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Meal Prepping Research Paper

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Hey, y'all!

This post is all about meal prepping and how it is personally going for me.

I have been meal prepping for almost a month now, and I can honestly say it has made my everyday life so much easier.

With meal prepping I know exactly what I am eating that day. I don't have to ask myself, "what am I going to eat?" because it's already prepared. I meal prep for both lunch and supper. I make enough food for two days. On the second day is when I will cook for the next two days. So I only have to cook every other day, which is great because it gives me more time to catch up on other things (like the new episode of Grey's Anatomy). Isn't that show amazing?!

In my previous post I went into a little detail about some of the foods I eat, so now I will give some examples of what my meals look like and consist of: …show more content…
That usually will depend on my mood.

For my meals that have chicken, I will make: BBQ chicken, lemon pepper chicken, chicken with Kickin' Chicken seasoning or I will make fajitas with the chicken. I love changing up the flavor of my chicken so that I don't get bored of it.

Aside from the two prepped meals, I do eat breakfast (2 eggs and coffee), and two snacks (smoothie, apple and peanut butter, banana) just to name a few. So that brings me around 5 meals a day. I usually take in roughly 1400 calories a day, which is about how much I am supposed to in order to lose 1 pound a week.

Since meal prepping I have definitely noticed that I have lost more weight. In less than a month I have lost 6 pounds and 2 inches off my

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