...INTRODUCTION HDFC slic is one of the leading private company. It is the first private sector life insurance company to be granted a certificate of registration on 23rd October from IRDA. IT is a joint venture between Housing Development Finance Corporation, India’s leading housing finance institution and a group company of standard life , UK. Standard life ,UK, founded in 1825, has been at fore front of UK INDUSTRY for 175 years by combining sound financial judgement with integrity and reliability. HDFC AS ON 31ST DECEMBER 2008, HOLDS 72.4% OF EQUITY IN JOINT VENTURE. Associate companies are : • HDFC LTD • HDFC BANK • HDFC MUTUAL FUND • HDFC SALES • HDFC ERGO GENERAL INSURANCE OVERVIEW OF COMPANY MISSION • Customer service • Value for money for customer • Use of technology to improve service standards • Increasing market share VALUE • Integrity • Innovation • Customer centric • Team work • Joy and simplicity PEOPLE The company employes nearly around 30000 people at whole The whole nation is divided into 10 channel development zones. Each zone is divided into areas or territories. The famous people associated with company are : Mr. Deepak S. Parikh Executive chairman of HDFC Mr. .Gautam R. Divan Former chairman Midsnell group ...
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...successful and poor implementation of project management - Represents a wide range of industries, including medical and pharmaceutical, aerospace, manufacturing, automotive, finance and banking, and telecommunications - Covers cutting-edge areas of construction and international project management plus a "super case" on the Iridium Project, covering all aspects of project management - Follows and supports preparation for the Project Management Professional (PMP®) Certification Exam Project Management Case Studies, Fourth Edition is a valuable resource for students, as well as practicing engineers and managers, and can be used on its own or with the new Eleventh Edition of Harold Kerzner's landmark reference, Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. Contents: Preface xi 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGIES 1 Lakes Automotive 3 Ferris HealthCare, Inc. 5 Clark Faucet Company 7 Creating a Methodology 11 Honicker Corporation 14 Acquisition Problem 18 2 IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT 27 Kombs Engineering 29 Williams Machine Tool Company...
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...America for over 135 years, and lead the industry in experience and guarantees”. The current inventory management system in place requires managers to manually-count products as they come in, store the product in any space available, and search specific products when needed. The shipping and receiving systems do not communicate with the inventory system, which causes issues when it comes to getting customers what they need in a timely manner. The Inventory Management System Project will outline the objectives and constraints within the project. The project charter is a tool used to improve the project management process, and defines the process used to provide solutions to business problems. The primary beneficiaries of the solutions developed through this project are: • Stakeholders • End Users Purpose of the Project Currently the organization is having issues regarding tracking inventory, shipping and receiving, and maintaining inventory levels. There are too many mistakes made due to the different systems in the inventory department and the shipping and receiving department. The importation of products is an extremely long process. Tracking inventory is difficult because data is recorded manually at the end of the day. Assumptions • Importing and exporting product should become efficient and effective • Inventory and shipping departments will use the system that updates in real time. • Fewer personnel to process in-coming and out-going orders • Increase in productivity...
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...Develop Automation Test scripts Using: Winrunner, QTP, TestPartner, TestComplete, Selenium, Cubic Test, WebUI Test Studio & IBM Rational Functional Tester Work closely with Operations staff, to ensure the correct O/S and Application Servers settings are applied. Work closely with System Architect to determine the non-functional requirements of the system. Using Mercury QC, PM, Test Director, QTP and Load Runner tools Doing (Regression, SIT, Functional, Manual, Automation and Performance Testing) Analyze the project documents Provide test strategy and plan documents Derive Load testing requirements Derive Load testing scripts Execute Load tests Monitoring with BAC tool Analyze Load testing results Provide regular testing feedback to the relevant stakeholders Maintain Load test scripts Provide a sign off recommendation To be able to use appropriate tools and applications to during the testing process White and Black Box Testing. Assume overall responsibility for testing strategy, framework and execution Implement testing processes and procedures Produce functional and non- functional test plans Perform testing according to technology defined standards, and report variations Produce the system test...
