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Law of Buy in


Submitted By ugender
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Pages 3
1. Children apply the Law of the Picture all the time; does this law apply in today's professional environment? Why or why not? Law of picture applies to today's professional environment because i feel people get inspired by what they see. Leaders with a great vision and strategy inspires others to followhis path. According to Maxwell( 2007) Law of picture states that people do what they see. Setting high standards and having a consistent vision with core values and objectives are very important for a leader to be successfull. It is the leader's responsibility to make sure that the entire team is part of seeing that vision become reality. That inspires people to follow his lead. In my previous job i have seen my project lead exhibiting a great vision and strategy that inspired all of our team members to follow his path and that lead to success.
2. How do you apply Law of Buy in?
According to Maxwell( 2007) Law of buy in states that People buy in to the leader first then the vision.Good leaders understand that people must buy into them first before buying into their vision. I believe that law of buy in plays vital role in achieving success. Because people tend to follow the leader and supports his values only when they buy in to the leader and his vision. I apply law of buy in by supporting my ideas , vision and have proper planning.Having standard vison which is consisitent with core values and objectives helps to grow as a leader .Setting high standards and displaying character with integrity and setting good examples helps to grow as a leader.Credibility can be build by developing good relationships with people and by understanding their values and respecting their ideas. This in turn builds the foundation for others to follow you and respect your ideas.
3. Give 2 examples of the Law of Victory in your personal life. I had an experience when i was elected as the president of the Student Association at my university. As part of our work, we planned for some service activities but we didnt have enough funds to start the service activity programs. Myself and my whole team worked very hard to raise the funds. We planned for several events in the university and raised funds through those events. We have faced many obstacles from the day we have planned for the events but my hard work, dedication and planning and the whole team's effort has really made the events to be successfull. Finally we got enough funds through those successfull events and we could run the service activity programs. That really increased our confidence levels.
In my previous job, we were a team of 12 members. Being a novice i have an idea of how to do the work but didn't have indepth knowledge . But when my project lead assigned duties, i really worked hard and learned new things and completed my task before the deadline and i also helped other team members and contributed to get the project done before the deadline. My project lead was very impressed and appreciated my work that really encouraged me. I feel it as a great accomplishment. Reference
Maxwell, J. (2007). The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership workbook. (10 ed.). Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Inc.

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