoped that God would never find out. Taking responsibility for our actions is the first step in the working of grace. We will never know if grace would have been available to Adam and Eve because they never put themselves in a position of responsibility.

Understanding Kingdoms
God handed Adam the keys to the Kingdom of Earth. He was called to be a steward to what God gave him and his ruler-ship was set. If we look at the fall of man, we will notice that Eve wasn't by herself in the temptation but was alongside Adam. Adam being a steward of the land and having ruler-ship should have been responsible with what was entering and deceiving his dominion.

He being the man was responsible for what he was given. He was called to be the priest of the land and protect it. We blame Eve for being the women that was deceived but i would actually lean the blame toward Adam rather then Eve. If he questioned the serpent about what he was saying and he remembered what God spoke then the serpent would have never had the opportunity to open the door of curiosity.

If Adam understood the Kingdom he was a steward over then the land and property would still be his. It's like the property and land that we own, if we do not take dominion over what we own then we open the door for something to slip in. We as stewards need to claim what we own and expand on the territory that God has given to us. If we as Kingdom carriers continue to take land and property, we expand Gods reach into our community and our world.

God is interested in giving us land. God delivered Egypt and gave them property to take dominion over. When we physically die God promises us property in heaven. It's important for Kingdom carriers to own property. God desires it. The poverty mentality will say we get what we work for, the kingdom mentality will know that God wants to bless his stewards and expand HIS territory. When we catch the vision that God desires to bless us, we open that door for God to do it. God wants us to take businesses, property and land so we can expand the kingdom of God on earth.

The Message of the Kingdom
The message of the kingdom is clear when we understand what God was trying to do in the garden with Adam and Eve. Giving dominion and ruler-ship was in the mind of God, as it is today in the property and land HE desires us to own. The message of the kingdom is to take what is rightfully ours and take back that which was lost.

In our workplace and where ever we tread we as Kingdom carriers can turn a city, group or ideology right side up. Since we carrier the solution with us we can help answer the questions of mankind today. We can walk into our workplaces and bring the kingdom mentality into play. In the kingdom of God there is no sickness, pain or fear and when we bring that mentality to the sick, hurt and fearful we can bring LIFE to that which the enemy wanted to keep dead.

Bring the kingdom of God to all people is important but i believe God wants us to be strategic about our movements. To take dominion over a city, nation or ideology we need to look for the source of influence. We can pray and bring the kingdom mindset to the homeless of a city but no property or ownership can be transferred because no property is owned. When we are strategic about land and property owners we can and will and transform a city.

When we bring the kingdom to the leaders and positions of influence we open the opportunity for a transfer of property ownership. When a property owner becomes a kingdom carrier, not only is the property transferred but the influence to other property's is changed. Satan has countless things under his dominion on this earth but if we are smart on where we bring the kingdom we can begin to turn city's, nations and ideology's right side up.

Kingdom Ambassadors
Carrying the kingdom is something God has trusted us with. God desires HIS sons and daughters to share in HIS labor and reign. The supernatural cloak of royalty has been placed on us. We are the physical representations of God. Now that God has stepped away from just visiting us in the temple and has taken a position in our hearts and our lives we are the invisible kingdom on earth.

Everywhere that we walk, everywhere that we talk and everywhere that we place our feet the kingdom is with us and inside of us. The darkness in this world is put on notice when we occupy an area. We as the royalty and kingdom ambassadors have now the right to take anything that the enemy is using and transfer it for God's glory. The power we posses is not in the words that we speak but in the demonstration we display. We are kingdom carriers holding the keys to the solution. We have a responsibility to bring light where darkness dwells.

As kingdom ambassadors we are clean before HIM. We have been called out of the world and we need to live up to that standard. We need to capture that we are not of this world but we have been called to partake with God in bringing this world back to HIM. If we capture the mentality that we represent the KING of KINGS and LORD and LORDS then our position will change from self progression to kingdom progression.

As Ambassadors as well we cannot speak on our own opinion but the opinion of the one we represent. Our ideas and thoughts are not our own but the one that sent us. A country is not going to label and send an ambassador that is not willing to represent what the country is all about. Ambassadors are loyal and do not conform to the country that they are in but they uphold and maintain who and what they represent. The ambassador is also educated and all about the country they represent.

We are ambassadors of Christ. We represent the ideas and thoughts of heaven and we must be loyal to those things and hold true to them. We have not been called to conform to this world but we have been called to uphold kingdom principles. (Romans 12:2) "and do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God" The will of God will be revealed by how we represent the kingdom. We need to be educated in our word and all about what God is doing today for us to be effective as Kingdom carriers.

The Kingdom Culture
With the understanding that the kingdom of God is within us, we need to live up to a standard that is worthy of God trusting us to use us. Holiness is a position of purity and sanctification before our King. When we purify ourselves we become like minded about kingdom work and we are effective in careering the kingdom wherever we go.
If we we’re to study an investor, an investor takes risks all the time in the stock market, but a smart investor is someone that looks at a particular stock and waits for some consistency before committing anything to it. Stocks that often dip to the top and dip back to the bottom are what investors commonly avoid because of the risk and the undetermined future.
I believe the same applies with our lives and how they appear before the King. If we are constant with our faith, purity and principles, God is willing to invest into us and use us to speak to the world (Daniel, Samuel, Paul). To us that live on a roller-coaster of emotions, feelings and faith we are seen as that up and down stock that smart investors wont invest in. If we cant be responsible with what God gives us then why would a God of order continue to waste wisdom and knowledge to those that would abuse it. It’s ultimately a call to live a holy life like Paul, Samuel and Daniel. To regard the kingdom before ourselves and and be a priest to the principles.
The Lord's prayer is something I've known for years. It's something that i have prayed for years and always tried to gain knowledge on what it meant. I remember coming to the conclusion months ago that when it says in Matthew 6:10 "thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" it was a call to bring heaven on earth. I focused so much on the latter part of that scripture that i missed the beginning.

