...1997, he was responsible for Boeing’s defense, space and government business. Beginning in 1994, Mulally was senior vice president of Airplane Development for Boeing Commercial Airplanes Group, responsible for all airplane development activities, flight test operations, certification and government technical liaison. Earlier, Mulally served as Boeing’s vice president of Engineering, and as vice president and general manager of the 777 program. Mulally joined Boeing in 1969 and progressed through a number of significant engineering and program-management assignments, including contributions on the 727, 737, 747, 757 and 767 airplanes. Throughout his career, Mulally has been recognized for his contributions and industry leadership, including being named...
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...levels of military spending, a large number of opportunities are available to companies keen to supply the nation with defense equipment; however, pressure to reduce the debt burden after the US financial crisis has shown a negative impact on the government budget and caused cuts in defense budget as well. A side effect of the uncertainty and budget cuts in the U.S. is strong industry interest in international sales. Defense companies that have never worked abroad are now eyeing the international market as a way to diversify their sales and balance out volatility in the U.S. market. The Foreign U.S. Defense Industry: International Arms Sales Begin your paper with the introduction. The active voice, rather than passive voice, should be used in your writing. This template is formatted according to APA Style guidelines, with one inch top, bottom, left, and right margins; Times New Roman font in 12 point; double-spaced; aligned flush left; and paragraphs indented 5-7 spaces. The page number appears one inch from the right edge on the first line of each page, excluding the Figures page. U.S. Defense Industry Flees the Country Defense budgets peaked in FY 2010 and have been down about 10 percent in the past 2 years. Factor in the budget sequester for this year and the defense budget will have fallen 24 percent from their height during The War on Terror. The future does not look different. If the sequester remains, one can expect another roughly $500 billion to disappear from projected...
Words: 1864 - Pages: 8
...U.S. Trade Analysis with other Countries Abstract Purpose- This paper presents the analysis of U.S. imports and exports by managing the trade balance. It also presents the leading U.S. imports and exports in terms of value along with the important partners. Design/methodology/approach- The author explains the balance of trade including the rise and fall of U.S. trade deficit using the analysis between different countries imports and exports. Research limitations/implications- The study is limited to analysis of imports, exports, trade surplus and deficit of U.S. trading. Originality/value- This paper will help to build up the understanding about the basic imports, exports and importance of balancing the trade cycle for a country. Keywords- Deficit, Import, Export, Surplus, Economy Introduction Every country has to follow a set of policies, methods and processes in order to perform imports and exports. A number of conflicts arise due to weak foreign trading policies by countries. It requires professional expertise to manage the trade of a country. There are also a number of conflicts generated between the different countries related to financial decisions of countries. To eliminate the risk involved in financial issues a system of principles, procedures, policies, responsibilities, accountabilities are used by stakeholders. Many of the famous financial scandals are noted in the history occurring at Parmalat, Nortel, and Enron. It has cost a lot of drop in the market...
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...700 U.S. Market share 25 percent Beef sales $12.7 billion Company overview Tyson bought the world’s largest supplier of premium beef and pork products, IBP Inc., in 2001. It’s the second-largest pork and chicken packer in the U.S. and sells its products in 90 countries. 2. Cargill Meat Solutions Corp. Wichita, Kan. Daily slaughter capacity: 29,000 U.S. Market share 21 percent Beef sales Cargill Meat Solutions would not release this data. Its parent company, Cargill Inc., reported $88.3 billion in sales in 2009. Company overview Cargill Meat Solutions is one of 75 businesses under Cargill Inc., the largest privately held corporation in the United States. Cargill runs the biggest flour-milling company in the world, is a leading corn syrup and soyabean processor, and has cocoa and chocolate operations on four continents. It employs 131,000 people in 66 countries, including Canada, Mexico and China. 3. JBS USA Greeley, Colo. Daily slaughter capacity: 28,600 U.S. Market share 18.5 percent Beef sales $9.2 billion Company overview JBS USA bought Swift (the-third largest packer) in 2007, then bought Smithfield (the fifth-largest packer and largest U.S. feedlot owner) in 2008, and then bought Pilgrim’s Pride, the...
