...3DLA F211B CIPD Assessment Activity Template |Title of unit/s |Delivering Learning and Development Activities | |Unit No/s |3DLA | |Level |Foundation | |Credit value |6 | |Assessment method |Written, Observation | |Learning outcomes: | | | |1. Be able to create an environment conducive to learning. | |2. Be able to plan and deliver learning and development programme activity to individuals and groups. | |3. Know how to review learning and development activities | |All activities should be completed ...
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...Analyse how types of assessment are used in lifelong learning Assessments should be a regular process; it might not always be formalised, but you should be observing what your students are doing, asking questions and reviewing their progress throughout their time with you (Gravells 2012). It Is a way of finding out if learning has taken place .It enables to ascertain whether the student has gained the required skills, knowledge and attitudes needed at a given point towards their programme of learning. Assessment is not another term for evaluation: assessment is of the students whereas evaluation is of the program. Assessment is specific towards student’s achievements and how they can improve. Assessment are internally or externally set. Assessment types There are three types of assessment used in lifelong learning sector depending upon the subject and the requirements. They are Initial Assessment, Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment. Initial Assessment This is the formal way of ascertaining student’s prior skills and knowledge of the subject to be taken and whether they have any specific needs. Initial assessments will help to identify any particular aspects which may otherwise go unnoticed and also ensuring equality and diversity are met. Initial assessment will give information regarding about students, for example, any specific assessment requirements or needs they may have, their learning style or any further training and support their need. Initial assessment...
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...Quality Project http://fp.uni.edu/itq Prompt for Teacher Work Sample THE VISION Successful teacher candidates support learning by designing a Teacher Work Sample that employs a range of strategies and builds on each student’s strengths, needs, and prior experiences. Through this performance assessment, teacher candidates provide credible evidence of their ability to facilitate learning by meeting the following standards: • The teacher uses information about the learning/teaching context and student individual differences to set learning goals and objectives, plan instruction, and assess learning. • The teacher sets significant, challenging, varied, and appropriate learning goals and objectives. • The teacher uses multiple assessment modes and approaches aligned with learning goals and objectives to assess student learning before, during, and after instruction. • The teacher designs instruction for specific learning goals and objectives, student characteristics and needs, and learning contexts. • The teacher uses on-going analysis of student learning to make instructional decisions. • The teacher uses assessment data to profile student learning and communicate information about student progress and achievement. • The teacher analyzes the relationship between his or her instruction and student learning in order to improve teaching practice. Your Assignment You are required to teach a comprehensive unit. Your instructional goals and objectives...
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...R/505/0923 Unit 1. Teaching, learning and assessment in education and training. Assignment 2 /03/06/2024 Words Counting : 2145. Assignment 2 2. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Be able to use initial and diagnostic assessment to agree individual learning goals with learners. 2.1 Explain why it is important to identify and meet the individual needs of learners. Identifying and meeting the individual needs of learners is a cornerstone of effective teaching and learning. Ensuring that each student receives personalised attention and instruction tailored to their specific needs can significantly enhance their educational experience and outcomes. Also, some learners will have particular needs which may affect their...
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...My Assessment Philosophy I believe assessment should be embraced by educators and used as a tool to guide students towards academic success. Assessment is a vital part of the teaching and learning process. The assessment of prior knowledge, diagnostic assessment, helps highlight students’ understandings and misconceptions. Diagnostic assessment, assessment for learning, is also the starting point of planning process. Assessment is a process that should be put in place throughout the teaching and learning process, formative assessment. Formative assessment, assessment as learning, allows educators to monitor students’ progress and adjust plans accordingly. Summative assessment, assessment of learning, is the assessment of students’ overall development...
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...CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS Draft Document – Work in Progress FEBRUARY 2004 ASSESSMENT IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS NCCA Draft Document FEBRUARY 2004 1 Contents Preface 5 1. Introduction 7 Education Act 1998 9 Primary School Curriculum (1999) 10 Developments in assessment since 1990 10 Context and purpose of an overarching statement on assessment 10 The structure of the document 11 2. Recent developments in assessment 13 Assessment for teaching and learning 16 Assessment across the curriculum 16 A range of modes of assessment 17 Assessment and the early identification of learning difficulties 18 Recording and reporting the results of assessment 19 Assessment competencies 19 Professional development for teachers 20 2 3. Re-envisioning assessment 21 What is assessment? 23 Assessment for learning and assessment of learning 23 Assessment and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) 28 Access to assessment information 29 4. General considerations in developing an overarching statement on assessment in primary schools 33 5. Developing a school policy on assessment 37 The use of assessment results for the purposes of assessment for learning 39 The use of assessment results for the purposes of assessment of learning 40 The different dimensions of the child’s learning and development ...
