...| Analog and Digital Comparison | NTC/362 Fundamentals in Networking | EDWARD BROWN | Jose Giralt | 3/18/2013 | | A signal is simply the transmission of data from one place to another place. In our day to day life we deal with various signals constantly like signals from music, power lines, telephones, and cellular devices. Analog and digital are two kinds of signals which are used for the transmission of information from source to destination. Usually the information to be transmitted from one place to another is either audio or video. This information signal is then transformed into those signals which can be transmitted via different channels. For the analog format, the data is transformed into electrical pulses with varying amplitude while for the digital format; the data is transformed into binary format representing two amplitudes. We have various such equipment like analog or digital phones, fax machines, modems, clocks, watches etc. Analog technology is the older one and has been used for decades. It is cheap too but the problem with analog signals is that there is a limitation on the size of the data that can be transmitted at any given point of time. With the advent of digital technology many improvements and new techniques have been introduced. Now days almost every appliance or equipment is based on digital technology. In this, the transmitter translate the data into binary form and the receiver re assemble and produces the...
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...intuition, insight, and luck. Psychics and crystal ball readers are the most extreme case of genius forecasting. Their forecasts are based exclusively on intuition. Science fiction writers have sometimes described new technologies with uncanny accuracy. There are many examples where men and women have been remarkable successful at predicting the future. There are also many examples of wrong forecasts. The weakness in genius forecasting is that its impossible to recognize a good forecast until the forecast has come to pass. Some psychic individuals are capable of producing consistently accurate forecasts. Mainstream science generally ignores this fact because the implications are simply to difficult to accept. Our current understanding of reality is not adequate to explain this phenomena. Trend extrapolation - These methods examine trends and cycles in historical data, and then use mathematical techniques to extrapolate to the future. The assumption of all these techniques is that the forces responsible for creating the past, will continue to operate in the future. This is often a valid assumption when forecasting short term horizons, but it falls short when creating medium and long term forecasts. The further out we attempt to forecast, the less certain we become of the forecast. The stability of the environment is the key factor in determining whether trend extrapolation is an appropriate forecasting model. The concept of "developmental inertia" embodies the idea that some items...
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...Response to Questions Name Institution Date Explain how the ‘truth’ of photographic images has always been a contested idea. Cite one example from the ‘pre-digital’ era, and one from contemporary culture to illustrate your argument. The images of the photographic in the pre-digital era were taken as the proof and evidence of reality. However, today this belief might not hold because of the technology that might aid the editing of the photographic to assume content and the background preferred by the user. At the pre-digital era, no such techniques were available and the possibility of an individual faking a photographic image was beyond the imaginations of the people (Joyce, 2012, p. 35). This made people believe that the photographic images were nothing but the truth on the ground. This belief was majorly the reason that the people were made to believe on the existence of fairies. People believe that the two photographic images taken by the two girls, Iris and Alice, were the truth and were evidence of existence of before-then, mythical and tale fairies. Nevertheless, the ambiguous nature of the believed existence of fairies and the fact that it was only the two girls who had the chance to interact and photograph the fairies prompted the questions on the authenticity of the images (Alex, 2014, p. 50). There has been a contest to express and defend the truth of photographic images. In the article, Borderland Borms: Arthur Conan Doyle, Albion Daughters, and the politics...
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...Response to Questions Name Institution Date Explain how the ‘truth’ of photographic images has always been a contested idea. Cite one example from the ‘pre-digital’ era, and one from contemporary culture to illustrate your argument. The images of the photographic in the pre-digital era were taken as the proof and evidence of reality. However, today this belief might not hold because of the technology that might aid the editing of the photographic to assume content and the background preferred by the user. At the pre-digital era, no such techniques were available and the possibility of an individual faking a photographic image was beyond the imaginations of the people (Joyce, 2012, p. 35). This made people believe that the photographic images were nothing but the truth on the ground. This belief was majorly the reason that the people were made to believe on the existence of fairies. People believe that the two photographic images taken by the two girls, Iris and Alice, were the truth and were evidence of existence of before-then, mythical and tale fairies. Nevertheless, the ambiguous nature of the believed existence of fairies and the fact that it was only the two girls who had the chance to interact and photograph the fairies prompted the questions on the authenticity of the images (Alex, 2014, p. 50). There has been a contest to express and defend the truth of photographic images. In the article, Borderland Borms: Arthur Conan Doyle, Albion Daughters, and the politics...
