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Low Health Literacy

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The cultural demographic groups that are most impacting the low literacy levels in healthcare are those individuals that are of Hispanic or Latin origin. This selective patient population consists of individuals that are from Mexico, South and Central America, Cuba and Puerto Rico. Therefore, these cultural characteristics are represented by their language, customs, and elements from their common ancestry (Caballerro, 2011). Moreover, many of these individuals stem from low-income families where adequate educational resources are often scarce and insufficient. This deficiency regarding receiving a proper education is reflected in the overall low literacy levels, as well as the excessively poor degree of health literacy that exists. Furthermore, the condition of poor health literacy not only affects the individuals domestic health status and their hospitalization experience, it creates and places an economic burden on select communities, as well as future …show more content…
This occurrence, albeit reflecting a suboptimal adherence level, has become intensified by the large influx of Hispanic immigrants that have permanently or temporarily settled in the United States. Studies suggest that Hispanics are prone to the utilization of obstetrics, pediatric care, with a heavy emphasis on the hospitals emergency department services (Smith, Brice & Lee, 2012). Furthermore, this inundation of Hispanic patients has resulted in an unusual strain on healthcare services and resources. This high utilization rate of healthcare facilities, such as the emergency department, has therefore left support services such as the translation and interpreter unable to adequately respond to the growing need (Brice, Travers, Cowden, Young, Sanhueza & Dunston,

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