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...BACHELOR THESIS SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING Sustainable packaging A comprehensive approach towards sustainable packaging with a focus on primary packaging of food and drinks Lucerne, May 2010 CLAUDIO BECKER | BA DESIGN MANAGEMENT, INTERNATIONAL Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts School of Art & Design BA Design Management, International BACHELOR THESIS SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING DESIGN MANAGEMENT ENABLES COMPANIES TO DEVELOP NEW BUSINESS DIMENSIONS THAT DRIVE A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING Lucerne, May 2010 Tutor EMETM Daniel Aeschbacher, Tutor and Faculty Member, Design Management, International Claudio Becker Baselstrasse 47, CH - 6003 Luzern Cell-phone: 0041 78 659 59 36 E-mail: info@claudio-becker.ch CLAUDIO BECKER | BA DESIGN MANAGEMENT, INTERNATIONAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract 1. Introduction 2. Reference to design management 3. State of the Art 3.1 The context 3.2 Introduction to packaging 3.2.1 The fundamentals of packaging 3.2.2 The packaging design process 3.3 Sustainable packaging 3.3.1 What is sustainability? 3.3.2 What is sustainable packaging? 3.3.3 Materials 3.3.4 Barriers & drivers 3.4 Practise examples 3.4.1 Company overview 3.4.2 Comparison 4. Analysis / Synthesis 4.1 Insights 4.2 Sustainable packaging criteria 4.3 Recommendations 4.4 Conclusion Bibliography Books Reports Webography Monography Acknowledgements Declaration of Authorship Appendices PAG E III p. V p. 1 p. 2 p. 4...
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...Federal Financial Management System Requirements Property Management Systems Requirements JFMIP-SR-00-4 October 2000 What is JFMIP? The Joint Financial Management Improvement Program (JFMIP) is a joint undertaking of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the General Accounting Office, the Office of Management and Budget, and the Office of Personnel Management, working in cooperation with each other and other agencies to improve financial managemen t practices in Government. The Program was given statutory authorization in the Budget and Accountin g Procedures Act of 1950 (31 USC 65 as amended). Leadership and program guidance are provided by the four Principals of the JFMIP – Comptroller General of the United States, Secretary of the Treasury, and the Directors of the Office of Management and Budget, and the Office of Personnel Management. Each Principal designates a representative to serve on the JFMIP Steering Committee, which is responsible for the general direc tion of the Program. The JFMIP Executive Director and a program agency representative (who serves for 2 years) are also on the Steering Committee. The Program promotes strategies and guides financial management improvement across Government, revi ews and coordinates central agencies’ activities and policy promulgations, and acts as a catalyst and clearinghouse for sharing and disseminating information about good financial management practices. This information sharing is done through conferences and other...
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...Niagara University Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies "Building a Bridge to Bulgaria" A US-Bulgarian Cultural Exchange Organization Research Capstone Paper IDS601 Members of the committee: Dr. Chambers, T. Leibowitz, A. Dr. Mayer, S. Research paper presented by: Mariya Cherneva April 29, 2011 Table of Contents I. Executive Summary 3 II. Introduction 5 1.0 Why would someone would like to study abroad? 6 2.0 A Literature review of study abroad participants 11 3.0 USBCE Resource interviews 14 4.0 Specific information on Bulgarian stident trends 17 5.0 Creating a successful non-profit organization 19 6.0 USBCE – Created a specilized Organization 43 7.0 USBCE identifies its major outsidide organization 44 8.0 What role will USBCE play in the Work/Travel program 47 III Conclussion 51 IV Bibliography 53 V Appendix 1 VI Appendix 1 I. Executive Summary Background Having been the direct beneficiary of a few different types of cultural exchange programs I appreciate the value such an organization provides. In my lifetime I have been able to travel to, study and work in more than five different countries. My hope is to be able to use my experiences to create a cultural exchange organization to assist students with international study as well as a broad cultural experience. A program like this will help students to gain a global perspective and cultivate a global network...
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...Points to remember before you participate in this discussion: * Assume, you one of the member of a real group discussion. * Take the initiative to participate and contribute your thoughts. * Express your positive attitude towards providing the solution. | Xcez said: (Wed, Dec 3, 2014 04:06:18 PM) | | | | Management takes a dual process of both art and science, when PLANNING, he/she need some statistical data to enhance him/her project in to the future, procuring data has to do with science. When COORDINATING his/her work force (employees) , he/she needs that human relation skills, to be able to achieve the planned goals and objectives, and this has to do with art. Conducting a feasibility study or market research need science technique and the ability to implement and sustained this result, the management needs art techniques. | Rate this: +0 -0 | Nagaraju said: (Sat, Nov 22, 2014 10:55:57 PM) | | | | I think management has elements of both art and science. It may not be proper to term it as pure science or pure art. In fact, it is a science as well as an art because science and art are both complementary to each other. As cossa has said, "science requires art, art requires science, each being complementary to each other". It may be concluded that there is no hard and fast line between art and science of management. The former(science) will have to solve problems and establish principles which might be applied with benefit to the latter(art)...