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...Processing system, a program to create a virtual keyboard and mouse interface in the tablet, program to assign colors randomly for each number typed and generate a pattern based on the colors assigned for the numbers to compare it with the entered pattern. II. MATERIALS AND METHODS A. Live Video Transmission Using Image Processing 1) Materials required and feasible environment: The following components are required: a Bluetooth based transmitter embedded in the television, receiver in the tablet, modified Analog to Digital Converter (and Digital to Analog Converter)...
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...Final Paper: Prompt 4/5 9 December 2013 How does the self simultaneously live within a virtual world and a physical analog world? When has being bound to religious doctrines and societal dogmas become the factor that constricts one’s potential to freedom from the binary of existing inside or outside the realms of tolerance? Through setting temporal boundaries, one establishes from the allegorical world of the kingdom of God and the rational/visible world of Man. Or are we all ultimately influenced by our digital reflection as exposed through the virtual networks of the Internet and our computer-generated selves? Where is the line between what is real and what is fantasy? As humans, we naturally experience the world analogically by recognizing infinite patterns of data throughout our mundane lives, while digitally we must submit to a finite code or password to identify ourselves to the digital community. In turn, by manipulating and possibly falsifying virtual identities, one can live an alternate, and sometimes dangerous, life through creation of an artificial self, through prosthetic vision and creation of the cyborg. The modernity of humans communicating through machines and developing a highly complex reflective system of digital information that relies on the analog world to input material knowledge suggests that seeking and attaining justice in the analog world is a virtualization exercise. This essay will discuss the connections between virtual and actual identities, the...
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...popular until FCC approved it in 1982. Speaking of the function of the first generation of mobile phones, there was only an analog transmission cell phone or 1G. The whole protocol transmission the phones used was determined by the FCC regulations based on the bandwidth usage. Thus, the FCC gives the restriction regarding the frequencies allowed to be used by certain licensed company. The development of the mobile phones was occurring at the same pace in all over the world especially in Japan and Europe. In 1979, cell phones were firstly launched in Japan, far long before the mobile phone entered the US market. Finally, the mobile phones were launched in US by the American company, Motorola. Moreover, the Japan and Europe also took the 3G phone standards faster than US. On the old days, mobile phones were big and heavy, the size was getting to shrink down in the late of 1980s. Afterward, the much smaller mobile phones became popular and common in 1990s. The development happened along with the addition of new features such as note-taking, personal organization, and email. Furthermore, the text message service was also becoming available in 2G mobile phone in the early 1990s. 1G was still based on analog radio signals. Second generation (2G) digital cellular networks arrived in1991. High speed, third generation (3G) cellular networks became a reality when the Japanese company NTT DoCoMo rolled out its commercial WCDMA network. Mobile phones are not the bricks that they...
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...Introduction to Multimedia 22 What is Multimedia? Back Close What is Multimedia? Multimedia can have many definitions these include: (A computer system perspective) 23 Multimedia means that computer information can be represented through audio, video, and animation in addition to traditional media (i.e., text, graphics/drawings, images). Back Close General Definition A good general working definition for this module is: 24 Multimedia is the field concerned with the computer controlled integration of text, graphics, drawings, still and moving images (Video), animation, audio, and any other media where every type of information can be represented, stored, transmitted and processed digitally. Back Close Multimedia Application Definition A Multimedia Application is an application which uses a collection of multiple media sources e.g. text, graphics, images, sound/audio, animation and/or video. 25 Back Close What is HyperText and HyperMedia? Hypertext is a text which contains links to other texts. The term was invented by Ted Nelson around 1965. 26 Back Close HyperText Navigation Traversal through pages of hypertext is therefore usually non-linear (as indicated below). 27 This has implications in layout and organisation of material — and depends a lot on the application at hand. Back Close Hypermedia HyperMedia is not constrained to be text-based. It can include other media, e.g., graphics, images,...
