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Los Angeles Stadium Case Study

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Ever since the Rams left Los Angeles in 1994, football fans have been wondering what would happen next. For the last 20 years, teams have been using the threat of moving to Los Angeles to extract more money and support from their current cities. While many teams have used the threat solely to gain benefits from their current cities, many were serious in their consideration of relocating to Los Angeles, the second-largest TV market in the country. The city of Los Angeles would not use taxpayer funds to help build a stadium, which along with issues about where a stadium could be located caused many to remain in their current city. Stan Kroenke, owner of the LA Rams, Denver Nuggets, Colorado Avalanche, and Arsenal Football Club, along with multiple …show more content…
Stan Kroenke’s current plan includes the new stadium and an “NFL campus”, along with many other businesses around the stadium. Rumors about the venue say that there may be a 6,000-seat performing arts center, a lake with waterfalls, office/retail space, hotels, houses, and over 40,000 parking spaces within a few miles of the complex …show more content…
St. Louis fans have been quite loyal to a team that has not had a winning record since 2003. Fans in St. Louis were more than willing to support their team as much as possible in order to keep the team in their city. St. Louis officials offered almost $500 million for a new stadium in the city which is more than Los Angeles, San Diego, or Oakland were willing to provide. Stan showed in his actions and words many times after the decision became public that he did not care how much the fans tried or how much money St. Louis gave him for a new stadium, he would never keep his team in the city. The Ram’s relocation application made harsh comments about St. Louis including saying “the St. Louis market is one that ‘will continue to lag’ and send any NFL team that stays to ‘financial ruin’” (Davidson). Kroenke’s lack of consideration for Spanos or the feeling of current fans has caused many to feel alienated and turn towards other NFL teams. His actions show that he may care more about what he wants than what is best for the team, which, along with offending the fans, may end up losing the teams even more supporters and their money, which meaning the relocation will lose the team quite a bit of money and decrease their value.
If either team relocates and joins the Rams they would have to share the burden of paying for the stadium or pay a large sum for renting it out. If one of these teams

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