...families become extremely important when discussing the incident. It is important to know how to address everyone involved while considering their needs. Waking up on August 5, 2010 was no different from any other day for these workers. The miners kissed and hugged their family members before heading off to work in the Chilean copper mine. The day had been the same as the day before for the miners. Close to the time for the miners to take their lunch break, the tunnel collapsed leaving them trapped 300 meters below ground level. Other miners feared that the thirty-three miners still inside the mine were in the disaster zone when the collapse happened. The workers that were trapped had to have been scared not knowing if they were ever going to be able to see loved ones again. For 16 days, the workers had no communication from the outside world, and no way for the outside world to communicate back to them. Fear, itself is scary, but fear and being trapped had to be scarier. The miners had no clue as to what was being done to get them out safely, nor did they know if anyone was even working on getting them out. On the 17th day of being trapped down in the mine, the rescue workers had drilled a small bore hole that had reached the miners’ refuge. From the refuge, the workers sent up a message telling rescuers and everyone around...
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...Your Audience Paper and Communication On August 5, 2012. The San Jose mine in northern Chili, collapsed, trapping 33 miner. The is owned by Minera San Esteban Primera. This was the third collapse since 2007. The miners were trapped 9842 feet under the ground. They had very little food, water and oxygen. According to Raul Villegas, who barely escaped the mine collapse, at approximately 2:00 pm that day, dust was filling the cavern, but he was only mildly concerned because that was a normal occurrence. However, as he got closer to the surface, he and his truck was almost over taken by a bigger cloud of dust, in circling him in dirt and darkness. Raul stated that he just made it out of the cavern when the mine collapsed. He goes on to state that it felt like a dynamite explosion, with an immense wave. He did report the incident to his supervisors, but it was hours later that the company notified the authorities. He and other workers tried to enter the cavern to start a recue effort but they soon realized that the ramp to enter the cavern had disappeared. The regions six-person special operations squad then triesd to enter the cavern arounf 9:00 pm, but returned around 6:00 am the next morning empty handed, shaken and drenched in sweat. By this time, relatives and reporters had arrived on the site, demanding answers, alonf with a number of independent miners, called pirquineros, who promised to sacrifice their own lives to dig out the trapped men. When the special operations...
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...On Oct. 13, 2010, 33 miners who had been trapped underground for more than two months all returned to the surface after a successful rescue operation that inspired Chile and riveted the world. The miners traveled up a narrow, nearly half-mile rescue shaft in a specially designed capsule. The final phase of the long rescue effort took roughly 22 hours. Luis Urzúa, the shift leader who organized the miners’ lives while they were underground, was the last to come up. Many of the miners came bounding out of their rescue capsule as pictures of energy and health, able not only to walk, but, in one case, to leap around, hug everyone in sight and lead cheers. Their apparent robustness was testimony to the rescue diet threaded down to them through the tiny borehole that reached them on Aug. 22, but also to the way they organized themselves to keep their environment clean, find water and get exercise. The miners hoped to sell their stories as well as file a lawsuit against the mining company. But one year after their globally televised rescue, after the worldwide spotlight faded and the trips and offers dwindled, the miners said that most of them were unemployed and that many were poorer than before. The emotional distress has been more lasting than the publicity. In October 2011, nine miners were receiving sick-leave pay for prolonged post-traumatic stress; a handful of others say they are seeing private therapists. Background On Aug. 5, 2010, a gold and copper mine near...
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...tunnel of a mine and left 33 Miners trapped 2,300 feet underground. It was not known if all the miners were alive until 17 days later when a bore hole reached the miners and they passed a note up stating that all 33 miners are well. Once the communication was established with the miners, food and supplies were sent down and also games to keep them physically and mentally fit till the rescue. A "Camp Hope" was set up for family and friends. It was very crucial to keep the communication between the miners and their families so they can maintain their mental health. Once a week the minors could talk to their family by video and letters were exchanged which were not filtered. The Rescuers started plans to drill a hole and then widen it so the miners can be pulled out by a capsule. It was stated that it would take four months to complete the task. NASA and Chiles submarine fleet were asked on tips on surviving in extreme confined conditions and there was also help from the Chilean government and psychologists. When the miners were told that it might take two to four months to rescue them, they rationed their supplies, limited themselves on how much they ate a day. They had to make sure they did not gain weight because they could not be more than 35 inches around the waist in order to make it out of the tunnel. After 69 days and about 8 hours, the first miner was lifted from the capsule and the rescue of all 33 miners was completed. Each miner embraced their family members ...