Words: 11731 - Pages: 47
...The media’s watching Vault! Here’s a sampling of our coverage. “For those hoping to climb the ladder of success, [Vault’s] insights are priceless.” – Money magazine “The best place on the Web to prepare for a job search.” – Fortune “[Vault guides] make for excellent starting points for job hunters and should be purchased by academic libraries for their career sections [and] university career centers.” – Library Journal “The granddaddy of worker sites.” – U.S. News & World Report “A killer app.” – The New York Times One of Forbes’ 33 “Favorite Sites.” – Forbes “To get the unvarnished scoop, check out Vault.” – SmartMoney Magazine “Vault has a wealth of information about major employers and job searching strategies as well as comments from workers about their experiences at specific companies.” – The Washington Post “A key reference for those who want to know what it takes to get hired by a law firm and what to expect once they get there.” – New York Law Journal “Vault [provides] the skinny on working conditions at all kinds of companies from current and former employees.” – USA Today Customized for: Mian Badr (mian.iftikhar@studbocconi.it) Customized for: Mian Badr (mian.iftikhar@studbocconi.it) VAULT CAREER GUIDE TO MIDDLE MARKET INVESTMENT BANKING JOE BEL BRUNO AND THE STAFF OF VAULT Customized for: Mian Badr (mian.iftikhar@studbocconi.it) Customized for: Mian Badr (mian.iftikhar@studbocconi.it) Copyright © 2009 by Vault.com, Inc. All rights reserved....
Words: 71250 - Pages: 285
...[pic] Universidad de la Cuenca del Plata SEDE FORMOSA FACULTAD DE CIENCIA ECONOMICAS CARRERA : CONTADOR Glosario Inglés-Español de términos específicos utilizados en economía, finanzas, negocios, mercadeo, bancos y empresas. [pic] PROF. ADJUNTA: LIC. ALICIA ALEJANDRA MOLINA INGLES III- COMISIÓN “U” PRIMER CUATRIMESTRE - AÑO 2011 PREFACIO El ámbito de la contabilidad posmodernista, exige emplear términos adecuados, imprescindibles, para mantenerse actualizados Hoy, en una reunión de negocios o en plena clase universitaria, pueden escucharse vocablos contables en inglés cuyo alcance y significado se desconocen, ya sea en la práctica o en el uso coloquial. En esta industria dinámica, es de suma importancia comprender el significado exacto de estas palabras y su correcta aplicación para elevar el nivel de conocimiento del profesional. Ahora bien, ya sea un estudiante de ciencias económicas, un contador de una gran empresa o cualquier persona con trato frecuente con contadores, encontrará en este GLOSARIO BILINGÜE de Términos Contables una invalorable ayuda ya que ofrece los vocablos de negocios más utilizados, incluyendo terminologías de gestión , financiera y comercial. Además, la obra reúne también gran cantidad de términos...
Words: 16154 - Pages: 65
...MAPPING THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT DISCIPLINE By Mohamed A. Aboulezz A Thesis Submitted to the faculty of the WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in Construction Project Management February 2003 Approved Prof. Roberto Pietroforte, Thesis Advisor Prof. Fredrick L. Hart, Head of Department Abstract The objective of the study was to map the structure of the construction engineering and management (CEM) discipline and its contents, trace its evolution, and to identify the most prevailing research areas in the discipline. The study entailed a review of the literature in construction engineering and management as well as two of the leading academic journals in the discipline, particularly a bibliometric study of the contents of the ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering (JME), as a case study of the CEM refereed journals. The JME’s contents were investigated from its onset in 1985 until 2002. The results of the analysis show that 70% of the published papers focused on four main subjects: management and organization of the firm, project management, industry structure and environment, and management of personnel. Considerable changes occurred within the subjects with the emergence of new topics and the decline of others over the eighteen years of publication. The study also analyzed the use of keywords, research methods, and identified authors, and the concentration of...
