...abusive head trauma, shaken impact syndrome or inflicted head injury; • Gaucher’s disease: inherited disease where a body does not store lipids correctly, caused by deficiency of enzyme glycocerebrosidase responsible for lipid break down. In the condition were there is deficiency of such enzyme, glucocerebroside accumulate in WBC, bone marrow, spleen, etc leading to bone injury; • Paget’s disease of bone: The normal process of bone getting broken down and rebuilt, is hampered by abnormal growth process of bone is formed; • Some cancers (benign and malignant): E.g. Ewing’s sarcoma- primary cancerous tumor on any bone part (soft tissue) due to genetic mutation in chromosome 11 and 22, Osteosarcoma- cancer that develops growth spurt, Multiple Myeloma- type of cancer affecting plasma cells (WBC) making antibodies to accumulate in bones; • Osteogeneris imperfect: is a brittle bone disease, auotosomal dominant disorder caused due to faulty synthesis of collagen type1, a major component of extracellular matrix. Involves gene mutation of α₁ or α₂ chain of type1 collagen; post-menopausal effects; sports injury; accidents and etc. Different types of fracture: All fractures can be broadly described as: Closed (simple) fractures: those in which the skin is intact.¹ Open (compound) fractures: involve wounds that linked with the fracture, or where fracture hematoma is exposed, and thus may expose bone to contamination. Open injuries carry a higher risk of infection.² Other considerations in...
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