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Mental Disorders: Are People Doing Good Or Evil?

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Good and evil are concepts that undoubtedly have been around for thousands of years. However, the question arises: What makes someone good or evil? And do they have any choice in the matter? More importantly as one divulges into this topic, one finds that there are many factors and variables that affect the overall state of one’s ability to do “good or evil”, those being mental disorders, one’s upbringing and their environment. Mental disorders are probably the most difficult area to talk about when discussing good and evil. Mostly because although there has been years and years of research into them, scientists are largely still left with theories and no “set in stone” conclusions. Another reason is majorly associated with the fact that not all mental illnesses affect the individual the same way. Worst of all, the fact that for centuries people have thrown “medicine” at people to “fix them”. These medications or treatments could actually affect a person’s brain chemistry and lead to a psychological breakdown that could trigger them to do something they might have thought of doing but didn’t actually want to do. These things have to be taken into consideration because a human’s ability to do good or evil or better yet, their free will can seem compromised …show more content…
Studies have shown that a person can be born with a certain gene that would give them more violent tendencies. However, that gene can be triggered and not all people who have it will live out violent lives and go on to kill people or harm others. This brings up the argument that a person who has that gene, and an abusive childhood who has killed someone should be punished less because they had no control over themselves. While some agree or disagree with lowering the punishment the world begins to see that they have their own method of measuring what is evil and what is simply a defect in the overall population of the

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