The beginning of verse 10 says "thy kingdom come, thy will be done" which i commonly thought that referred to the second coming of Christ and that i would just need to wait till that time for God's complete will to be done on earth. During this class i have discovered the truth that has transformed my thinking and my walk with the LORD.

Since we are kingdom carriers, we bring the kingdom wherever we go. Weather it's to our job, our school or our family we bring the kingdom with us. If we find ourselves surrounded by sickness or pain we have the kingdom inside of us that is contrary to the aliments around us. Since we posses the kingdom, the will of God can come from us and through us.

Going back to verse 10 we see it says "thy kingdom come" meaning when i come i bring the kingdom, then "thy will be done" sates that wherever i tread the will of God is possible. God trusting me with the kingdom has and is continuing to cause a shift in my thinking. God loves me so much that he would trust HIS kingdom with me. That he cared so much about my life and the lives around me that HE sent his only SON for the gift of grace and also a permanent stay in my heart.

The old testament visitations of God and man remind me of dating. In a dating relationship we visit the person and build as much of a relationship as time would allow. We can't be completely intimate with them because we are not married to them and there are restrictions. Now knowing that I am a kingdom carrier and that God wanted to dwell with me in a intimate way triggers my imagination to think God proposed to me on the cross. He took it from a dating relationship to a marriage. He now dwells within me and I LOVE him with all of me. I

The kingdom of God is within me and wherever i go the kingdom is with me. I have been given all power and all authority that whatever does not line up with the kingdom of God must be terminated and removed. As a kingdom carrier i must uphold and maintain the invisible kingdom and never allow it's principles or it's values to be compromised. I am a kingdom carrier.

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...The UK Airline Industry The UK Airline industry is a huge industry for the United kingdom, it is important that we remember that it is not only tourism and passenger flights that we are talking about when we say the airline industry it involves all the shipping and import/exports that enter and leave the country by air, BATA say " Goods worth £116 billion are shipped between the UK non EU countries representing 35% of the UK's extra EU trade by value" The UK is a nation that is able to fly passengers anywhere in the world and also to import and export goods all over the world as well, this proves that the sheer size of the industry is massive, the CAA says " In the past 20 years passenger numbers at UK airports have grown from 104 million in 1990 to 213 million in 2010, having fallen from 242 million in the 2007 peak as a result of the financial crisis and economic downturn" these figures are massive considering the very small size of the UK and if we look at the details, BA was the sixth highest airline in terms of number of passengers in 2010 beaten only by Emirates, Air France, Easy Jet , Lufthansa and Ryan Air ( ASC June 26, 2011) , however Easy Jet and Ryan Air have huge stakes in the UK airline market and operate mainly within the UK's airports. the scope of the industry is very limited in the sense that the industry only caters to tourism and domestic holiday needs as well as importing and exporting goods, however within the export and export sector the scope is...

Words: 860 - Pages: 4

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Kingdom Hearts Aside

...For six years, Kingdom Hearts fans have been waiting for the release of the third game in the series. And while the wait has been agonizing, Tetsuya Nomura has kept a steady stream of spin-offs and side stories coming in order to flesh out the history of this series. But in expanding upon the relatively simple stories of Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, things began to grow more and more complicated. Now, with six games in total making up the series, the plot is a near-labyrinthine mess of connections and revelations. It's confusing for long-time fans and near impenetrable for newcomers. In mere weeks, Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance will be releasing on the 3DS and promises, according to Nomura, to lead directly into Kingdom Hearts 3. It's with that in mind that I have decided to unravel the plot of the entire series for those who may have missed the opportunity to play some of the spin-offs and those who just want a refresher before diving into the new game. I have also attempted to make this as inviting as I can for newcomers to the series who decide that they want to start with Dream Drop Distance. Be warned though that this timeline will spoil everything in the series so if you want to go in fresh, then it's probably a good idea to refer to this timeline later. With that introduction out of the way, let's begin… ------------------------------------------------- KINGDOM HEARTS: BIRTH BY SLEEP The story begins with a young boy named Ventus and an old man named Xehanort arriving...

Words: 88982 - Pages: 356

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Roles Of Representative Democracy In The United Kingdom

...The United Kingdom is a “Representative Democracy”, which is a type of political system where the majority of decisions are made by elected representatives rather than the people themselves. This form of democracy is common through the modern world, as it offers a viable alternative to the purest form of democracy; “Direct Democracy”, which is no longer effective in a modern society. Representation in the UK currently works in a number of ways. The main way is through MPs, who are members of Parliament who represent individual constituencies, whole constituencies, sometimes sectional interests, sometimes causes and sometimes the national interest. Most MP’s however, represent their party and its electoral manifesto. The public vote for the MP of their constitution, therefore presenting their views....

Words: 554 - Pages: 3