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Life of Special Education Teacher


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The Life of a Special Education Teacher

July 13, 2011


The different ways Special Education teachers of severe disabled students are to look past the student and to be very “non judgmental” and appreciate the small steps/goals the student is making and work up from there. It can be very frustrating for the teachers with all the demands of paperwork with IEP’s and the portfolios of every student in their classroom. Also, with in the classrooms interruptions with professionals (i.e.: as in physical therapist, speech therapist, and administrators) in and out of the classroom. It leaves not much time for learning because the toileting, hygiene, and eating do take a big part of the day. The teachers usually have a full time assistant in the classroom or two depending on the need in the classroom; this helps the Special Education teacher complete tasks in the classroom. The teacher can work on a student one on one and the assistant can help with the other students needs. (Severe Intellectual Disabilities and Multiple Diablites, 2007) Some of the intellectual disabilities that teachers may encounter I have found are ADHD (Attention Deficit hyperactivity Disorder), Angel man syndrome, Aspersers Syndrome, Autism, Cri Du Char, Down Syndrome, Dysphasia, Dyspraxia, Epilepsy, Fragile X, Klinefelter Syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Prader-willi Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, Trismoy, Soto’s Syndrome, Tourette Syndrome, Tuberous Sclerosis, and Williams Syndrome. (Activ, 2001)

Activ (2001) Types of Intellectual Disabilities. Retrieved on July 13, 2001 from
Severe Intellectual Disabilities and Multiple Disabilities. Pat Mimms. Retrieved from Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction, by Michael S. Rosenberg, D avid L. Westling, and James M cLeskey. Published by Prentice Hall. Copyright © 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc. on July 13, 2011

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