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Merchant Marine Research Paper

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The United States merchant marine are ships engaged in commerce that transport goods all over the world. Merchant marine transport American products to foreign markets, and bring essential materials back to America. They play an important role in sea power, because they are always deployed and widely spread across the waters. During war, United States merchant marine plays an important part by supplying ships with needed resources. The United States merchant marine has played a vast part in military sealift. They transport most of the supplies and equipment needed by the United State or allied forces during peace and war. Carrying of goods can take place with allied ships. During operations like Desert Storm ninety-five percent of heavy equipment and essential supplies were transported overseas. According to CDR Richard R. Hobbs (2009), “At present, analysis indicated that the U.S. merchant marine would be inadequate to meet our military needs in a large-scale general war.” (pg. 20). This is all supervised under the Military Sealift Command, MSC regulates where the ships can go and what they supply. …show more content…
We also provide our allies with sealift. Helping other countries establish trust with the United States, and this allows us to receive well needed resources. The merchant marine allows the United States to not use their own resources so that they will not be dependent on other countries. The United States merchant marine ships are constantly being developed to support our growing demand for bulk strategic materials. During time of war, the United States cannot afford the loss of too many commercial ships. Defensive features are integrated into merchant marine ships. These ships are also equipped with compartmentation, helicopter pads, foundations for self-sustaining container cranes, and many more materials for commercial

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