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...ADVERTISING TERM REPORT ON PIZZA HUT MARKETING PLAN & AD CAMPAIGN Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 HISTORY 2 INTRODUCTION 3 PIZZA IN PAKISTAN 3 Mission Statement : 4 Vision: 4 Objective & Goals: 5 Current Market Situation: 5 Other Leading Brands: 5 OBJECTIVE: 6 Segmentation: 6 Target Markets: 6 Positioning: 7 SWOT ANALYSIS: 7 Strength: 7 Weakness: 7 Opportunities: 7 Threats: 7 MARKETING STRATEGY: 8 1. PRODUCT 8 2. PRICE: 8 Pizza Hut Iftar Deal 2011 – All you can Eat 8 3. PLACE: 8 Pizza Hut Iftar Deal 2011 – All you can Eat 10 Advertising Strategies: 11 Media Strategy : 12 1. Television 12 2. Radio 12 3. Newspaper 12 4. Internet 13 5. Outdoor 13 Campaign Evaluation 14 1. Measure Sales Of New Products 14 2. Conduct Survey 14 3. Focus Groups 14 TOTAL CAMPAIGN BUDGET 14 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The word "pizza" may be a derivative of the Latin word "picea", a Roman word used todescribe the blackening of bread in an oven. The word "pizza", in its current spelling emerged sometime in the middle Ages. It was used to describe both the sweet and saltypies that were becoming popular among Italian aristocracy. Pizza is basically a meal prepared in a plate made of bread. There are four main components of a basic pizza pie. There are different objectives of every organization. In order to achieve these objectives different targets are set. Targets pass down the hierarchy depending on the nature of the business...
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...FINAL PROJECT: HISTORICAL TIMELINE AND ESSAY Final Project: Historical Timeline and Essay Jennifer Mullins Axia College of the University of Phoenix Historical Timeline and Essay: The Civil War The first shots were fired on April 12, 1861 from Fort Sumter, South Carolina beginning a four-year battle that would end on April 9, 1865, when Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered in Appomattox, Virginia to Union General Ulysses S. Grant, ending what became known as the American Civil War (Davidson, Gienapp, Heyrman, Lytle, and Stoff, 2006). In the aftermath of the Revolutionary War, America went into two different economical directions: the North became industrial the South agricultural. Although it is believed the underlying cause behind the Civil War was due to the abolition of slavery (slaves were considered a major asset in the southern states), the following timeline shows there were many other factors involved as well. From the signing of the Declaration of Independence to the firing of the first shots at Fort Sumter, America’s journey for equality and unity was a hard one, leaving in its wake destruction, discord, and civil unrest. ____________________________________________________________ ____________ 1776: Declaration of Independence • Was written by Thomas Jefferson • Was signed on July 4th, severing all ties to Britain 1787: Northwest Ordinance • Was passed on July 13th establishing the intent to expand into the West adding...
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...development, innovative manufacturing, distribution and logistics. This also includes changes in the way that information is sent and received. This can be closely related to the environmental impacts that happen within an economy, such as depleting natural resources (Sieminski). The variations of different countries economic performance and within their regions are considerable (Bodie). What happens in other countries’ economies will influence the U.S. economy and its markets in either a negative or positive way depending on the economic circumstance. What is originally forecasted for the macroeconomic expectations through various analyses may not be the overall outcome. The global economy as a whole can be a very critical factor of industry performance, and if an economy is not expanding it can be difficult for a business to be successful (Bodie). Influences that are capable of impacting an economy are growth rates, unemployment rate, interest rates, exchange rates,...
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...eighth largest economy in the world, its impact on the overall U.S. economy is much larger when this “multiplier effect” is taken into account. And reports of the demise of the manufacturing economy in the 21st century are clearly premature. While the general public perceives a manufacturing sector marked primarily by a loss of jobs, the facts about the industry paint a different picture. The United States is the world's largest manufacturing economy, producing 21 percent of global manufactured products. China is second at 15 percent and Japan is third at 12 percent. U.S. manufacturing produces $1.6 trillion of value each year, or 11.2 percent of U.S. GDP. Manufacturing supports an estimated 18.6 million jobs in the U.S.—about one in six private sector jobs. Nearly 12 million Americans (or 9 percent of the workforce) are employed directly in manufacturing. In 2009, the average U.S. manufacturing worker earned $74,447 annually, including pay and benefits. The average non-manufacturing worker earned $63,122 annually. U.S. manufacturers are the most productive workers in the world—twice as productive as workers in the next 10 leading manufacturing economies. U.S. manufacturers perform two-thirds of all R&D in the nation, driving more innovation than any other sector. Taken alone, U.S. Manufacturing would be the 9th largest economy in the world. 2. Analysis of...
