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Transition To Adulthood Research Paper

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The transition to adulthood is an extremely confusing time for most adolescence on the verge of becoming adults. While it allows for opportunities for new freedoms, it also signifies the beginning of increased responsibility. In the past, getting married and starting a family were important benchmarks in the transition of becoming an adult. However, in Furstenberg, Kennedy, Mcloyd, Rumbaut, and Settersten’s (2004) article, many Americans eighteen years and older now view completing one’s education and financial independence as the most significant signs of becoming an adult. These are important steps to placing one’s self in a position to start a family if one chooses to do so, but the act of marriage and parenthood are no longer viewed as key milestones (p. 36). Furthermore, the manner in which people view their …show more content…
From the study conducted by Hartmann and Swartz (2006), it was found that many young adults do not see one general path but rather a variety of different ways an individual reaches adulthood based on their personal situations. As a result, declaring one’s self an adult is much more subjective and individualized than it had been in the past (p. 270). This is still one of the main ways adulthood is defined, however, along with role transitions, such as independence, and psychological behavior that indicates increased maturity. Using these three ways of defining an adult, Taylor Swift, Albert Pujols, and Neil Patrick Harris will be evaluated to determine whether or not they are adults.
Public Figures
Taylor Swift
The first public figure to be evaluated is Taylor Swift. Swift, twenty-six, is an award

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