Premium Essay

Man Made


Submitted By jaleesa1989
Words 263
Pages 2
I'd like to say, though I'm not here yet thank you for the gifts I'll get
And thank you from my parents, too for all the gifts in pink and blue
My closet was empty, my belongings were few but that's all changed now, thanks to you!
I'm sorry I couldn't be here but I'm not quite ready yet
I'm painting my eyes, hair and cheeks and soon I'll be all set
I'm sending this little message to convey to you this thought
The stork will soon have left me to use the gifts you've brought
Thanks for the lovely welcome you have given me today
And when you see the stork fly by you'll know I've come to stay
Just give my Mommy time to dress me up so dear
I thank you from my tiny heart for the lovely gifts you share
Soon I'll be on my way home to show you how much I care
I’m so excited that you all came
To help throw a shower for my mother
Hope you had time to enjoy yourselves
And have some laughs with one another.
It’s too bad I can’t be there too
To join in the fun baby shower
But I’m pretty busy myself
I’m growing every single hour.
While I can’t be there in person
To say thanks for gifts you bought
We all are very thankful
For the special baby thought.
I’ll be here before you know it
And I’m happy can’t you see
That after I’m a little older
You’ll all come around to see

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