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Life After Death

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In debate Death is not Final , Eben Alexander, Steven Novella, Sean Caroll, and R. Moody attempt to scientifically prove if life after death exist or if it is a scenario put together by the brain. Eben Alexander neurologist and author of Proof of Heaven and Raymond Moody argue for the belief that life after death is in fact existent and that complete unconsciousness of the brain does not occur after death that there is something more after the soul has left the body that cannot be scientifically proven. In the opposing side Sean Caroll physicist, and Steven Novella a clinical neurologist at Yale University oppose to the belief that life after death is existent and argue that damage to the brain can cause a person to hallucinate and Sean Caroll …show more content…
When he suddenly became ill in the year of 2008 and for seven days remain in coma with acute bacterial meningophalitis that caused the destruction of the neocortex that is responsible for the behavior of humans aswell as the one responsible for creating consciousness therefore, there was no possibility of his brain confusing his experience as a form of hallucination. As the days progressed diminished his chance of survival leaving him with a 2% chance of survival by the seventh day his disease so fatal that the doctors suggested to stop medication as he had no possibility of survival neither less recovery. As a scientist his belief of what came after dead was that the brain will experience a full sense of unconsciousness however, he explains his experience as the complete opposite “like blinders coming off vibrant, crisp, ultra no memories of religion”. As the debate progresses he is asked to describe what he experience as he was unconscious and with one simple word “astonishing” he describe what he had seen when his soul left his body he had no way more of describing what all his life he did not believe exist he entered a journey of love and understanding far

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