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...Chilean government took over day one and brought in oilrig trucks to dig ½ mile down to the trapped miners. The oilrigs drilled a 26 in wide hole in which they sent a cage down to the miners. Rescuers needed to care for the miners’ health with food, exercise, and games while ensuring the miners girth stay under 35 inches. Once the cage reached the miners, it took 1-3 hours to bring one miner up at a time. The rescue operation had a price tag of around $10 million to $20 Million. The rescue operation was watched from around the world although it initially did not have national exposure until an editor helped it go viral. Supplies such as fresh air, clothing, food, medicine, sleeping cots, electricity, and running water were provided through two six in boreholes spanning 2300 feet. On the surface families stayed near the mine at a make shift camp called ‘Camp Hope” and were able to send and receive letters in an effort to comfort the miners during the rescue which initially thought would take up to 4 months. The miners did understand that the rescue would take some time and requested a small television to watch their beloved soccer games. After 69 pain-staking days, the miners began ascending from the depths below during an operation taking over 22 hours. Miners were provided with UV goggles to protect the miner’s eyes due to their eyes adapting to the darkness below. As each miner was extracted, sounds of joy and relief spread throughout everyone. According to "Every One Out The...
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...Chilean Miners On August 5, 2010 a mine in northern Chile collapses and 33 men are trapped inside. Before anything can go out to the media or families the situation and facts need to be put together so more chaos is not created. For the family member the message needs to be conveyed with emotions and sympathy more than facts. The family knows the situation is bad and do not need to hear facts that would make it worse. They need to hear that everything is going to be ok, and everyone is working to make it better. When giving information to the media it needs to be facts not suspicions of what may be going on. If there are not actual facts to give then nothing should be said. When miscommunication happens it makes things worse and can get the facts mixed with nonfactual information. The audiences they are relaying information to can be different. There would be the families, who are hurt and upset and don’t know how to react. Then you have the media who just want to know what is going on so they have a story to report. However, there are the employees who are not trapped who want to know what they can do to help to get their fellow coworkers out and safe. Before communication can even happen, looking at the person and knowing how to communicate to them will be the key. If there is someone who is so distraught and emotionally unstable, like the family members, care must be taken that something is not communicated to them to make it worse. After the information has been given let...
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... Knowing Your Audience Paper and Communication Release Knowing Your Audience Paper and Communication Release On Aug. 5, 2010, a gold and copper mine near the northern city of Copiapó, Chile caved in, trapping 33 miners in a chamber about 2,300 feet below the surface. For 17 days, there was no word on their fate. As the days passed, Chileans grew increasingly skeptical that any of the miners had survived. But when a small bore hole reached the miners’ refuge, they sent up a message telling rescuers they were still alive. From the beginning of this tragic event communication needs to be designed from the bottom up (figuratively). It is important to inform and communicate with the team of rescue workers, medical personnel, technicians and mining experts, journalist, family members and the trapped miners. Taking into consideration there are different roles and different people in the audience, the potential needs of each receiving the information is considerably different. With the team of rescue workers, medical personnel, technicians, and mining experts there is going to be a more direct method of receiving a message. Knowing their job and position direct communication is what they rely on to get the trapped miners out. The trapped miners are also going to need a direct method of receiving information but in a more sensitive way. Letting them know that help is on the way, trying to stay calm, involving them and keeping them motivated to not lose hope. Journalists...
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...Giles In the communication process, it is important that one know the audiences in which they are delivering a message. The main purpose when speaking to a group of people is to persuade, entertain, or inform. In order to communicate effectively, you must know who is in your audience. If you feel as though a certain person of the group is deemed “the leader,” it may help to direct your speech to that person in order for them to persuade or inform the rest of the group later. It is just as important to gain rapport. Showing that you care with your verbal/non verbal skills is always a way to get the attention of a group, especially in the case of the trapped Chilean copper miners. On August 5, 2010 in San Jose, Chile over 30 copper mine workers were trapped underground after two disastrous collapses in the Atacama desert. Families were extremely worried about their loved ones, not knowing if they had survived the disaster, especially with limited food, water, and oxygen for days. It is in question if the Minera San Esteban Primera Copper mine was up to safety codes by the FMC and CTC. Principally because of the large amounts of copper produced and the previous closing of the mine after a fatal accident in March 2007. Families need to know the extremities of the situation and not be lied to as they are already in enough agony. It is important that both families and employees know the action plan being taken. In...
