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Mature Adult Relationships

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How to Have a Mature Relationship
Mature adult relationships are founded in good communication and trust. These relationships allow both partners to thrive because each person is supported by and committed to the relationship. If you want to upgrade your relationship, start by getting insight into your past relationship habits. Then, show commitment, develop positive communication habits with your partner, and improve trust between the two of you.
===Learning from the Past===
#Examine old patterns. Do your past relationships follow a certain pattern? Review them closely and look for common threads. Most people’s past relationships follow a certain cadence—you meet, fall in love, and fall out of love. However, the details of where …show more content…
Immature relationships often consist of nonexistent communication patterns, which slowly destroy the connection. Mature partners must strive to keep the lines of communication open by giving and receiving. Listening is an especially big issue for many couples, so be sure to freshen up your listening …show more content…
Listen to understand rather than listening to reply. Let them finish completely before saying anything. To cut down on misunderstandings, restate or paraphrase (“It sounds like you’re saying…”) what your heard to be sure it’s what they meant.
#Say what you mean tactfully. Don’t beat around the bush or expect your partner to mind-read. If you want to voice an opinion or ask for a need to be met, speak up. However, do so tactfully without attacking your partner in the process. “I” or “we” statements can help you do this.
#*An “I” statement may sound like, “I don’t feel like you’re paying attention to me. Can you please put down your phone when I’m talking? I’d really appreciate that.”
#Stay above the belt in disagreements. Mature relationships involve partners who fight fair. No matter how angry you get, strive to keep your voice level and save the insults. Adding negativity to an already stressful situation only heightens the tension and makes it harder to reach a solution.
#*If you become overly angry, pause, take a break, and breathe deeply. Come back to the discussion when you have collected yourself and are ready to communicate properly.

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