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Middle School Curriculum

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The curriculum consists of 17, 45 – 60 minutes lessons once a week taught by trained uniform officers to students. The lessons being delivered where shaped by the officers and partnering teachers whose classes were involved. However, though the lessons were targeted to curtail the prevalence of substance use and crime, research has continued to echo the sentiments shared between 1994 and 2002. The D.A.R.E. program was ineffective (West & O’Neal, 2004; Singh et al., 2011). It was becoming increasingly clear that a “just say no” approach would prove difficult in helping students effectively resist drug use (Rosenbaum, 2007). Though the evaluations to why D.A.R.E. was not having a long-term and significant effect were unclear (Des Jarlais et …show more content…
Pushing to build student decision making skills D.A.R.E. America partnered with Pennsylvania State University (PSU). The university (PSU) had developed a curriculum called ‘Keepin it REAL’ (kiR) as a substance abuse prevention education with Arizona State University (ASU). This curriculum would help students learn techniques to assist them in making the most informed decisions by following a four step process. To keep it REAL students would refuse, explain, avoid, and leave situations that promote negative life choices. Building best decision making practices, kiR focuses on 5 specific elements that are important for adolescents: communication competence, narrative knowledge, motiving norms, social learning, and resistance skills (Kulis et al., 2005). Using cultural diffusion, the beliefs, attitudes, and actions toward substance use differ from one culture to the next. Acknowledging the role cultural understandings play, the curriculum relies heavily on a cultural competency component to help students self-identify within the subject material (Kulis et al., 2005) . The seventh and eighth graders receive ten 45 minute lessons with specific narratives based on the population that is being taught. The narratives stem from the beliefs of Mexican-Americans, European Americans, and African Americans (Hecht et al., 2003). In this additional layer of cultural awareness students are exposed to 5 videos with students like themselves who speak on drug resistance and awareness. Post the interactive videos the students participate in lesson extensions such as homework, discussions, projects, presentations, and school-wide assemblies (Hecht et al.,

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