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...international business, whether it was the leading country in the First Industrial Revolution or finding new ways of exploiting untapped markets and resources. The company currently known as BP is one of those exemplary firms in this discussion. Throughout its history, BP has had many names, originally formed as Anglo- Persian Oil (1909-1935), political developments led to “The Company” being renamed Anglo- Iranian Oil (1935-1954), British Petroleum (1954-2000), and currently, simply BP with the tagline “beyond petroleum.” The numerous name changes highlight one of the most significant aspects of the Company’s existence, the relationship between it and different governments. It also highlights one of BP’s core competencies, which is its constant re-branding and reinvention of itself as the latest “bp: beyond petroleum” is an effort to appear more environmentally friendly. Contracts tied the Company to Persian authorities as the Shah granted William Knox D’Arcy a concession to explore for oil. Their relationship with the UK was necessary for financing, as the British government would partially nationalize Anglo-Persian Oil. A chief contributor to the development of Second Industrial Revolution (1840’s-1950’s), the BP company began with an investment by William Knox D’Arcy, a man who was more of a financier than an entrepreneur. During the Second Industrial Revolution, in a range of industries, giant corporations arose to establish...
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...Organization 28 4.3. Contingency Planning 29 5.0 Coclution 30 References 31 1.0 Executive Summary Amber Rice Marketing Company (ARMC) will add a rare and delicious type of rice to the U.S. markets, will offer the American people of this new type of rice so that they get its benefits and enjoy with its unique flavor. This marketing plan illustrates our market segments and the strategies we are employing to get customers and create a solid revenue stream. We are not just any rice marketer. Our unique focus of providing a distinct type of rice gives us an advantage over our competitors by giving customers a new outlet to enjoy of delicious taste . This increases our desire that the providing of Amber rice will not be limited to the markets of Kansas City but expands our reach to people in all U.S. markets. Our brand is our promise. It says consumers can count on us to provide consistently high-quality, delicious and wholesome food. Developing and implementing our corporate responsibility strategy will strengthen our business and our long-term sustainability. Providing a transparent and comprehensive account of our goals, our actions, our achievements of opportunity is the right thing to do – and in keeping with operations and avoid risks to our reputation. At the same time, we believe...
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...In 1889, a well-known Manila businessman, Don Enrique María Barretto de Ycaza y Esteban, applied for a royal grant from Spain to establish a brewery in the Philippines. He was awarded the grant for a period of twenty years. On September 29, 1890 (Michaelmas, or the feast day of Saint Michael the Archangel), La Fábrica de Cerveza de San Miguel was declared open for business. Located at 6 Calzada de Malacañang(later called Calle Avilés), the brewery took its name from its neighbourhood, the arrabal(suburb or district) of San Miguel. The facility had two sections: one devoted to the production of ice with a daily capacity of 5 tonnes, and the other to beer production. The brewery was the first in Southeast Asia using the most modern equipment and facilities of the day. With 70 employees, the plant produced 3,600 hectolitres (about 47,000 cases) of lager beer during the first year and subsequently produced other types of beer, notably Cerveza Negra, Eagle Extra Stout and Doble Bock. Early success led to the expansion of the business and Barretto decided to incorporate his brewery. On 6 June 1893, the company was incorporated and registered with a capital of P180,000. Those forming the corporation were Don Pedro Pablo Róxas y Castro, Don Gonzalo Tuasón y Patiño, Don Vicente D. Fernández y Castro, Don Albino Goyenechea, Benito Legarda y Tuáson, the heirs of Don Mariano Buenaventura y Chuidan and Barretto. Róxas was soon appointed manager, playing a prominent role in the development...