Words: 24458 - Pages: 98
...2009 Robert D. Lawsson 215 IDENTIFYING AND MANAGING DIVERSITY OF WORKFORCE Robert D. Lawsson (MSc) Abstract The objective of this work is to complete a research proposal on the comparison of work values for gaining of knowledge for management of the multi-generation workforce. The specific focus is upon Generation ‘X’ and the Millennium Generation which are the two primary groups comprising the new workforce. Lawsson R.D. - Identifying and Managing Diversity of Workforce 216 Business Intelligence Journal January OBJECTIVE The objective of this work is to complete a research proposal on the comparison of work values for gaining of knowledge for management of the multigeneration workforce. The specific focus is upon Generation ‘X’ and the Millennium Generation which are the two primary groups comprising the new workforce. INTRODUCTION The generation that a person is born within has some impact upon that individual in terms of work styles, work values and self-image. The demographic profile of the workforce is undergoing quite a change insofar as the representation of generations and the result is that organizations are experiencing a necessity to make changes as well. The workforce will become increasingly more diverse in the future and this greatly affects the organization in its capacity of hiring and retaining employees. The literature reviewed within this study illustrates the fact that the expectations of employees differ within the generations...
Words: 18925 - Pages: 76
...Handbook of Management Accounting Research Volume 3 Edited by CHRISTOPHER S. CHAPMAN Imperial College London, UK ANTHONY G. HOPWOOD University of Oxford, UK MICHAEL D. SHIELDS Michigan State University, USA AMSTERDAM – BOSTON – HEIDELBERG – LONDON – NEW YORK – OXFORD PARIS – SAN DIEGO – SAN FRANCISCO – SINGAPORE – SYDNEY – TOKYO Elsevier The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK First edition 2009 Copyright © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone ( 44) (0) 1865 843830; fax ( 44) (0) 1865 853333; email: permissions@elsevier.com. Alternatively visit the Science and Technology Books website at www.elsevierdirect.com/rights for further information Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for...
Words: 187223 - Pages: 749
...Chapter 1: Expanding abroad Voorbeeld MNE: Intel, Unilever, Samsung, McKinsey Starbucks Vb. blz. 3 toont aan dat de invloed van MNE op de wereldeconomie gigantisch is. MNE stellen enorm veel mensen te werk en volgen vaak een zeer complexe strategie. 1. The MNE: Definition, Scope and Influence Wat is een MNE – multinational ( multinationaal management) Niet alle MNE zijn groot, maar de meeste grote bedrijven in de wereld zijn MNE. zijn Men is alleen een MNE als men aan deze voorwaarden voldoet: 1. Directe investeringen doen in het buitenland. MNE doet niet alleen aan export, maar is ook écht aanwezig in het buitenland. Ze voeren er directe investeringen in door vb. te produceren in het buitenland. 2. Actief met de investering bezig zijn (vb. aanwezig zijn in de RvB) 3. Geïntegreerde operaties (geen losse filliaaltjes) Dit betekent ook dat de operationele omgeving sterk verandert, de complexiteit stijgt. ekent omgeving Veel verschillende consumenten, distributiesystemen, … Ook de politieke agenda van de landen waarin we investeren speelt een belangrijke rol. Global game: men speelt wereldwijd waardoor alles complex wordt. Binnen de EU spelen de wisselkoersen geen rol meer maar daarbuiten wel, dit kan een belangrijke invloed hebben op vb. de winst. Ook organisatorisch is de omgeving complex. De meeste MNE zijn vrij recent (na WO II) uitgegroeid tot internationale spelers. In totaal zijn er wereldwijd zo’n 70 000 bedrijven van dit type. De toegevoegde waarde van grote...
Words: 29103 - Pages: 117
...Glass Door Comments BlackBerry Reviews Updated Dec 11, 2013 All Employees Current Employees Only 3.4 796 reviews 57% of employees recommend this company to a friend 796 Employee Reviews Bottom of Form Review Highlights Pros: * "Great environment combined with a perfect work-life balance" in 49 reviews * "Great work environment/culture which makes it a fun place to work" in 45 reviews * "Good benefits; Good company to work for till profits started to slide off" in 36 reviews * "Lots of great people at the company, learned a lot and inspired my career in technology" in 33 reviews * "Good pay, great management, I felt like the work I was doing was important for the company" in 30 reviews Cons: * "No work life balance, limited career advancement, lack of good benefits of tech companies" in 20 reviews * "Senior management (C-Level) does no communicate down to employees well" in 27 reviews * "Poor management decision making processes - not innovative" in 18 reviews * "Upper management doesn't listen to people lower down that actually know what they're talking about" in 15 reviews * "Many bad/useless middle management built up over the years but the layoff did some clean up" in 13 reviews Reviews Dec 8, 2013 “Loved the company and the people.” Software Development Manager (Former Employee) Rolling Meadows, IL I worked at BlackBerry full-time for more than 5 years Pros – BlackBerry was a great...
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