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...After reading the research article that was required for this weeks assignment, “Over 30 Workers Trapped After Chilean Copper Mine Collapse” (Weik, 2010), the article stated that on August 5, 2010, a small San José copper mine operation in northern Chile owned by Minera San Esteban Primera, collapsed leaving 33 workers trapped underground within the Earth’s soil. The article also reported that rescuers where making an effort to locate workers in order to drill a passage way to provide those trapped within the mine food, water and oxygen, nevertheless rescuers were interrupted on Saturday due to a second collapse of the mine. The news article also provided information that prior to the 2010 collapse, there was a fatal accident in January of 2007 which closed the mine, but operations at the mine resumed later that year. The communications with an audience are determined by the people and the different roles with it. Several considerations should be remembered due to the different perceptions or views, cultural or liberal diversity, communication deficiencies or barriers (deaf or blind individuals), along with the type of language used and also the location of the audience. The most important aspect to remember is having an idea of the types of communication styles to use when speaking to an audience. Communication styles give the sender an opportunity to express their inter thoughts while connecting with the audience. The message of the incident to the family should be an eventful...
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...Chilean Miners Josh Van Kampen BCOM/275 August 1, 2011 Written Memo would be most best way to send this communication out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMO Date: August 9, 2010 To: All Minera San Esteban Primera Employees From: Josh Van Kampen, Chief Executive Officer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As of August 5, 2011 there has been a terrible and unfortunate accident in one of our copper mines in San Jose, Chile. The mine suffered a cave-in leaving 33 of our employees trapped inside the cave. Officials and rescue aid workers were notified immediately and working diligently to locate and save the trapped employees. The 33 employees are trapped at a depth of 300 meters. There is no official confirmation on how much food, water or oxygen is with the miners. The rescue mission consists of drilling holes into the caved in rocks, in which will help aid workers to locate the 33 trapped miners. A second cave-in on Saturday suspended aid missions for a several hours. Despite recent questions regarding the safety practices of our mines and organization, we are still adhering to all safety procedures, practices, and protocol set forth by both the FMC (Federation of Chilean Mining Workers and the CTC (Confederation of Copper Workers) and will continue to operate and being a leader...
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...Knowing Your Audience Paper and Communication Release Business Communication & Critical Thinking: BCOM/275 Introduction This paper will review the Chilean Copper Mine Collapse where thirty three miners were entrapped in the mine. I will expound on the multiple facets relative to the audience in terms of their specific needs required for both the miner’s families and the company’s employees. We will take a two prong approach to try to understand this complicated disaster which occurred in Chile. Nonetheless, this warrants that I provide a synopsis of the incident that took place. This particular catastrophe was one of the biggest topics covered by the media in 2010. Unfortunately poor safety conditions and management of the mining companies in Chile attributed to this avoidable mishap. Further, there were several caveats in respect to safety which were raised and ignored by the San Esteban Mining Company. Consequently, the frivolous attitude and impervious mining company management leadership led to the catastrophe. After reviewing the sequence of events that transpired in year’s leading to this accident the issues that surfaced clearly pointed to negligence on the mining company’s part. In addition, this particular mine had been in operation for almost 100 years and its track record for both physical instability and inadequate safety standards had been atrocious. This mine had paid several fines for breaching safety regulations and had also been closed in 2007 and...
