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Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technician Research Paper

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technician
(MRI Tech) An MRI Technician is a person that operates MRI scanners. An MRI scanner is something that uses a strong magnetic field and radio frequencies to make 3-dimensional photos of a patient’s body tissues, than physicians use them to help diagnose patients. An MRI tech makes approximately $31.45 an hour, and approximately $65,410 a year. Some good personality traits for an MRI tech are; a natural interest in technology and science, the ability to be empathetic and have patience to sick and injured people, an interest in helping people, the ability to work well with your hands and on your feet, the willingness to work crazy hours, and wanting a fast-paced job in the healthcare industry. A high school diploma and an associate’s degree …show more content…
Some schools that I would like to go to are, Ohio State University($10,037 in-state tuition), Grand Canyon University($29,250 all residents tuition), and Indiana University(33,740 out-of state tuition). Some good associate’s to start with for this position are, an associate of Science in Allied Health Sciences, an associate of science in Nursing, An associate of science in Radiography, and an associate of science in Radiology Technology. To be an MRI tech you have to complete the following classes; basic biology, calculus, college level algebra, human biology(optional), fundamentals of biology(optional), introduction to biology(optional), anatomy, physiology, introduction to physiology, and anatomy and physiology I and II may be required. The required math classes are calculus, and college level algebra. Students have to pass an exam that makes sure they can be correct when they are using imaging procedures, practicing patient care, using processing and physical principles of image formation, and data acquisition. No experience is required to become an MRI tech. Many jobs will always be available because as the population grows older so will

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