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Leaving Home Analysis

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Ever just wonder how it would feel to be a refugee and how hard it would be to get used too a new home with lots of differences compared to their culture. Sometimes refugee’s get helped to find a new home and get help too become a part of the community they are now in. When refugee’s find a home just means they lose some friends and part of their religion. Most refugee’s feel turned upside down and back again because they flee home because life at there home makes life challenging for them and after years they return back home after whatever the issue was is over for example war. Ha’s life is related to the universal refugee experience because she has faced all of the issues that a refugee would face. Ha has been part of the refugee experience …show more content…
Ha often felt inside out and back again when she fled her country she lost all her friends and when she enrolled into a school in America people made fun of her because of the way she looked but after a while Ha’s family did some task for people to accept them for example they were baptized, and after that some neighbors accepted them even their cowboy’s wife smiled at them, they felt accepted. Ha felt turned inside out because in her new home people in america didn’t treat them the same for example at school other kids made fun of her because the way she looks. In page 146 it states “He pokes my cheek. Howls from everyone. He pokes my chest. I see nothing but squeezed eyes, twisted mouths. No they’re not curious.”. This explains that the other kids in has school make fun of her because of the way she looks. On the other hand, Refugees often felt inside out and back again when they have to leave their home because of danger and they face lots of conflicts when they are transported too a new country then after a couple of years the refugee’s go back too their old home; therefor, Ha’s life is representative of the universal; refugee experience by her fleeing her home after war broke out between north and south vietnam, which led her to travel to america as that to be her new

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