Premium Essay

Marks and Spencer & Zara


Submitted By niharika459
Words 1197
Pages 5
Surf the firm websites and write your impressions about the current health of business of Zara and Marks and Spencer. Zara’s website gives the impression that it is dedicated to young, fashionable and price conscious customers. Marks & Spencer on the other hand seems to be dedicated to the middle aged working population. Marks & Spencer website gives the impression of a departmental store offering a wide array of products ranging from apparel, furniture to food items and electronic gadgets. Marks and Spencer is definitely not only a clothing retailer and has diversified itself into other retail segments. The online marketing for Marks and Spencer is far more aggressive than for Zara, with videos of products one might be interested in on the website. Marks & Spencer has a wider range of offerings online compared to Zara. Marks & Spencer online profile is more customer oriented than Zara’s website. According to Marks & Spence website there are over 21 million people visiting their stores each week. M&S is the number one provider of women’s wear and lingerie in the UK (Marks).
In their supply chain - What is it that Zara can do and Marks & Spencer cannot? Why? Zara’s business model is structured around a vertically integrated supply chain, which allows it to match the ever-changing fashion trends. Unlike its competitors in the apparel industry, Zara chooses to have in-house manufacturing operations and owns production facilities in Spain and Mexico. These facilities are responsible for cutting, internal logistics, washing, ironing, packaging and ticketing. Store managers at Zara are closely linked to the value chain. They place orders twice a week to match the changing demands of customers. The in-house production facilities allow for flexibility in inventory to suit the varying demands. This leads to a better inventory management system and helps save

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Working with and Leading People

... Business strategy INTRODUCTION Marks and Special background M&S otherwise known as Marks and spencer was founded in 1884 by Michael Marks was born in 1859 in Slonim, Belarus.  In 1882 ,he moved to England to escape anti-Semitic discriminate , but had few friends and little money. He came to Leeds, a growing industrial town with a population of over 160,000. He was attracted by its large Jewish community and job opportunities in the thriving clothing trade. At the time Marks couldn't speak English and had no money or particular skill but had a very sharp mind for business and understood what customers wanted and needed . Initially he travelled the towns and villages of West Yorkshire, selling wares from his bag. He later set up a permanent market stall in Leeds, the latter which developed into a successful retail business. Unusually, he always displayed all his goods with clearly priced labels. He started hiring sales assistants to run the stalls. , Selling simple stock such as haberdashery and hardware goods, he adopted the slogan 'Don't ask the price, it's a penny'. This fixed price system and the open display of goods made him very popular. In Leeds as Customers liked being able to inspect the goods and knowing exactly the cost, with no need for haggling. In 1890 Dewhirst a cloth manufacturer offered Marks a £5 loan with this Michael Marks was able to buy his first stock for peddling . This was the start of a...

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