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...Research Based Argument Paper David Odenweller 05/04/2014 Welcome to the machine Hydraulic fracturing has become one of the key issues of our time, due to the important part it plays in our nation’s ambitions for a clean and sustainable energy future. Due to recent technological advances in horizontal drilling techniques, the vast natural gas reserves found within the shale formations underground in the United States have become easily accessible. Responsible development of these resources is believed to be key to a sustainable financial, and environmentally prosperous future for America. However, recent environmental and health concerns beg to differ, and question whether these new developments pose more of a threat to americans than they are worth. Nature sustains life on our planet. Humans have developed an organization of society that runs on machines. What does it take to run the machines that power our world? Our society also runs on money. So anything that plays into the running of our society must must invariably be tied to how it profits the people in charge of running things. How does it benefit us as a whole? This question is larger than the debate which this paper addresses, yet it is valid in that it is an overarching theme that drives the situation behind the issues within. A big part of what our economy has deemed is important in order to sustain the current level of comfort that we have been sold is largely based on non-renewable energy sources such as...
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...Social and Development Sciences Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 91-100, Apr 2011 Constraints of Manufacture based Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Development in Bangladesh 1Business Feroz Ahmed1, *Md. Mizanur Rahman1, Monimul Haque2 Administration Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh 2Department of Finance and Banking, University of Rajshahi *mizanurku03@yahoo.com Abstract: Small and medium enterprises (henceforth, SMEs) play a key role in economic growth and industrial development of a country. They make vital contributions in improving economic and social sectors of a country through stimulating large scale employment, investment, development of indigenous skill and technology, promotion of entrepreneurship and innovativeness, enhancing exports, and also building an industrial base at different scales. SMEs worldwide have been benefited from the combined interactions of forces of product mix, location factors, and market advantages. However, evidences also suggest that there are cases of SME failures. Growth of SMEs is constrained by many factors. Many SMEs occasionally go on growing into large firms. This paper looks for identifying such constraints of manufacture based SME Development in Bangladesh. From the study, it has been identified that, lack of utility facilities, for example, electricity, gas and water, frequent changes of the prices of raw materials as well as shortage of raw materials, political unrest, high interest rate on borrowings, high transportation cost, lack...
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...Prepared by: 11/30/2014 November/30/ 2014 The Financial and Banking System of: Argentina I. Table of Contents 2 II. Geography 4 III. History of the Country 6 IV. The Country's Financial System a. Historical Overview 10 b. Present Monetary Laws and Regulations 11 c. Types of Financial Institutions operating in the country 12 d. The Central Bank 12-13 e. Bank Regulation 13 f. Commercial Banks Operating in the country 15 1. Commercial 15-16 2. Savings & Mortgage Banks 17 3. Other Financial firms 17 V. Country’s Balance of Payment and Balance of Trade- Principal Sources of Exports, Imports, investments, and funds transfers, etc. 18 VI. Foreign Reserves 19 VII. Current Situation of the country's currency 20 VIII. Risk those banks in the selected country face- such Currency, Political, Regulatory, Crime, etc. 20 IX. What is the Country doing about Preventing, Detecting and Eradicating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing? 21 X. Important Bank Failures and Scandals in the Country. 22 XI Summary and Conclusion: 22-23 XII What is the Future Outlook for this Country and its Financial System? 23 XIII Would you Approve Lines of Credit for Banks in this Country? 24 Explain Your Yes or No Decision. XIV Appendices 25 XV Works Cited ...
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...Reliance About the Company: 1991, Reliance industries set up a new subsidiary, Reliance Refineries Private Ltd. The subsidiary later changed its name to Reliance Petroleum Limited, and in 1993 launched a public offering, which at that time was India's largest ever IPO. Reliance continued to pioneer financing channels in India. In 1993, for example, the company became the first Indian company to raise capital on the foreign market, through a Global Depositary Receipt(GDR) issue in Luxembtheirg. The company completed a second successful GDR issue in 1994. The company used the new capital in part to expand its petrochemicals wing, building the world's largest multi-feed cracker at the Hazira site. The company also added production plants for mono ethylene glycol, polyethylene, and purified terephthalic acid. The new units launched production in 1998.Reliance's opportunity for entry into petroleum refining came in 1997, when the Indian oil industry reached a state of near collapse. Unable to fund further exploration operations, and lacking the capital to expand its existing production, the government was forced to liberalize the sector. In that year, Reliance announced a plan to build one of the world's largest and most modern petroleum refining complexes in Jamnagar, Gujarat, at a cost of some $6 billion. The government agreed to the plan, and granted the company the right to import petroleum directly, rather than going through Indian Oil, which helped Reliance greatly drive...
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