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...1. Assessment should be relevant. Assessment needs to provide information about students’ knowledge, skills and understandings of the learning outcomes specified in the NSW syllabus documents. That is, it needs to be directly linked to the syllabus standards. Syllabus standards are defined at: https://www.det.nsw.edu.au/policies/ curriculum/schools/curric_plan/ policystandards161006.pdf 2. Assessment should be appropriate. Assessment needs to provide nformation about the particular kind of learning in which we are interested. This means that we need to use a variety of assessment methods because not all methods are capable of providing information about all kinds of learning. For example, some kinds of learning are best assessed by observing students; some by having students complete projects or make products and others by having students complete paper and pen tasks. Reportingto parentsAssessmentLearning For of© State of New South Wales through the NSW Department of Education and Training, 2008 3 Assessment principlesare not influenced by the choice of a specific assessment task). Assessment also needs to be objective so that if a second person assesses a student’s work, they will come to the same conclusion as the first person.Assessment will be fair to all students if it is based on reliable, accurate and defensible measures.5. Assessment should provide useful information.The focus of assessment is to establish where students are in their learning. This information...
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...Explain the role of Assessment in teaching and learning process. 1.1 Explain the function of assessment in learning and development. “Assessment is a way of finding out if learning has taken place. It enables you to ascertain if a student has gained the skills, knowledge and/or attitudes needed at a given point towards their programme of learning”. Gravells (2010 page 110). It is primarily a gauge for the teacher and student to be able to measure progress against set criteria. Assessment can be broken down according to its purpose, that of assessment for learning, assessment as learning, assessment of learning and evaluation. Assessment for learning may begin with initial and diagnostic assessments where a teacher can learn from a student any previous learning/study that will assist in the forthcoming teaching. This can take the form of testimonies from previous teachers, portfolios, certificates and conversation. This will allow the teacher to identify a starting point and capability of a student to achieve the required outcome in the learning they are about to perform. In my own role of teaching Professional Updates the students will present a workbook linked with the coming PU lesson which they will have completed prior to the PU training. I will examine and mark the workbook to check on their knowledge and understanding. This will give me an indication of a student’s strengths and weaknesses before the training commences and allows me to tailor the lesson plan to...
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...LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT A GUIDE TO ASSESSMENT FOR THE NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2001 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the prior permission of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. ISBN 0-90892751-7 ii LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT Assessment for the Qualifications Framework Introduction to 2001 edition Learning and Assessment was first published in 1996. It has been in demand ever since and reprinted many times in its original format. The 2001 edition retains the text of the original. The photographs have been omitted to reduce costs and the original Foreward was no longer relevant. We are delighted and a little surprised that there is sufficient demand for a reprint five years on. When we were researching for Learning and Assessment late in 1995 only 40,000 learners were being assessed for the Framework. There were 4,800 registered unit standards and 109 national qualifications. Only 414 providers were accredited and 16 ITOs were able to register workplace assessors. Sixty schools were trialling mathematics and geography standards. There was little practice of any kind, let alone proven successful practice, on which to base advice to assessors. Our scenarios and case studies in computing, small business management, commercial fishing and economics reflected hope and expectation rather than experience. There are now 626,000 learners registered on the Framework; about 200...
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... ------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Analyse the role and use of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing individual learner goals ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- During my role as a trainer it is important that each new learner has a starting point from where to commence the training. This can be found by the use of initial assessment procedure. ------------------------------------------------- Initial assessment is a vital link to the learning process, it is a formal and informal process that identifies each learners starting point. It helps to identify learner’s current levels of ability and their need for support in functional skills and personal and social skills. This is the time where I will get to learn my learner, every learner has to start somewhere. ------------------------------------------------- Initial assessment it provides a chance to assess my learner’s current knowledge and experience and will enable me to ensure the learner is enrolled on the correct course to suit their needs. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- During this initial assessment process I can find out if the learner has any individual needs they may have and the support that may be required and ascertain the learning preference if there is one. The Equality Act (2010) stipulates that education providers are legally obliged...
