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Should First Amendment Be Allowed In Schools

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The First Amendment is all about having the freedom of speech. A few people think that the first amendment should have some limits. Many schools are suspending students for going too far with first amendment. Some students are even cyberbullying and being rude to people like Blacks and Mexicans. Students are expressing themselves online, wearing the American on their shirt, and wearing a black armband using the first amendment. Students have the right use the first amendment but there should be some limits. Using the First Amendment should be limited in school because students use it to be racist, cyberbullies, and express themselves. Everyone thinks students should have some limits for the use of the First Amendment granted by the Constitution. In 2010, some students at Live Oak High School wore shirts with the American flag to school on Cinco de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo is a celebration held on May 5th). The assistant principal told the student “there might be problems”. A year before, Mexican American students had reacted with foul language and when some white students hung a makeshift American flag and chanted “USA.” To a Mexican American student particularly a confident display of the U.S. flag by a …show more content…
In the case SJW v. Lee’s Summit R-7 School District (2012) two twin brothers where cyberbullying. “The Twin brothers Steven and Sean Wilson created a blog to vent about events at their Missouri high school. They mocked black students and made sexually degrading comments about female students whom they identified by name.” Schools punish speeches as long as they can cite harassment. Also schools can punish students for comments made after school hours, in the privacy of their own home. Students shouldn’t express themselves at the schoolhouse gate when using the First

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