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Tut Mystery Research Paper

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Do you know what the Tut Mystery is? Well I say Horemheb and Tey killed Akhenaten, Tutankhamun, and Ankhesenamun just to be together and rule. Horemheb might’ve pushed the almost 20 year old king down some steps far away from the throne. With Ankhesenamun the only ruler, she had to marry her grandpa Aye making her grandma Tey jealous, so Tey killed her for it. Tey was also mad at Aye so she, and her secret lover, killed Aye allowing them to rule together.

Horemheb killed Akhenaten, and then Tutankhamun by pushing him down stairs on a trip from home. Tut had many injuries before and after he died, three of the injuries before he died were a blow to the back of his head, a deep cut on his cheek, and a broken leg which makes it look like he was pushed or fell down some stairs. Also, Tutankhamun was covered in two coats of resin suggesting he died far away from home in which his servants would’ve come with him meaning Horemheb could’ve sabotaged him. No one liked Akhenaten , so why would they like his son, especially one of his advisers, Horemheb. With Akhenaten and Tut down, Ankhesenamun was alone and vulnerable. …show more content…
Think of this… Tey was married to Aye for thirty years and then lost all of her rights, and to her granddaughter of all people! Normally when people in ancient Egypt remarried, the first wife had more privileges. This time the second wife had more privileges because she was the queen. Since Ankhesenamun was Tey’s granddaughter, she was much younger than Aye. Tey got her revenge on Ankhesenamun, but she also hated her

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