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...SAVE Training Individualised Learning Plan: Pema Gyaltshen Course TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment Readiness Checklist Enrolment Date 05/05/2015 Access to Website Any Questions Answered Graduation Goal 11/08/2015 Word Processor Time Commitment 20 hours per week Tutor RPL notes Barriers / Strategy Practice Environment Training opportunities within an RTO (Training Diploma of Management) Pema is an experienced senior High School Teacher and Assistant Principal. About Recently Pema has been given the opportunity to train and assess in the Diploma of Management within a WA-based RTO. Individualised Learning Plan: TAE40110 SAVE Training Introduction This document is used to plan a learning and assessment pathway that best suits you. The duedates and structure set out in this plan have been tailored to ft your current circumstances. We can review and change this plan at any time if for some reason it's not working out or there has been a major change in your situation. Please contact us if this is the case. Our aim is to help you get qualifed sooner than your maximum enrolment period, this will create a bufer of extra time in case you need it. If you feel you are not going to meet a deadline set out in this plan it is important to contact us so we can review it for you. Don't avoid us if you miss a deadline – it's not the end of the world and we'll help you get back on track. Just because we suggest you...
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...& Practices of Assessment ------------------------------------------------- Principles and Requirements of Assessment The Functions of Assessment Varieties of Assessment It's been said that in life, timing is everything. As in life, assessments performed at crucial times in the learning process can spell the difference between gathering data to evaluate students and using assessments to enhance learning. Based on timing and purpose, four functions of assessment data are: * Formative Assessment provides diagnostic feedback to students and instructors at short-term intervals (e.g., during a class or on a weekly basis) * Summative assessment provides a description of students' level of attainment upon completion of an activity, module, or course * Evaluative assessment provides instructors with curricular feedback (e.g., the value of a field trip or oral presentation technique) * Educative assessment Integrated within learning activities themselves, educative assessment builds student (and faculty) insight and understandings about their own learning and teaching. In short, assessment IS a form of learning. At its most useful, educative assessment (sometimes termed active assessment) is an episode in the learning process; part of reflection and autobiographical understanding of student progress. Diagnostic and Formative Assessment Diagnostic Pre-Assessments Diagnostic assessments (also known as pre-assessments) provide instructors...
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...will not have been in a learning environment for some time. There will be many different personalities and learning styles within the group of learners and each learner will bring different skills, experiences and knowledge into the classroom. It is the teacher’s responsibility to make teaching and learning effective and they will need to know the learner as much as possible. A teacher is responsible for meeting the needs of different individuals or different groups of students who are learning together at any time. It is essential that a teacher must find a method of differentiating between learners in order to personalise learning to individual needs. This can be done by introducing a number of Initial and diagnostic assessments at the start of the students learning. It is an essential part of the learners needs to carry out assessments and was recognised as far back as 1904 when Alfred Binet, a French psychologist, developed the first intelligence test, which was to spark of the interest in individual variations. Since 1904 there have been many different tools developed to define the differences in learning styles (http://www.ehow.com/about_5381758_history-learning-styles). A) Identify a range of initial and diagnostic assessment tools: Initial and diagnostic assessments should involve a range of different styles and approaches, as each assessment will enable you to learn more about your student skills and identify their individual needs. There are a number...
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...between summative and formative assessments Formative assessment gives feedback and information during the instructional process- during the learning that occurs. This type of assessment measures the learner's progress and also that of the instructor. The main focus of formative assessment is to identify areas that need help or improvement. These check the learning progress and the effectiveness of the teaching methods and activities. Types of formative assessments include observations, homework exercises, question and answer sessions, and student. Formative assessment occurs during a course or programme of study which the teacher implements. It is often informal. This shows effective learning and the need for modifications. Formative assessment is assessment for learning. Uses for formative assessment: •facilitates learning •determine whether learning has occurred •provide feedback on learners' progression, signs for improvement •diagnose needs/barriers of learning and changes needed to change the course/programme •current strategies and methods can be adapted and accommodating •monitors the learning process Summative assessment occurs after learning and provides information and feedback that summarises and concludes the teaching and learning process. Rubrics are designed with set standards and are communicated to learners before the task so they know what is expected of them. Grades are an example of the outcome of summative assessment to determine whether students...
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...Question 1: How does formative assessment support student performance? Formative assessment is a ongoing process used by teachers during instruction that gives explicit feedback to students to adjust teaching and learning process to improve students’ achievement of the desired instructional outcomes. It is also known as “assessment for learning”. Formative assessment is proven to be highly effective way to enhance and support student performance. The purpose of formative assessment is to give students the means and motivation to take ownership of their own learning. This means that students need to be responsible for their own learning. Students themselves must have the initiative to discover what to learn and how to learn. At the same time, teachers play important roles to encourage students to monitor and support their own learning. More powerful learning happens when students have more control over their own learning through such assessment practices. They should not be excluded from the assessment process. Students will be able to know what they are ready to learn next. Through formative assessment, students are able to know and understand their specific learning goals clearly. This can be done through direct communication which involves interactions between teacher and student and student and student. Students are informed directly their specific learning goals. For example, at the beginning of the lesson, teacher can tell the students they will be tested on “Adverbs”...
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