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Mock Counseling Session Paper

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Counseling Session Mock Client – Barbara
The primary goal of a counselor is to work with clients focusing on intellectual, emotional, biological, psychological, social and behavioral aspect of human functioning across the life span, in varying cultures and at all social and economic levels (Pomerantz, 2013). Those individuals in the helping profession are formal helper, which works with clients to achieve three primary goals, life-enhancement, learning to help ones-self, and develop a prevention mentality (Egan, 2014). These goals are achieved through a variety of techniques, following is a mock session with a mock client, multiple techniques will be used through this narrative and explanation of these techniques will follow the mock session. …show more content…
She comes to the session voluntarily by recommendation from a church friend. She is a bit sloppy in her dress, with wrinkled clothing and hair pulled back with some hanging out. Her affect appears to be down, with head hanging low and shuffling of her feet, she shakes hands with a half smile.
Mock Session
Counselor: Before we begin, I need to let you know about your rights and my ethical obligation. All our conversations will be confidential; the only exception to this rule is if you, a child or elderly person were in danger, than I would have to notify the proper authorities or if information was requested by court order. Do you understand this? Do you have any questions about it? (Ethical Disclosure)
Barbara: Yes, I think I understand. You have to tell someone if I say something homicidal or something like that.
Counselor: Yes, that is right. I would like to welcome you, what brings you in today?
Barbara: Oh dear, there is so much going on.
Counselor: What is going …show more content…
I truly want to get better, but I just follow this cycle and it makes everyone mad at me. That is why I am here right now. My family got mad at me for this dinner at my sisters. She invited everyone so we could take pictures for Christmas cards. You know, they are all perfect so we were supposed to wear all black; I got really stressed out about the outfit. I knew everyone would look nice and here I am with my fat stomach and my witch hair. So I had a drink to calm down. So I guess I had a few drinks, my son came to pick me up and he yelled at me all the way over, by the time we got to the party I was really upset. My sister had a bar, so I got a drink and went to the bathroom with it. My Dad started knocking on the door, the rest is just a blur, I don’t really remember. Everyone wanted to tell me, but I can’t handle hearing what happened. I am sure I was horrible or I broke

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