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Military Interview Research Paper

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I had the pleasure of interviewing my mom’s cousin, Bill Byrnes. Bill graduated high school in 1964, and worked at Needham Sporting Goods and landscaped. By age 20, there was an escalation in the war in Vietnam, and Bill was drafted. As a result of his diligence, Bill had the option to enter a MOS (Military Operation Service), which led to his work as a military police. By 1967, Bill left Boston, and his training to become a military policeman was in the works. Throughout his training in New Jersey and Georgia, Bill specialized in advanced infantry training. With this, he was later assigned a position in Maryland as a military policeman; however, he did regular state police work. Little did Bill know, his police training that took place on …show more content…
The base of the camp was on a cemetery. As a military policeman in Vietnam, BIll guarded NVA soldiers, prisoners of war, was on helicopter gunship duty, convoy duty, river patrol duty, and provided security to convoys going through mountains. Most Vietnam tours lasted for 12 months, but Bill extended his time to 17 months after being promoted to a sargent. However, when Nixon withdrew US troops from Vietnam in 1970, Bill was able to return home safely, and ended his service at age 23. After Bill came home to Needham, he worked as a firefighter for 35 years. Today, Bill is heavily involved with the VA Hospital, and credits a huge amount of his happiness today to his time there. He stated, “15 years ago, I wouldn’t even be here talking about this. Most of my friends don’t want to join anything, or be apart of anything. They kind of just want to disappear.” Many veterans were shunned and made outcasts from society upon their arrival home from Vietnam. After my conversation with Bill, the relevance of global issues, such as the Black Power movement, affected soldiers time in Vietnam, and their ability to transition back into

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