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Personal Narrative-Therapeutic Analysis

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I was a medical mystery for fifteen years. I have been sick my entire life. I lived like that until I was fifteen without knowing of anything else. I used to think being sick was something that everyone went through, then I met my doctor. Now I have freedom, and want to spend my life helping children with medical problems. I was born a happy and healthy, but that health didn't last long. By the time I was three weeks old, I was so small that I could only fit into clothes meant for premature babies. At that point, I was diagnosed with pyloric stenosis, which is where a point in the digestive tract is completely sealed off. After a successful surgery, I was deemed healthy. Except, I was not. I was still sick to my stomach almost weekly. This consisted of paralyzingly nausea, leaving me barely able to move or speak. I stayed small as well. I was considered underweight until I was thirteen. All of this was without a known cause. As far back as I can remember, I have gone through medical testing. I have had blood work numerous times, x-rays, ultrasounds, biopsies, and scopes threaded down past my stomach. Every time, I was told that the only thing wrong with me was my stark lack of weight gain. By then, we had given up on testing, since every doctor was either stumped or thought I was faking it. I knew my suffering was real, but there was nothing to prove or explain it. For Thanksgiving in 2012, we visited my family as we always do. On this particular day I was …show more content…
Working with the doctor, we played around with different medications and dosages. Today, I remain on four relatively strong prescription medications. Though that is far from normal for most teenagers, I could not be normal without them. I am still sick, and always will be, but it does not interfere with my life anymore. I still must be careful about putting too much stress on my body or mind, but even with that I am only sick a few times a

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