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Migraines In Children

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In addition to menstrual migraines, migraines in children and adolescents are a common difficulty. The key features and differences between adults and children are that in children, the duration of the headaches are usually shorter, sometimes are bifrontal or bitemporal instead of unilateral pain, and the throbbing pain might be less severe (Winner 2005). Moreover, according to Winner (2005), while children are starting to grow they might undergo childhood periodic syndromes that include cyclical vomiting, abdominal migraines, and vertigo, which are often misdiagnosed as migraines. Abdominal migraines are associated with stomach pain and include cramps that can last up to three days. It will usually be centered on the bellybutton, interfere …show more content…
It affects women more so than men, especially during menstruation. Children suffer from milder forms of migraines with some different indicators of the disorder. The most common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia, and unilateral pain in the head and face. Although there are many triggers in food and environment, migraines usually begin deep within the cortex with a change in cell activity. Many pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments are in place currently to help reduce migraine pain and frequency. These include behavioral and lifestyle changes, nerve stimulations, and acute and preventative medications. Each of these have varying efficacy; the first line of medication for acute treatment is aspirin and NSAIDs, while the first line of preventative medications are beta-blockers and tricyclic antidepressants. Personally, I have suffered from migraines since I was five years old. The symptoms I had the most were vomiting photophobia, and throbbing pains. The best treatment I found to work was Acetaminophen (Tylenol), Ibuprofen (Advil), and regulating my sleep habits. After all of this research, I actually feel better equipped to manage my migraines, and feel that all sufferers should be provided a detailed description of how and why migraines occur and what the best ways might be to handle

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