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Lithium: Scientific Theory

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Lithium is an element that was created during the big bang which is a scientific theory of what happened in the beginning of earth’s creation. This element is also known as a bridge element because it shows characteristics of elements in group 2 along with group 1. Lithium is never found alone but is usually found in compounds. Lithium was discovered in 1817 by Johann August Arfvedson and is identified as an Alkali metal.In 1818 the first lithium metal was prepared by Sir Humphry Davy. It was found in the mineral petalite and was first isolated by William Thomas Brande and Humphrey Davy. If it wasn’t for the discover of the mineral pelatite by José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, it probably would have taken much longer to discover …show more content…
The lithium minerals in pegmatite are apatite, spodumene, tourmaline, amblygonite and lepidolite. It can also be derived from brines mainly from volcanic rock, clay, and oil field brines. Brine mining is the extraction of materials but it serves as a significant source for Lithium. Lithium is not found free by itself in nature and only composes 0.0007% earth’s crust. It is 1000 times less abundant in earth’s crust then other reactive metals but some soluble compounds of Lithium can be found in sea deposits. Although Lithium consists in Africa, Asia, Australia, North America and South America, 66% of reserves are in South …show more content…
One of it’s most important qualities is that it is good for fusing metals during welding and soldering. This fusing quality is also important as a flux for producing ceramics, enamels, and glass. Lithium is also used to manufacture storage batteries and have a long shelf life for use in heart pacemakers and cameras. Lithium plays a large part to electric cars and it’s demand is expected to increase. Luckily, its high demand will be easy to meet because it’s accessible resources. and It is also commonly used for rocket propellants, nuclear reactor coolants, and alloy hardeners, and to make special ceramics. Compounds of Lithium have also been very helpful to treat bipolar disorder. It is part of a medication class called antimanic

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