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...and rental purposes.an year later the company went bankrupt this was precipitated by the invention of Sony’s Beta max the first’s Home Video Recorder which was very cheap and was retailing at a price of two thousand dollars compared to Ampex one. They recorded a high sales returns that year which brought major developments in the film industry 2. How did the policies of "synergy" and "high concept" transform American film industry structure in the 1980s and 1990s? What kinds of films resulted from these policies and in what ways did distributors and exhibitors try to profit from such films? High-concept and synergy have TV series pictures and films and flicks, that typically accept pre-sold elements like movie stars so as to make audience anticipation, and at times may use cross promotional advertising advertisements with links to an audio recording, music videos, and authorized merchandise like videodisc box sets. They normally apply market and check screening feedback to change the narrative to enhance quality. Some of the industrial blockbuster motion pictures are created as star vehicles for prosperous music and sports personalities to enter the movie industry....
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...PYC4808 Ecosystemic Psychology Assignment Two Question 1 : Name and define the first-order cybernetic principles as described in your prescribed textbook. When viewing first-order cybernetics, we observe from the outside of what is going on in the system. We do not view ourselves as part of the system and do not concern ourselves with what the system does or why it does it. What we are concerned with is describing what is happening in the system. We aim to answer questions such as, “who are members of the system?, what are the characteristic patterns of interaction in this system?, what rules and roles form the boundaries of the system and distinguish it as separate from other systems?. “(Becvar & Becvar 2014. Pg 69 ) In first-order cybernetics we also attempt to find out how freely information is transmitted in and out of the particular system, as well as view the balance between change and stability within the system. Consistent with the element of recursiveness, the system is one that has reciprocal causalty and not linear and both people and events are mutually interactive and influenced. In order to analyze the family system, relationships and interactions amongst members are viewed instead of viewing the individuals in isolation. From the perspective all systems are influenced and influence each other. From a cybernetic perspective, we acknowledge that an isolated cause/effect event is only a small part of a large pattern of circularity. “Feedback refers to the...
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...Summer School Project – 2012 on Design and Development of Control system for a 4 DoF Robotic Arm Prototype for carrying out the in-vessel tasks in a Tokamak Submitted by Sudeepti Srivastava, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad Project Guides: Mr N.Raviprakash 1 Certificate This is to certify that Ms Sudeepti Srivastava from Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad has successfully completed her project on “Design and Development of Control system for a 4 DoF Robotic Arm Prototype for carrying out the in-vessel tasks in a tokamak” as a part of Summer School Program 2012, conducted at the Institute for Plasma Research. Her overall performance in the program was found to be excellent. Project Guide: Mr N Raviprakash 2 Design and Development of Control system for a 4 DoF Robotic Arm Prototype for carrying out the in-vessel tasks in a tokamak Submitted by Sudeepti Srivastava, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad ABSTRACT The main focus of this work was to design, develop and implementation of a prototype robotic arm with enhanced control for proof of concept of how to carry out in-vessel remote handling tasks in fusion experiments going inside a tokomak. The robot arm was designed with four degrees of freedom and talented to accomplish accurately simple tasks, such as light material handling, which will be integrated into a mobile platform that serves as an assistant for carrying...
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...New Products in Consumer Goods By Patrick Bower consumer packaged goods. There are no magical algorithms, forecasting tools, or proprietary process solutions that offer much more than a "like as" or analog-based planning solution. The companies that do the best job in forecasting new ¡Hnáucts work the details in a methodical way, challenge underlying assumptions, and examine all available data to givei: PATRICK BOWER Mr. Bower is Senior Director of Corporate Planning & Customer Service at Combe Incorporated, producer of high-quality personal care products. He is a frequent writer and speaker on supply chain subjects, and is a self-professed "S&OP geek." Prior to Combe, he was with a consulting firm where he worked for clients such as Diageo, Bayer, Glaxo Smith Kline, Pfizer, Foster Farms, Farley's and Sather, Cabot Industries, and American Girl. His experience also includes employment at Cadbury, Kraft Foods, Unisys, and Snapple. He has been twice recognized as a "Pro to Know" by Supply atid Detnand Chain Executive magazine. He is also the recipient of the IBF 2012 award for "Excellence in Business Forecasting & Planning." His expertise includes S&OP, demand planning, inventory, network optimization, and production scheduling. Copyright ©2013 Journal of Business Forecasting 1 All Rights Reserved I Winter 2012-2013 ne of the toughest demand planning tasks is forei goods world. Why? First, we don't really have good math tg^nnelp us. It would be great if there were...
