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Landscape Architecture Discussion Paper

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On Friday, November 6th, Ryan Deane, Landscape Architect at The S/L.A/M Collaborative (SLAM) and ASLA chair will be moderating an education session titled “The LA Media Continuum: Projecting the Future of Our Profession” at the annual ASLA meeting and expo in Chicago. Deane will be moderating the session with panelists Daniel Tal, ASLA Principal Landscape Architect at Ambit3D in Lakewood, Colorado, Bradley Cantrell, ASLA, Associate Professor of Landscape Architectural Technology at Harvard University Graduate School of Design in Cambridge, Massachusetts and David A. Rubin, ASLA, FAAR, Principal at LAND COLLECTIVE in Philadelphia. The ASLA Annual Meeting and EXPO offers over 130 courses, allowing attendees to earn up to 21 professional development hours (PDHs). It is the largest gathering of landscape architecture professionals and students in the world to gain perspective and establish new connections within the profession. …show more content…
It will cover the landscape architect’s mode of expression from pencil and trace to virtual reality and how it has taken a seminal shift in the last quarter century. Within the session, a diverse panel of professionals will review the past and present skill sets of landscape architects and focus on how future generations will reshape the profession. “Landscape architects routinely consider multiple perspectives that include interactions of scale, time, connections, systems, people, nature, and others in solving today’s complex planning and environmental design problems”, according to ASLA President, Richard Zweifel, FASLA. “With a comprehensive viewpoint, landscape architects add ‘voice’ to elements that are often silent but

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