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...Checkpoint Protein Article Search Nutrition SCI/241 Professor Zachary Lahlou July 16, 2012 The article I reviewed was “Does Milk Hurt Kids” written by Mary Carmichael for Newsweek magazine in 2006. The article relates to the protein needs of infants or toddlers compared to adults. The author believes that American children are not getting the proper nutrition because so many parents are substituting rice or soy milk which lack needed vitamins. This article was very informative and clearly explained that while soy and rice milk have good benefits for adults it can cause serious health conditions for infants and children. These products lack the proper amount of vitamin D and protein needed for good development. As noted by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), lack of proper vitamins and nutrition can result in rickets (a severe vitamin D deficiency) and kwashiorkor (protein deficiency) which are normally only found in third world countries. The reason why rice and soy milk cause issues for younger children is because their diets do not contain a wide variety of foods and so they lack vitally needed protein and vitamins. Adults eat such a wide variety of foods that substituting rice or soymilk for dairy milk does not typically have any affect on the amount of vitamins and protein consumed. According to Albert Yan, “a pediatric dermatologist at the University of Pennsylvania, babies' skin becomes like "flaky paint"...
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...Chilean Miners Trapped and Rescued Tyrone Norris BCOM/275 February 20, 2012 Velonta Adams Chilean Miners Trapped and Rescued The Chilean miners’ accident was surely a frightening incident for the miners themselves and their families. This incident that occurred raised a great many of questions of whom the Chilean President, Sebastian Pinera was faced to answer. With all things considered, it would have been to his credit to ensure that as many facts as possible be gathered to deliver information about the accident to families and the media. The Chilean miner’s accident was examined from many different perspectives and shed light on the position of the company, Compania Minera San Esteban Primera, as to their concern for the safety of the miners based on the condition of the roof which collapsed. His statement that was communicated to the public was, “The cause of the roof collapse, about 1,100 feet (350 meters) below the surface, is being investigated.” Chile Mine Collapse: Facts about the Amazing Survival Story, by Wynne Parry and Rachael Rettner. This incident was telecast around the world almost as quickly as it happened and some things to remember are how the families and peers of the miners felt during this tragic event. They would be left guessing day to day about the well being of their loved ones and fellow co-workers. The media would have needed to be very delicate in the delivery of this astounding news to the world because it would be also heard by those...
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...Chilean Coal Miners Troy J. Tassin BCO/M 275 April 11, 2013 JOHN K. TROUT III Chilean Coal Miners Today there has been a terrible accident in one of its copper mines of San Jose, Chile, there has been a cave in. There said to be 33 miners trapped 2,050 feet below ground. Officials of rescue party were notified immediately and have started drilling holes to insure the miners would have fresh air, food and water. There was a new communication system put in place and that all the miners were using. It was a positive sign when asked if the miners were okay, they said they are a bit hungry and wanted toothbrushes. The miners know it was going to be a long time before they were to out of the mine. As the days when on, the Minera San Esteban Primera Company has giving up dates of what is going on to the families and the public. The Minera San Esteban Primera Company has sent out thoughts and prayers the families of the coal miners letting them know that they are doing everything they can to save everyone. Minera San Esteban Primera Company will not rest or give up any hope and efforts in locating and saving the 33 miners. • What would be the potential needs of the families of the miners in receiving a message about this incident? What would the family would be knowledge of safety and knowing that there is a plan in place to save the family members. Having support for the grieving families. • What would be the potential needs of the company’s employees when receiving a...
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...Was the miners strike a success for Thatcher ? She called them "the enemy within" and the 1984-85 miners' strike was the most divisive confrontation of Margaret Thatcher's 11 years in power. In a strike that lasted for a year it pitched striking miners against the police, family members and communities against each other and even saw Britain's security services and foreign governments. The strikes resulted in Mrs Thatcher's status as an unrivalled hate figure for British trade unionists and left-wingers.During the strikes people lost their lives: six pickets, four teenagers looking for coal and a taxi driver taking a non-striking miner to work.More than 11,000 arrests were made and more than 8,000 people were charged, mostly for breach of the peace. But one must argue that despite this public unrest the strike did end in a humiliating way for the strikers and was a success for the conservatives and Thatcher. Maggie said she had seen the strike coming since 1974, when the miners had brought down Edward Heath's Conservative government. Therefore in order to combat this she made plans. She had avoided a miners' strike in 1981 by backing down because coal stocks were low. But after her crushing defeat of Michael Foot's Labour Party in the 1983 general election, she knew a strike was inevitable. The strike was over plans by the National Coal Board to close dozens of uneconomic pits and stem financial losses running into billions. But Thatcher had implemented he plans...
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