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...no. 2-0018 Analog Devices, Incorporated: Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) From a conference room on the top floor of the four-story semiconductor manufacturing facility, Ray Stata briefly took in the view of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) campus. In particular, he noticed the building under construction that would soon bear his name. Asked how this particular honor felt, Mr. Stata responded with a humble shrug. However, when asked about the Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) business, Mr. Stata was willing to show considerable pride. Mr. Stata was Chairman of Analog Devices, Incorporated (ADI), a company which he co-founded in 1965. MEMS was one division. He had invested a tremendous amount of personal attention and energy to the success of MEMS – and risked his reputation. In fact, without his vision and dedicated leadership, this ambitious, entrepreneurial effort would have collapsed under mounting losses several years earlier. During one three-year stretch, from 1997 to 2000, Mr. Stata had decided to simultaneously serve as Chairman of ADI and General Manager of the MEMS division in order to keep the venture alive. In 2002, Mr. Stata regarded the MEMS business as a jewel. With worldwide technical supremacy that had been built over fifteen years, the business was profitable, and the long-term growth prospects appeared tremendous. Still, he readily acknowledged that many of his colleagues disagreed with his assessment that the business was an unqualified...
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...technology allows users to navigate content information by placing physical cards onto the table’s glass surface. * The circular cards are held in 2 containers, one on each side of the table. Each card represents a specific substance or tool, just like the objects and materials you would find in a real chemistry lab. Once a card has been placed on the table, a menu appears around the card. Users can then turn the cards to further specify the desired function * e.g. one can turn up the heat of the Bunsen burner. * When placing different substances together, reactions take place. But no worries: no fingers will be burned in Formula D’s Virtual Chemistry Lab. * Still, the application warns learners about potentially dangerous actions, and makes sure that they are aware of the safety gear required to conduct the experiments. SimSpray™ * The SimSpray™ training system accelerates the learning of fundamental spray painting skills. * SimSpray produces a realistic experience in which students reproduce the body positioning and muscle and joint movements required to create the ideal mil thickness on a finished piece. * During traditional training, students need to select, move, and mount a part before they practice painting. With SimSpray, students' hands-on practice time significantly increases since a few taps on a touch screen monitor are all that’s required to begin another practice session. * When coupled with professional instruction, the ability to continually...
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...reliability, and the amount of bandwidth/ speed a person or company may need. In most cases copper wire is the medium used whether it is through a coaxial cable, Ethernet cabling, or telephones lines; Fiber optics which is purely digital has begun to flood the market due to its high speeds and transmission distances. DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), CATV, and FTTH (Fiber to the Home) are a couple of the current options available in most instances. DSL uses wired telephone services to provide and internet connection with a use of a modem to modulate the frequencies into bits through pulses to create a digital connection over an analog line. DSL offers users a choice of speeds ranging from 128 Kbps to 3 Mbps (Beal, 2016). CATV similar to DSL in many ways allows high-speed internet to be delivered through the same infrastructure that is used for cable television in an analog format. To allow CATV systems to carry high-speed Internet data, cable companies simply put that data into a slot of bandwidth that would otherwise be used as a television channel (Lander, 2016). The bandwidth available is solely based on how many channels the current cable provider can allocate for data transfer, the more channels, the higher the bandwidth will be which typically ranges from 1-40 Mbps. Through the use of a modem the cable company can send the data out on the cable and then the modem picks off the information that is intended for it. When you upload, though, it's more complicated; if two modems upload...
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