Premium Essay

Life Changing


Submitted By mgutie34
Words 2273
Pages 10
What are the benefits of undergoing an ample amount of diverse experiences while being considered a college student? The word diversity has a different meaning to every single individual but, it may be considered as a variety for the purpose of this paper; or the opposite of monotony. When students attend a university or college campus that encourages diversity it pushes them to go through these diverse experiences that may help change their lives in an array of different ways. Diverse experiences could consist of something as simple as joining a club you never would have thought you’d join or making a bolder choice like taking a trip to another country with the study abroad programs provided by higher education. It is important to keep in mind that although it takes will and a certain mindset to throw yourself at experiences like these, it may not be as hard as one may think.
When students chose a higher education school they typically like to see that their future campus will be a diverse one, because the benefits that come with that type of environment are tremendous for college students. There is an article that was published in The Philadelphia Inquirer about the specific views of students and how they feel about the role diversity plays on their individual campus experience and the overall impact diversity had on them throughout college. The diversity generates a better classroom discussion, students say. Jillian Smith, a Dickinson College sophomore, said her courses on urban issues were better served by the presence of students who grew up in the inner city. "You can read about something, but that doesn't mean you necessarily comprehend fully. Any time a [city] student shared a story, everyone in class understood more." (O'Neill, J. M., 2003) This is an excellent example of just how much impact diverse experience has on a person and not to mention, their

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