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Liberal Arts Education Research Paper

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What exactly is a liberal arts education? It is most commonly believed to be an education that encompasses a wide range of topics, providing it’s students with broad general knowledge. According to Burk, it entails much more than that. He highlights three ways in which the liberal arts program at Creighton University extends beyond simply taking the courses in The Magis Core curricula. It broadens your horizons through the opportunity to take different elective courses. You are also encouraged to engage in extracurricular activities that will supplement your development in a non-academic setting. Lastly, and most importantly, he shines light on the certain ways of teaching and distinct relationships between the people who make up this university. You will have passionate teachers who consider teaching to be more than just a job.

Larry Sanger, the founder of Wikipedia, …show more content…
Chances are, many of us quickly thought of a Disney movie. Well former CEO of the entertainment empire, Michael Eisner, is also a recipient of a liberal arts education and earned a B.A. in English. He once said, “I would much rather hire an executive who has taken courses in history and philosophy and language and art, and English and Russian literature, than somebody who has only studied a single element of one subject.” Many would question why an English major was the CEO of a corporation responsible for giving us Nemo and Cinderella. More so, how exactly this English major grew Disney’s annual revenues from $1.5 billion to a whooping $31 billion. He was able to do astonishing things with his liberal arts degree, and so has many other people. I would argue that Eisner possessed many, if not all, of the skills and qualities Burk lists. One quality that seems to be apparent in the former CEO is being “active and creative”. To utilize your talents and abilities for the betterment of the world around you; to be men and women for and with

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